Friday, 20 April 2012

Two New Great Nieces

Well as promised I have a photo of our new great niece Amelia Grace but as our Family has been blessed another Great niece came along 9 days later (Layla Ann) both sitting on Great Nana’s lap.

Two of Us-002

Layla is asleep and Amelia is the one letting us know she is not amused. My Mother in Law (Nellie) sitting proud in the centre.

I made the above layout in My Memories Suite now for the exciting bit you can also make your blog headers in it not only that but I even made my timeline header for facebook, I’ve added some Timeline sample below to show you what you can do with the software.

This one is what I’m using on facebook at the moment

Timeline FB-001

I had another play and come up with this one.

Timeline FB-002

Then continued playing and made this one.


So versatile as you can custom the size you need so making blog headers or timeline headers is easy.

You can still use my code to get a discount on the Software.

I have a discount code to get $10 off the software

My code is STMMMS48868 Enter the code on the shopping cart page At My Memories Suite


Jak Signature


ursula said...

Jak this is just brill, your Mum-in-law looks ever so proud, the layout is lovely. Your ideas astound me, where on earth do you find the time to do all this, can I please borrow some !!!! Luv Ursula XXX

Colleen said...

your layout is lovely and the little ones are just adorable

Tammy said...

Ahh, how sweet! God bless them!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely family picture Great Nanna and the babes make.
I love your banners...
Love ~ Lady Anne xx

Joyce said...

Gorgeous, gorgeous, GORGEOUS!!
Lovely Jak ... what a fabulous photo and your lay-out is perfect! xx

Mad Mary said...

Great picture of the two lovely wee girls with your MIL. Love your page too.

Mary xx

Evethmoon Crafty Creations said...

Hi, I am new here and found your blog by chance. God bless the two beautiful bundle of joy on your mother in laws lap. I also want to tell you that I love all your wonderful layouts. I am now your newest follower, Please feel free to visit and follow my blog. Hugs and God bless!

My'scardcorner said...

Just lovely and great pic of MIL and neices.

Ita said...

Wow jok a lovely page and fab photos ,i is nice to hear good news congrats to all

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous layouts and the little ones are beautiful!

Hugs, Lori m

Renee B. said...

lovely picture & lovely layout!!

sallysbitz2 said...

This seems a great piece of software.
You promote it so well Jak.

Now I have a new laptop I may purchase it x

hugs sally x

Lynne said...

What a lovely photo, Jak.
Lovely presentation. x0

Anonymous said...

lovely photo babies are gorgeous
and the layout is stunning.
chrisa x