Sunday, 5 June 2011

Going to the Chapel and We’re

Ok so now and again  have to let Chris get some glory on my blog and to be fair I think he deserves some credit as not only is his models amazing but as of today he has been off the cigarettes for 24 days so I think even without the models he deserves a round of applause.

His project this time was a Church which is very apt considering that our daughter will be wed on Saturday 11th June, so without further ado the first 4 images are the Church in the making.

All the images are clickable so that you can get a better look at them and all are to the scale

4mm to the foot or 00 scale and he gets the model sheets from Scalescenes here

church1 church2

church3 church4

The next four images are of the finished model and once again he has worked his magic and added lights inside the Church to light up the stained glass windows.





Please leave Chris some love in way of a comment and he does read them all.

Jak Signature


Anonymous said...

AMAZING! Honestly...
I don't even know what to say.

Great job Chris!

Lisa Jane said...

oh wow - its beautiful
Lisa x

She said...

WOW - this is awesome and such a work of love


Unknown said...

WOW thats sooooo amazing, its beautiful. A huge well done on your 24 days of not smoking too, tomorrow it will be 9 weeks for me :D

Kate xxx

Sue said...

This is just fantastic Chris,I have never seen anything like it.It is beautiful when lit too.
Sue x

Unknown said...

This is amazing!!!

wendy phipps said...

wow chris this is amazing as are all the others you must have some patience to do this xx

Ann said...

Astounding!! Your models are absolutely beautiful and so full of detail. They are works of art and you deserve a medal as well as a hug!
Ann xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Well done Chris - it looks fantastic - I love the effects with the lights in the windows.....just think of all the model sheets you can buy with the money you save on cigarettes - 24 days is great - keep going!

gwencherney said...

amazing! it looks so intricate and I love the lights in it. Well done.

Val said...

It is beautiful Chris, what a clever man, and what a clever lady your wife is marrying you. Two clever people together. Congratulations on the cigs front, I can relate to that, well done. The church is absolutely devine. Well done.
Best wishes Val

Judi said...

WOW! Chris, this is AMAZING! You really are talented!


Myrna said...

Congratulatons Chris on the no smoking. That is a hard habit to get rid of but once it's gone you will be very happy.
Second, that is an awesome church.

Les said...

Many congrats on the beautiful church. Are you getting nervous for the big day? My dad was terrified. That was 40 years ago and he doesn't remember a thing. Enjoy the day. Xxxxxxx

Sheila - Ginger said...

WOW! Such a talented man...this is wonderful. Many congrats on the 24 days without the dreaded ciggies Chris...I so wish I could go even 1 day without one! Keep up the good work with your stunning models and stopping smoking.

Love Sheila xx

Barbara said...

Beautiful! A wonderful keepsake for your daughters big day. Barbara.

Mary Roberson said...

Your talent is amazing! They look very realistic, especially with the lighting inside. Proud of you for quitting cigs because it isn't easy.

Anita said...

Stunning! Congrats on getting off the cigarettes.

Colleen said...

You get a Big standing applause on this end. That is Absolutely Awesome!
Super Job.

Nedlnut said...

Wow! This is beautiful!
Pam (nedlnut)

Dawn said...

WTG Chris, not only on your Awesome models but on the smoking cessation too! If you've lasted this long you've nailed it my friend! Congratulations!
Big Hugs To Both!
Dawn xxx

Dawn said...

WTG Chris, not only on your Awesome models but on the smoking cessation too! If you've lasted this long you've nailed it my friend! Congratulations!
Big Hugs To Both!
Dawn xxx

CraftyGals Blog said...

Wow wow wow this is stunning

lady Anne Howard said...

Chris your work is amazing, thank you so much for showing it to us. What a very clever chappy you are...
Love ~ Lady Anne xx

Amanda said...

How lovely, such attention to detail, what do you do with the finished models? Are they for a layout?

ps well done on your 2 dozen days!!!


Lucianna Dilsaver said...

That is beautiful, really amazing detailed work!!

Mad Mary said...

Absolutely fantastic work Chris. I love being able to click on the images to see them closer. All the picture are fab but the last 2 with the lights on inside really sets it off beautifully.
Well done you clever man!

Mary xx

Linda said...

Chris my husband is a woodcarver and I had to show him your projects-he admires your patience.

Aunty Sue said...

oh wow this is amazing and you are so talented hope you are proud of yourself as you shouldbe.

pqueenie said...

Your church is absolutely facinating. Your attention to details is wonderful. Great job!!

christine said...

very talented fellow
well done with the no smoking

PatsyB said...

