Saturday, 11 June 2011

Free Background Sheets - Buttercup Range

Well today is the day and to celebrate the wedding of my daughter Lauren nad her partner Stuart I thought I would share some summer love in way of free background sheets.

Please abide by my Terms of Use.
You are free to use my sheets for personal use but please do not share, alter, claim them as your own or sell them, instead link back to my blog for people to download them.They are copyright protected.
Just click on the images and this will bring them to full size on your screen then save it to your computer.The sheets will print to a normal size A5 sheet, once saved to your computer double click on the file then from the top menu on your computer click, file then print this will then print out the Image


Buttercup Plaid

Buttercup leaf

Lime Twist

I will try to get on with some Wedding Photo's as soon as possible


Barbara said...

Thank you so much for the pretty paper.

Barbara H.

Darlene said...

Thanks for sharing,lovely papers


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for your neat freebies...


Candy said...

Many thanks for your beautiful papers from today and the day before yesterday.
You are always so generous!
Hugs, Candy

Ear plugs said...

These all are very great background sheets.I like its color combinations the most and the designs with the Lime Twist,Butter leaf and Buttercup looks so great.

heidy said...

Hi Jak,what a gorgeous papers!
Oh I do hope this will be a great day to you all,and hope the weather is good!
Congrats to your dougther
Big hugs Heidy

lady Anne Howard said...

Thank you once again Jak for your generosity, I love them.
Thinking of you all today and I hope your day will be perfect for you all. Congratulations to the Bride and Groom, may they have many years of happiness together.
Love ~ Lady Anne xx

ursula Uphof said...

Thanks Jak for the lovely papers. Such summery colours, which we need here now. Hope your day is just perfect. Warm wishes to all from South Africa.

Elaine M said...

Uuuuuuuu what lovely papers!! Great colors. Thx so much

Maryann Laursen said...

CONGRATULATIONS with thebig day to both you and your daughter and son in law.Hope you´ll all have a day to remember forever.
Thanks sooo very much for these gorgeous papers here.

Pamela said...

Beautiful papers Jak, thank you.

Pam x

Dawn said...

Thanks Jak, these are great!
Fingers crossed all goes well for the wedding today!

Debbie said...

Many thanks for the papers, they are so fresh looking.
Best wishes to Lauren and Stuart for the future. I hope you all have a fab day. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the lovely papers. Have a wonderful day. Hope it is very special. Just like your card. How do you do it.


Hi Jak
Thankyou for the gorgeous paper's and Congratulations to your daughter and son in law on there Big Day,
Hugs Dianne xx

the crafty duck said...

Hi Jak thank you for these gorgeous papers, congratulations to the happy couple, have a lovely day together, lots of love Steph

KayBeScraps said...

wonderful Backgrounds.. Thank you..
Hugs, Katrin

Mad Mary said...

Thank you so much for these Jak, i hope you all have a fantastic day at the wedding and that the weather stays lovely for you.

Mary xx

BarbaraG said...

Another gorgeous set, thank you so much
love Barbara x

babette said...

merci pour vos magnifiques papiers

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
thank you so much for the papers
there so lovely
have a marvelous wedding day of your daughter and suninlay
congrats sweetie to all the familie
hugs angelique

Lisa Jane said...

Cant wait to see the pics - have a wonderful day
Thanks for the papers
Lisa x

Zosia said...

Such pretty papers which could be used for teenagers (as we know they can be as difficult as men to have the right type of patterns. Thank you so much for these papers.

Beryl said...

Thank you so much Jak. They are beautiful. I hope you all have a wonderful day - my best wishes to the happy couple.
Beryl xx

Anonymous said...

These are so pretty Jak, thank you. Congratulations to your daughter and son-in-law! I hope you have a lovely day and manage to escape the showers! Viv xx

Georgiegirl2012 said...

Thank you for more loveliness xx

Sheila - Ginger said...

These are just so pretty Jak, many thanks again.
I hope today will be very special and beautiful....enjoy! Looking forward to seeing the photos when you fet chance.

Love Sheila xx

Gina said...

Thank you Jaks, t6hese will go perfectly with my fav Buttercup Fairy stamp :D XXX

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jak!
Look forward to seeing the photos .. hope you have a lovely day.

My'scardcorner said...

Such pretty sheets Jak TFS I used one of your poppy ones from the other day on a card :0) Enjoy your daughters wedding.

Tine said...

Thank you, Jak. Lovely papers.
Tine :)

Jacqueline Baylis said...

thank you so much for ALL the backing papers you give us, they come in so handy where I am. Have a great day all of you.xx

♥ Yolanda ♥ said...

Congratulations to the newly weds. May their lives be filled with happiness and joy!
I hope you all are having a day to remember.
Thanks for all the sweet papers you give so generous and freely.
Hugs Yolanda

Elaine Stark said...

Thank you, Have a wonderful day. Elaine

Anonymous said...

Thanks again Jak, Beautiful papersI have just the thing to go with them.Carole

Val said...

As usual Jak, beautiful. Hope you are enjoying the day.

Anonymous said...

Thank you muchly Jak for these lovely bright papers.

Hope you are having as ball today.

Mary Mac

Anonymous said...


In the previous comment I meant to say "having a ball today" Sorry.

Mary Mac

Colleen said...

thanks Jak, always love your background papers.
hope all went well on the big day


KathyB said...

You are so generous, Jak! These are beautiful for cards. KathyB

Crissie said...

A quick thank you for the lovely co-ordinating papers.

Dawn Frost said...

Fantastic papers Jak thanks so much for sharing both the papers and your daughters wedding with us.

Michelle Quinno said...

Thank you for these pretty papers!

a Seeker of the TRUTH said...

You are very kind to share these beautiful papers. Thank you


Gina said...

thank you for the lovely papers.
Gina x