Friday, 29 April 2011

Today’s the Day–William and Kate

So set your TV recordings and enjoy the Royal Wedding of Prince William to Kate, I’m eagerly watching to see Kate's dress and no doubt it will be as beautiful and elegant as Kate is herself.

I’ve heard all of the arguments on how much this wedding will cost the UK but just ask yourselves this…… How much will it cost for another Bank Holiday? yet I bet very few of those arguing the cost of the Wedding will refuse the extra day off work.

I for one like our Royals and think they do our country a lot of good, I know first hand that many of my friends in overseas countries are excited to watch this wedding.

Such expectations of a future king and don’t they just make a gorgeous looking couple.

As of yesterday I now have my own Mother of the Bride outfit ready for my own daughters wedding and I even found a hat that doesn’t make me look like Freddy Parrot Face.

Who ever and where ever you are enjoy this Royal Wedding day.

Jak Signature


Unknown said...

I'm looking forward to seeing the dress, and to those who complain about how much it all costs, just look at all the visitors how much income is it bringing in to the country and we all need something to make us smile and celebrate


Debs said...

Well said Jak - I shall enjoy every moment!
{{Debs}} xx

Elizabeth said...

Jak - Ready here in IL, USA watching The Today Show coverage and enjoying so far. Love the creative hats.
Enjoy !!

Deirdre said...

Enjoy the day - off to turn on the TV now.

Jeni said...

I DVRed it so I can watch the whole thing this weekend. ~jeni :)

Sheila - Ginger said...

Oh how I enjoyed the wedding...and Kate's dress wa stunningly elegant!! What a wonderful couple they are....just a perfect day.

Love Sheila xx

sallysbitz2 said...

Here, here Jak, I 2nd that x

hugs sally x

Anniebee said...

I stayed up all night and watched it. I'm in Fort Worth, Texas and the broadcast started at 4AM here. I love this young couple! Kate looked so elegant and beautiful and William (Harry too!) looked so debonair. It was definitely a wedding fairy tales are made of. I loved the Bishop of London's sermon. He is so eloquent and has such a lovely speaking voice. The choir sang beautifully as well and their voices brought tears to my eyes. The whole affair has me wanting to move to England!

Enjoy your daughter's wedding, Jak. Best wishes to her and her hubby-to-be!

Mad Mary said...

What a great couple they are, the wedding was lovely and her dress amazing. Loved seeing them in the car together, such a nice touch.

Mary x

Lori m said...

US here and I thought the Wedding was beautiful, stunning bride, but most of all, they looked so happy together a true love story.

:) Lori m

Anonymous said...

No bank holidays up here in Shetland, its our folk music festival this weekend so everywhere is seriously busy & full of visiting folk & artists.

Fair Isle is no exception, we have 3 bands sailing in to put on a big spree in our hall tonight, up at 6am to start the cooking !

Spent yesterday sailing and getting the veg garden going & sitting in the sun with my watercolour pencils working on some JustInklined images, was total bliss & not a tv or radio in sight.


ThePurplePlace said...

I was up bright and early to watch the wedding and it was well worth getting up.

Kate is gorgeous and I think she looked fabulous in her wonderful dress -- perfect for her!!

I can still remember watching Princess Di's Wedding and it truly was a bittersweet day without her there, but I do believe she was watching over and I'm sure she would be so proud of her wonderful son!!


Mary Roberson said...

I didn't even think about the cost, just thought that his family would cover it, but then I suppose that means the UK people. Not really unlike our government (USA) that passes on government expenses to us taxpayers. At any rate, it brought a tear to my eye and I couldn't help but think of his mum:)

How to lose weight fast said...

Such a Royal Wedding it was.and i also like to read the whole description about it.Nice sharing it is.

Sharon said...

My Mom's side of the family is from Britain, so of course we're huge fans, only really of Kate and William. Took a day's leave to sit and watch in front of the telly and we were definitely not disappointed. A fabulous wedding and a glorious dress. Nice to see a couple in love committing themselves to one another. hugs Sharon