Friday 26 February 2010

Flippin Marvelous Blog Candy - Now Closed

I'm giving 1 lucky winner the full range of Flippin' Men stamps and also a full set of the next Flippin' stamp range by La Pashe to be launched so a total of 16 stamp sets at a value of £160 no alternatives to the prize will be given.
I have added the images of the stamp sets in the Flippin' Men but I have to keep the next sets a secret just a little longer.
I would like you to tell me what your favourite colouring medium is to colour stamped images by leaving me a comment and linking the blog candy on your blog/website, don't forget to add your name to Mr Linky to be in for a chance to win.
Please play fair, you may only enter your name once.
Closing date is 31st March 2010 and the winner will be announced 1st April 2010 (April Fools Day)

Please add your name to Mr Linky and then your comment I will make the draw from the names on the Mr Linky but you must leave a comment to be in the draw.
This Blog Candy is NOW CLOSED


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Anonymous said...

Hi Jak, fantastic candy!!! Thanks sooo much for the chance to win!!
I use watercolour pencils to colour stamped images as not very good at it. (I wish I was)

Thanks again for doing this.

Jackie P xxx

Jilli said...

My favourite medium ... or should i say the one i have the best results with is old fashioned, cheap as chips normal pencil crayons, odourless white spirit and blending stumps.

What a fantabulous lot of candy you're offering and extremely generous too. I love the range of stamps. No excuse for not making male cards if you have these in your stash. Gonna be keeping everything crossed. Hugs Jillix

Marjie said...

Hi Jak....WOW...great candy..thanks for chance to win it...I
My favourites have just got to be Copics...I just lurvvv them!!!


Nicola said...

Hi Jak,

I loved all the decoupage sheets and what fun it will be to colour this fabulous range of stamps with Copics, thanks for the chance to win.
Nicola -x-

My'scardcorner said...

BRILLIANT bog candy Jak. I usualy only use water colouring pencils.

Greta said...

Fabulous candy Jak. Thanks for the chance to win it. I use watercolours - not very good at it but practising all the time lol x

Amanda said...

What generous candy Jak.
I love rubber stamping and have tried most mediums over the years.
However, I discovered Letraset ProMarkers about 6 months ago and I'm now totally hooked!
Amanda ~AJ~

Lynne K said...

Wow! Fantastic candy - very generous. Thanks for the chance to win.

My current favourite colouring method is to use Promarkers. But watercolour pencils come a close second. Depends on the style of picture, or what mood I'm in, as to which I use!

mckinkle said...

Fantastic candy Jak, great for all of those 'difficult' miens cards!
Look forward to seeing your next release too!

My fav is PM's closing followed by watercolour pencils, just as Lynn above says, it really depends on what look Im after.

Good luck everyone!

Keryn x

fionalawlor said...

Wow what great candy! My favourite method of colouring has deffinatly got to be ProMarkers, i discovered them by accident about a year ago when i was looking for the right colour marker to colour in my forever friends bears! At the time i was a bit shocked at the price but i used that first one marker that i bought and saw what a great colour it was and how well it worked , it wasn't long before i was back to the shop to buy more lol i think i have about 30 now but i need them all lol
thanks for the opportunity to enter,
fiona x

Nannieflash said...

Hi Jak, my favourite medium at the moment is copic pens, but I also like to use polychromo pencils. Thank you for the chance to win your candy, I do love the decoupage sheets so these will be an added bonus. With love and hugs Shirleyxxx

Cally said...

Hi jak.. fantastic candy. I have discovered promarkers but I like to use patterned paper for my stamping..



Christine said...

Hi Jak my all time fav colouring medium is Prisma pencils..but do dabble but need a lot more practise with Copics/markers thanks so much for the chance to win this awesome candy..

Hugs Christine xx

Lisa Jane said...

wow what fab candy! Thanks for giving me the chance to win. My favourite colouring medium at the moment is water colour pencils.Am still learning - and am enjoying the journey.
Have added your candy to my sidebar
Lisa ;)

Polly Pierce said...

Thanks for such a great opportunity to win such fantastic candy! I love the Flippin' range of stamps. I'd probably colour them using my current favourite which is Pro-markers, though I tend to jump from one favourite to another with alarming regularity!

