Sunday, 31 October 2010

Men singing bad romance by lady gaga

For all those in need of a giggle today this definately has a feel good factor.


Margreet said...

this is mighty good......that they can do it without laughing....because I did!
xxx Margreet

Ali said...

Brilliant - thank you for that - I wonder if we will end up seeing british blokes doing something similar on Britains Got Talent???

Unknown said...

lol, class. Thanks for sharing xx

Anonymous said...

Just brilliant Jak.
Certainly brought a smile to my face.

Sian xx

tracy said...

oh wow thats soo funny but good as well

Jean said...

Better than any of the groups on X Factor!!....... and definitely more entertaining.

Daisychain said...

Brilliant, certainly made me giggle. Thanks for that Jak!

Lorraine said...

ROFL ROFL Thankyou so much jack i can't stop laughing this is so funny thanks for sharing this video with us xx

G Peplow said...

Brilliant:0) xxx

Anonymous said...

Loved it,smile on my face all the way through!

Mette said...

Absolutely fabulous. Thank you so much for sharing and making me smile.

Hugs, mette

Loz said...

OMGosh! They're awesome! I love their moves! Thanks for sharing Jak ♥

Yvonne Randall said...

Wonderful. They'll be on the X Factor next year.

Jeni said...

Thanks Jak! My whole family got a kick out of this. Too funny! ~jeni :)

Julye said...

What a great way to start a monday off, showed my 16 yr old son and he was so impressed he shared it on his facebook page and said they ought to go on britains got talent, don't think he realised they are probably from the US.

Ms. Jen said...

So adorable! Anything with dogs and I'm lovin it. Very cool how you popped the puppy too! Makes him look like he's runnin off the card.

Unknown said...

I just like this it was very funny to see man do this very good

Eileen said...

Oh this is just fantastic. Brilliantly done and brought quite a few smiles to my face I can tell you. Well done to them all they are as I said Fantastic. Eileen x

Kelley said...

Jak, this group is the University of Oregon's male a caplla group 'On the Rocks.' They have several videos on you tube. Due to it being a bunch of college guys, the group does change, but not the enjoyment they give. My only wish, they were from Oregon State University! Thanks for posting it, now I need to see if they have any new songs posted.

Christine said...

PMSL.....they were awesome though x

XxJULESxX said...

he he!!! Thanks loved it!

Cazro said...

Thanks so much this has become a daily injection of smiles for me. I and my OH love this.

Lydia said...

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