Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Serif Craft Artist Winner & Mo’s Blog Hop Winner

First up we have a winner for the Serif Craft Artist I got my hubby to pick out a number for us.


So this is the winner for this amazing 5 discs Platinum Edition

245 Christine Craig

Drop me and email marked Serif Craft Artist winner with your address and I’ll pop it in the post for you


The next winner is from the Dream Team blog hop and you win a $5 gift voucher from Mo Manning's Shop


Blogger Jennibee's Cardspot said...

Wow, terrific card, love the colours you used and that is an amazing tutorial thanks
Love Jenni xx

Jenni if you could drop me an email marked Mo’s Blog Hop Winner I will sort out your Gift Voucher for you.

Jak Signature


Mary Roberson said...

Congrats Ladies, enjoy playing with your goodies!

Georgiegirl2012 said...

Well done to the winners x

My'scardcorner said...

well done Jennie and christine enjoy your winnings.

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
thank you for the chance sweetie
congrats to both winners
enjoy ladies
hugs angelique

Val said...

Hi all, congratulations you lucky ladies, enjoy your wins.
x Val

Tine said...

Congrats on your win, girls.
Tine :)

Sheila - Ginger said...

Congratulations ladies, enjoy your prizes and many thanks Jak for offering them.

Love Sheila xx

ursula said...

Thanks Jak for the chance, well done ladies, enjoy them!!!!! Luv Ursula xxx

Christine said...

OMG Jak I cant believe I won this amazing prize bless you sweetie..off to email you NOW..

smiles Christine x

hollis58 said...

Well done winners - great prizes x

Lori m said...

Congratulations to Christine and Jenni, enjoy, they look like a lot of fun.

Hugs, Lori m

Tammy said...

Absolutely fabulous Jak! Love your color combo and coloring!

Jennibee's Cardspot said...

Thanks a lot everyone, I am really excited to get more of Mo's images, I love her work, most of her stuff makes me smile
Thanks Jak for the opportunity
Love Jenni xx