Kaz said...

hi thanks for this, I have to say my fav is watercolour pencils but depends what my project is, thanks for the chance to win!! all the best kazxx

angelwhispers said...

I can't beleive this giveaway Jak!! It's amazing!!! Just love the flippin decoupage and love all the new stamps and the A4 size in the decoupage is a must have!! Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous giveaway!! My favourite is copic's just love them xx Have a great weekend Jak hope you will be having a well deserved rest Love Chanelle xx

Julie said...

Hi Jak
What a marvellous candy. My favourite colouring medium at the moment is promarkers as Ive just bought some. I have coloured with Primsa pencils in the past. Thanks for the chance at winning this lovely candy. Julie x

Linda . J said...

Hi Jak wow what a fantastic candy and thank you for this chance, my favourite medium is Copic, just love them.
Hugs Linda

debb said...

Wonderful candy- and I do hope I win!!! I am so in love with those Flippin' Men!!!! Thank you for the fab offer. Love your blog- thank you for all the inspiration!

CarriesCraftWorld said...

wow what fab candy your giving favourite medium is copics...because i ve just spent a small fortune on buying my first ones yesterday. carrie xx

Unknown said...

Thanks for the chance to win this amazing candy!

My favourite colouring medium is ProMarkers, but I also dabble with watercolours & koh-i-noor pencils.

Have put a link on my blog


Jan x

Tracy said...

Hi Jak what flippin great candy and I've popped it on my blog. The medium I use is Distress inks and H20's, not always the easiest medium to use but I like the effect. Thanks for a chance to win, they look like fab stamps and remind me of my dad.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

Nicola said...

Oh my Word! Thanks Jak for the opportunity to enter!
Hmmmm, now which one shall i say!

A while ago I'd have sworn by watercolour pens, now its a toss up between promarkers and watercolour pencils!

I think its gonna be watercolour pencils, i've been using Derwent pencils for samples and are just gorgeous to use!!.
Love Nicola.xx

Unknown said...

Hi Jak - since discovering Promarkers, I have to say that they are rather flattering to my efforts so these are my new favourites. However, I used to like watercolouring - either pencils or paints.

Thanks for the chance to win the super candy - I just love the Flippin' range and the stamps - well, what more can one say?? I caught your shows on C&C and had so much fun watching you.

Paula x x x

Ukka said...

Your candy just awesome! Thanks and thanks for the chance to win!
Linked candy on my sidebar.My favourites have just got to be watercolour pens.
Greetings from Russia,

Shelly said...

Thanks Jak for the opportunity to win this great blog candy! Love your work! I love Copics Sketch. It's my favorite choice for coloring :-)

Tertia said...

Wow! What amazing candy! So glad they are now available as stamps too.

Elaine Stark said...

Fantastic candy. I love to colour my stamped images with Copic and Promarkers. Thanks for the chance win. Elaine

Annie said...

Really fab candy you are offering. I prefer to watercolour my images with paints or watercolour pencils. Thanks for the chance to win.
A x

Maryann Laursen said...

Oh my what a dream, it would be to win this set, but again not a chance, when we don´t have our own blog. A real shame, as we´re unfortunately not all as great to find out about this blogworld.
But I still really enjoy to follow your blog and all the great ideas, you´re sharing, but it would still be nice, if the rest of us also sometimes, would get a chance . Well have a great week-end anyway and I´ll look forward to see what comes next, and then buy my own stamps again.LOL
Biiig hugs Maryann

Janette said...

Oh wow,this is amazing candy,I have always used watercolour pencils,but have just been sent my first set of Promarkers and must say they are fantastic,but I also use Sukura stardust pens to....just love to colour basically..x

Lorraine said...

wow wow wow what amazing candy the winner will be so lucky and so excited thankyou for the chance of winning this massive candy.
i love to use my promarkers on my images best xx

kathleen said...

What great candy Jak.I lov la pashe images.My favourite colouring medium has to be Promarkers.
Kathleen x

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

Flippin blog candy is awesome!!! I've linked you up on my left side bar. I love to color with copics, but I only have 3, so my main way of coloring is prismacolor pencils. I really do love watercoloring with inkpads too though.

Scrap Jaci said...

