Sunday 4 September 2011

Halloween Poems for kids

I have a little trick….. no sorry, it’s a treat for you all.

A very talented gentleman asked if he could write some Halloween poems for you all for your cards and boy are they good.

I’m going to post one after each of my cards over the next few days, here is the first

Cruel Switch

Once upon a time, there was an old witch,

Her magical broom had a cruel switch.

All the kids knew, haunted was her house,

Those that entered, never returned, not even a mouse.


One foggy night, Jill met Thea and Fred,

These very curious kids, snuck out of bed.

They knew the witch lived, up on that hill,

A quick glance of her house, gave them the chill.


They slowly approached, with plenty of fright,

Saw owls and bats, above them in flight.

In her front yard, they saw a few stones,

Next to these stones, scattered were bones.


Fred trembled in fear, gently he knocked,

The door opened itself, they were all shocked.

She smiled and laughed, the children she greeted,

Asked if they’re hungry, they were told to be seated.


She laughed once again, said her night is now rich,

Picked up her broom and pressed the cruel switch.

What happened next was much more than foul,

Turned Thea and Jill into bats, and Fred became an owl.

by Martin Dejnicki 2011

You can see more of Martins‘s poems at the link below

Halloween poems for kids


Trina said...

What a cute poem! This would be awesome on some bookmarks!

Candy said...

Oh! Please thank Martin for this great poem :o)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing Martin's cute poem. Hugs, Lori m

Maryann Laursen said...

Thanks soo much to Martin for writing this and to you for sharing it here with us. It´s a really great poem, and I just love it. Really great work to one awesome artist.

Maryann Laursen said...

Thanks soo much to Martin for writing this and to you for sharing it here with us. It´s a really great poem, and I just love it. Really great work to one awesome artist.

Martin said...

Thank you everyone for your encouraging comments. Your positive comments have inspired me to write more poems and put more of myself into them.

For that I am truly grateful.


Mad Mary said...

Thank You for the wonderful poem too and lovely to hear back from Martin. It's nice to know that our feedback has encouraged him to do more.

Mary xx

Cheryl W. said...

I love Martin's poems and plan to read them to my grandchildren when it's a little closer to Halloween. I did add a "moral of the story" verse to this poem that says: The moral, you see, is simple and clear.
Don’t visit a witch, pay heed to your fear.
For witches will turn you into things you dislike,
Like bats and rats and owls of the night.
Hope Martin doesn't mind my addition!

Martin said...

Cheryl, the "moral of the story" is perfect. Thanks for sharing.

Short Poems said...

beautifully written poem, love it:)