Friday, 20 April 2012

My Memories Suite Blog Candy Winner

Sorry that this is a weeny bit late but as I had a blog hop yesterday I had to hold this off until today.

most of you that follow my blog will know how much I love the My Memories Suite software, I do have other digital scrapbooking software but to be honest it is this one that I reach for every time.

The winner of the My Memories Suite V3 is.

Sheika Linda

Congratulations Linda if you can send me an email headed My Memories Suit winner I will get your prize sorted out for you.

Big thank you to all that entered into the blog candy.

Jak Signature


Colleen said...

Congratulations Linda on the win

Anonymous said...

From one Linda to another Linda.....congrats on your win....

mumof2 said...

Congrats to Linda!

Linda said...

So chuffed. Having been thinking about getting this for ages, now I can.

Maryann Laursen said...

CONGRATULATIONS Linda, I´m sure, you´ll get lots of fun with this.

hollis58 said...

well done Linda - enjoy x

Tine said...

Congrats, Linda.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, enjoy playing with your prize!

Mol x