Thank you for the chance to win. I think the flippin' stamps are extremely cute. I enjoy water coloring for soft/vintage images and colored pencils & gamasol for stronger colors. Posted a link on my sidebar. Thanks again :)

Unknown said...

Hi jak, faboulous blog candy, my favourite colouring medium is Prisma pensils & sansador. I am getting better at my colouring in.

Marian said...

Hi...I LOVE your site! Since I found it I am here daily.
I am not a big "colorer", but I've tried my hand at prisma pencils and a bit of watercolor. I'd LOVE to try copics, but far too expensive. I do more with embossing (Cuttlebug & heat) and have just purchased a Cricut, so I'm having a blast!
I don't have a blog, so I can't add it, but I wanted to comment anyway. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak, wow i love the flippin stamps , i so need them,
My favorite way of colouring the stamped images now is pro markers , i just love them and with the shading being so easy to do i can get a good result every time , i used to like to use watercolour pencils , but i think myself i love the promarkers so much better now , so its these for me from now on
carol xx

Anne said...

Hi Jak, thanks for the chance to take part in this generous candy. My fav colouring medium is using Tombow and Marvy pens as watercolours. Hugs xx

Susan said...

Hi Jak. I use ordinary colouring pencils to colour my images. Susan

Diane said...

Oh quite difficult to pick just one medium...but if pushed.... if I'm only allowed one.... I would have to pick watercolouring with brush markers/pens.
Thanks for the chance to win some amazing stamps, keep up the good work with your fantastic blog!!
Best wishes, Diane

Unknown said...

Hi Jak
Fantastic candy,
I would use a lot of different techniques but since it is only one and this is hard I will say
promarkers, they are great for skin colouring.
Christine x

Anonymous said...

great blog wonderful candy! Linked you in sidebar
I use watercolour pencils- but drem from copics- maybe maybe I will get some to my birthday?


Kirsty said...

Hui Jak, WOW what a fantastic candy I would love to win this and I would definately be colouring it with Promarkers I have just bought some and i love them I am no where near as good as most people but am getting there xx

ursula Uphof said...

Jak, thank you for the chance to win awesome candy. My favourite colouring medium is water colour pencils, I also sometimes use tombows.I will link to your blog. xxx

Marian said...

Well...I have created a blog...I'll post again and see if this will work :)

ikki said...

Hi, Thanks for the opportunity of some fab candy. As for colouring medium - I love my Promarkers! ikki

Marg said...

These stamps look like so much fun. They would be perfect for any male in the family. I have recently started using Copics and they seem to be working out well. Prior to that I was using Prismacolor pencils with paint thinner. said...

Fab candy, thanks for the chance to win. My favourite medium at the moment is my Promarkers.

Hamrow said...

I just love twinkling H2Os for colouring stamped images but now enjoying using promarkers, so it is difficut to choose between them.

ger76 said...

WoW Hun what an amazing prize!!!!
I love using my Copics with rubber and if I'm not lucky enough to win your gabby prize I'm sure I'll be tearing myself and my customers to a few lol

luv Ger
Cullen Crafts

Pam Swadling said...

Hi Jak, what fabulous blog candy!!!
Would love to be in with a chance of winning but don't have a blog of my own. My favourite colouring medium at the moment is water colour pencils. Would love to try copics or pro markers, but am worried about making expensive mistakes.

Pam xx

PinksyDoodles said...

Hello Jak,
Thank you for offering this generous candy. I didn't realise this range came in stamp format, as well as decoupage - how wonderful! My favourite colouring medium to colour stamped images is Copic Ciaos.
Hugs, Clare x

Linda H said...

These are Flippin cute! What great blog candy! Thanks for being so generous!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak..I use watercolour pencils
still a novice..
Thanks for a chance to win this brill candy..
Love Sian (Welsh Petal)xx

pinky said...

Great to see this brill images in stamps! I'm hoping the bookie one is released soon.

Penni said...

Hi Jak

Super Candy I've lined it in my sidebar and I'm already a follower of your blog !!!!

I love to colour my stamped images with Copic Markers or Prismacolor Pencils.

Thanks for a chance to win this great prize.


vickii said...

Hi Jak,
Thank you so much for this opportunity. I use Copic markers and I love them,
cheers Vickii

Anonymous said...