I am amazed at what kind of talent and patience it must take to create something this gorgeous! All while still shaking from wanting a cigarette!!! Wow! Nerves of steel. When I quit, I was a complete "B___ch" for weeks!! Not even the dog would stay around me!! Be very proud of yourself! I read that cigarettes are a harder addiction to kick than heroin!! Hooray for Chris!!

Anonymous said...

Your models are amazing Chris, I don't know how big the church is I don't know what oo means? But it must have taken a lot of patience and effort. I love the lighting, it makes it look so real, well done. Keep up the good work with the ciggys Chris, I did it so you certainly can, well done!!

heidy said...

Wow Chris this is awesome!
Hugs Heidy

Peggy Maier said...

Chris, your model is truly amazing. You have a wonderful talent. Hope we get to see more of your creations. (Congrats too, on quitting smoking! What a wonderful gift for your family!!!)

Maryann Laursen said...

WAUW this is just gorgeous. I just showed my hubby here and he was also amazed by the beauty in this project.
Really awesome work, we´re both really impressed by the awesome talent you have for these things.
Please let us see a lot more of this.

Elaine M said...

Incredible talent!!! What treasures these are!

Unknown said...

wow - this is really clever - must have lots of patience... Well done on keeping off the ciggies too.

Hope all goes well on Saturday Jak. will be looking out for the piccies on here the week or so after.

Paula x x x

p.s. don't tell Chris how good he is in case it goes to his head (he's a man and it doesn't take much!)

xx xx

Anonymous said...

Wow, this must have taken a great deal of time and patience. Its amazing ......not smoking for 24 days is even more amazing keep up the good work.

Karin F. said...

fantastic Chris! I work in 1:12 & as small as 1:24 so I stand in awe of anyone who works in even smaller scale.
hugs K

Craig said...


Another Masterpiece!

Your models inspire me into making my own for my layout, fantastic!

Can't wait to see your next one!

craftypoll said...

WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!! it is amazing well done Chris

Merry said...

This is so must have lots of how the windows light up. Well done on the hard work of giving up smoking. Keep on going.

Kim160 said...

Absolutely fantastic. What an incredible job you have done with this castle. Amazing!!!

Teepee said...

Bravo, Chris...well done on both accounts: the church and quitting smoking. I love your scenes. They are works of art. And I know Jak will enjoy having you around for a long time since you quit smoking.

Cheryl W. said...

This church is just amazing! My husband is near retirement and needs a hobby. Would Chris come to America and teach my husband how to do this????

sallysbitz2 said...

Your hubby is so talented. The church is stunning & so much detail x

hugs sally x

online clothing store said...

Your creation is too good.The image of the church looks very nice which give the great effect in look which touches my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Oh my! That is just incredible - well done Chris! What are they made of Jak - and what does he do with them once finished? Viv xx

Dawn Frost said...

Totally amazing Chris not only your fantastic model but no cigarettes for 24 days!! Keep up the great work, I love seeing your models.

Unknown said...

That is absolutely amazing !! Way to go Chris !!

Amanda said...

I love this church, such a clever builder. Thank you for the link off to buy the terraced houses lol.
Congrats on giving up the cigarettes.

Candy said...

Congratulations Chris on 24 days without lighting up!
Congratulations to both you and Jak on the marriage of your daughter this Saturday!
NOW to the church - OMGoodness!!!!
The details are amazing. What AWESOME work you have done. I can even see the hymns on the board, and other wonderful wee details.
Absolutely LOVE the whole thing - but the stained glass windows and lights are most beautiful. Have no idea how you make your models? The time involved must be huge.
It really looks like stone with slate roof and all. AMAZiNG!!!
Candy from Canada

Whimcees said...


This is so wonderful! I am so impressed by this man's talent in creating his miniatures! I love his work!

Wishing you both a happy day today! Thank you for sharing!


Barbara Diane

Whimcees said...


This is so wonderful! I am so impressed by this man's talent in creating his miniatures! I love his work!

Wishing you both a happy day today! Thank you for sharing!


Barbara Diane

Kaz said...

WOW... So much talant under one roof!
Your church looks amazing & the lights are a beautiful touch. Congrats on quitting smoking....stay strong!
Kaz x

Lorraine said...

oh have done an awesome job....

Lynne Phelps said...

Tell Chris this church is fantastic, and I always love to see his projects! Awesome about quitting smoking as well, I sure wish him luck with that. I could not believe how much better everything tasted and smelled after I quit smoking, some 15 years ago now