I love your blog, I am a regular visitor & follower.. I mainly use prisma coloring pencils. I haven't given copics a try, but would like to eventually. Thank-you for the chance to win!
Hugs, Christina

Cathy Spicer said...

How fun to see the whole men set in one spot. I love using Copics, although I'm still a novice with them. I'm happy to spread the word about the candy and would be THRILLED to win (April 1st will be my 40th birthday - no fooling!!)

Anne said...

What a super offer, thanks Jak
I like many others like watercolour pencils used with a blending medium.

Elaine M said...

Oh - sigh - I don't have an URL...but I do LOVE these images. My favorite medium to color with in COPICs
Elaine M

Fab said...

My fave medium is to use Derwent Coloursoft with Sansodor mineral spirit to blend. I find it really relaxing and easy to do. Thank you for this great blog candy. Good Luck everyone ! X FAb

Angela Mclean said...

Hello, honey,
my favs are COPIC sketch... my chrissy pressie!!!!
Brill prize... love your blog anyway!
Angela xxx.

Merry said...

What a fantastic offer Jak....thanks for being so generous. I colour all my images with my watercolour pencils and an aqua pen.

clare said...

Hi Jak x Firstly thanks for the chance to win these fab stamps.

My fav colouring medium has got to be still new to this colouring method...which i used to use water coloured pencils..but find promarkers much easier and quicker.

Thanks & good luck everyone Hugs Clare xx

Shirley said...

I am fairly new to stamping and digi stamps so haven't spent a fortune on colouring mediums. I must admit to having fun with the watercolour pencils that I got in the Jan sale at Tesco. There were cheap enough to mess up, in my mind. On acetate I always go for the Imag-e-nation pens.I have used them on vellum too.
Shirley W

helen scott said...

Either I'm kinda cheap or kinda boring, you can decide. Whichever it is, I like pencils - cheap and cheerful, no brand pencils. Am starting to play with watercolour pencils, got them in the same sale as Shirley above! For a bit of bling will add some gel pen highlights but I'm afraid thats it for me.

Thanks for the candy it really is flippin marvelous! Just like everything else in your site.

Diane Louise J said...

Oh what lovely candy... I do enjoy creating cards using the 3D images of the flipping range. I fancy having a go using the stamps; they look so good. Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous candy. I have linked your candy in my side bar. I like to use my Whisper pens and Twinkling H2Os to colour in my stamped images.
Thanks again xx

Joanie said...

Hi Jak
Thanks Jak fabulous candy! I havent done much stamping for a while, but love the new range, and what a lot of inspiration to do more stamping. I have used Promarkers, and watercolour pencils belonging to my DIL.
Joanie xxxx

Unknown said...

Hi Jak,

My favourite medium depends on the pic, but I do love watercolour pencils used with a water brush x I Am a follower, and have you linked on my sidebar as well as added to Mr Linky x

You prize is exceptionally generous x thanks so much x Leigh x

Grenouille Greetings said...

These men are great, Jak. I love that they are front and back (often even rear) images. My favourite medium for image colouring is Copics Sketch and I would love to win these guys to colour them all in. Your candy is on my side bar! Warmest wishes, Lesley

Unknown said...

What a fantastic bit of blog Candy, anyone would want to win it. I am in love with promarkers just now, I had a bit of help in deciding which to use, bought a couple of different ones but these are the best for me, I adore them.
All the best Jak to you and yours from me and mine.

Ann xxx

Ps they are saying they have disabled the Mr. Linky comment bit for now, as I dont understand a word of it thought I would just add thats whats come up!!!!

Carrie's Corner said...

Great blog candy. My most medium for coloring has been watercolor pencils but I am starting to use copic markers as I build up my small collection of them

Hege-Annie Simonsen said...

My favourite medium in colouring stamped images is Distress Inks, even if I use the Promarkers more often!..

Great candy - thank you for the chance to win! Happy weekend! :)

♥ Yolanda ♥ said...

Hi Jak,
Thank you for the opportunity to win these gorgeous stamps!!
I colour my images with watercolourpencils and a waterbrush.
I have linked your candy in my sidebar and added a link at Mr.Linky(no problem here :) ).

Have a great weekend!
Hugs Yolanda

debb said...

Ok, I linked earlier and left a comment but left off my fav coloring medium, which is copics. So to clarify, this is a second comment - but I have only one link on mr linky. hope this is all ok - sorry for the duh moment!

Con said...

Great candy giveaway. I like to use colored pencils...but then again, I have never used copics. Sometime I will have to learn to use them.

Anonymous said...

After reading you site, Your site is very useful for me .I bookmarked your site!

Candy said...

WOW!! I simply can't believe your generous blog candy!!! I am so in love with these stamps :o) THANK YOU for this opportunity!
I love my Copics the best - after that watercolouring methods....
Hugs, Candy

Lilacanglia said...

Adore using my water colour pencils,
Might change my mind when I can afford to get copics,

Sandy S. said...

WoW! What great stamps! My favorite color medium right now are my prisma pencils.
Thanks for the chance!

kiki's page said...

hi jak,

my colouring medium would HAVE to be pro markers, they are magical. i also use my twinkling h2o's but not very often.

Thanks for the chance to win.


wendy said...

Hi Jak...I love your blog, your work is inspirational, I also love your baby Grandsons pictures, he is adorable. My favourite colouring medium...thats a hard one, I love colouring...I think it would have to be my polychromo pencils blended with sansador with paper stumps. Thanks for the chance to win these amazing stamps. x x

Linda said...

Thanks for the chance of winning such fabulous candy.

I would have to say that my favourite medium is using my copic pens followed closely by watercolour pencils.

Jackie said...

Oops sorry I manged to get my URL wrong first time.
I'm just a beginner, but I find the copic pens which my friend swears by and recommended to me are very good. love your blog by the way. Thanks. Jackie

Mummylade said...

such marvellous stamps! Very generous

Mummylade said...

oops, sorry! Forgot to mention that the one and only colouring medium for me is Ranger's distress inks.

lou said...

Wow, what a fab candy!! Thanks for the chance to win, those stamps look so useful for all the male cards we love to hate!

My favourite colouring medium is copics, just about getting the hang of them!! xxx

Pink Dandelion said...

Wow what a fantastic prize, you are so generous. I use allsorts for my colouring, watercolour paints and pencils, Whispers pens but my favourite at the mo seems to be Promarkers. Best wishes Debs xx

Lynne Phelps said...

These are so FUN! I have loved looking at the decoupage versions, and to have them available in stamps is just great! I listed your candy in the left sidebar of my blog. My favorite coloring medium is Copics. Please enter me in the blog candy drawing!

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Jak, what a lovely kind person you are. I have put a link to your blog candy in my sidebar on my blog and would love to be in with a chance of winning.

My favourite medium - well until recently it was Lyra watercolours but I resisted for sometime but then gave into Promarkers and have been wowed ever since and they have become my favourite. I have also got a few COPICS but still struggling with the brush on these so at the moment these are running in 3rd place, watercolours 2nd place and Promarkers 1 st place.

Best wishes, Kym xxx

Mina said...

oh wow yummy candy Jak's how come I missed this...shocking favourite colouring medium is Distress inks of course, I love how they blend and that you can get soft colouring or brighter whatever you wish...thanks for the chance to win
Mina xxx

Glennis F said...

I would love to say copics, but I don't have any yet!!! I mostly use water colour pencils
Thanks for the cahnce to win, am about to put a link on my blog

Marge said...

I have your Blog Candy posted thanks to a wonderful friend's help! ;-) As you know, I'm enjoying learning to color with Copic markers over the last few months -- still a LOT to learn, but enjoying the challenge. I dare say these SIXTEEN stamp sets would certainly provide invaluable practice!

sassyb07 said...

Hi Jak
Your blog candy looks great! I've posted a message on my blog for everyone to come have a look at your great blog.
Crossing my fingers to get lucky and win, LOL!
hugs, Valerie

Елена - Lepesto4ex said...

I'm new to this business, just studying. I admire your work.
Your question can not answer
Thanks for the chance to win! I will risk to participate... I have linked you to my sidebar on my blog Lepesto4ex

Pamela said...

Great idea to have these images in stamp form. My fav colouring medium at the moment has to be promarkers.

Sam said...

well, it has to be my copic pens, althouh I am still getting used to them and am a bit hesitant with them sometimes!

bunbun2 said...

thank you for the opportunity to win such a fantastic prize! I use promarkers to colour my stamped images and so far I love them!

Williams said...

I think these stamps are brilliant! I called into e-magination yesterday and bought the golfer. so clever and ideal for mens cards.

Eunice said...

Hi Jak I love your blog you are an inspiration, and love the new heading and image of you ready to craft. I have tried lots of colouring mediums but have found that for me I get the best results from Promarkers. Thanks for the blog candy chance.

Craftypat said...

Hi Jak
Wonderful blog candy, my choice depends on what end result I want
for dominant designs I would use copics but if i want it to be more delicate i would use watercolour pencils.

Joanne said...

Fab blgo candy, thanks for offering it!

CazzaG said...

Hi Jak, my favourite colouring medium at the moment is cosmic shimmers - fab colours. I've also just bought some promakerswhich I enjoy using.xx Thank you for a chance to win.

Unknown said...

Hi Jak,
Fabulous candy hun. My favourite medium for colouring would have to be promarkers. Don't have too many at the moment but I'm working on it slowly. Off to post a link in my sidebar for this fab candy now.
Dawn xx

JennyB. said...

Hallo Jak,
Ich liebe diese Motive und finde das Candy wundervoll.
Ich werde mein Glück versuchen.
Liebe Grüße

Love crafts forever said...

Hi Jak, fantastic candy. I love Copics Markers. Thanks for the chance to win.

Dealbaida said...

Flip me; what a fantastical prize. More candy than Cadburys! Thanks Jak.


Jackie said...

Hi, thanks for the chance of winning these fantastic stamps. My favourite medium for colouring any image is Distress Inks used as watercolours.


bissecat said...

Great candy!I like Promarkers and agvarelpensils and Didres ink!!Greetings from Finland.I post to link my sidebar.

Maureen said...

Brilliant Candy, I just love to colour in with Promarkers. Building up my collection slowly.

Craftylicious said...

I use whispers brush markers, I'd love some copics pens but can't aford them.

thanks for the chance of some gorgeous stamps jak

lv tracie xxx

Con said...

Nice selection of candy I'd enjoy working on getting a sweet tooth..LOL. I use the basics for stamping; the few pads of ink that I have and then colored pencils. I would love to work with those markers everyone talks about like copics but I just can't afford them. Someday perhaps....

Lorrie said...

I don't have my own blog yet. But, it is coming soon. I color with Marvy's.

Saxo Stamper said...

What a lovely selection of blog candy. I like using my ink spots and a blender pen to colour but I do struggle with depth etc. I have some Marvy Le Plume pens too and chalks but don't get on so well with those.

Thanks Karen

Eileen said...

Wow....what a prize to have!!

I just love my Copics...never without them. Good luck everyone

Unknown said...

Great site Jak. Thanks for the chance to win. I use mainly watercolour pencils.

Tamara said...

I don't have copics (which seem to be a favourite for many)but I do use many other methods. I don't know if I really have a favourite. I use my Stampin Up markers, pencils and gamsol, watercolour crayons, watercolour with ink, and chalks. It depends on the project what I will use.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful blog candy. I never have enough mens stash to make a great card and i would love the opportunity to win these.
My favorite colouring medium is my copic markers they just give such a great effect.
I have linked your candy on my blog

Mad Mary said...

Oh Jak what an amazing prize to be able to win. At the moment i am using my Promarkers to colour images ( after seeing your lovely colouring) but also have watercolour pencils.

Mary xx

Stephanie Gruss said...

I use Marvy brush markers but I'm slowly moving to Copics. That will take a while! :)

maggie said...

hi , i have only found your blog ..but i will def be back its fab , im new to crafting so other than colouring pencils i love to use my staping inks with a wet brush to colour my stamps ,i had seen your flippin stamps a few weeks back on createa and craft and loved them and am so delighted to be in with a chance to win them .haooy stampin

mitch1066 said...

fat free candy...yum:)
Im learning to stamp and colour,feel like a kid again!

Claude said...

Thanks for the chance to win!
I love to color my images with my Tombow dual-tipped pen!

moi said...

WOW, great candy, thank you for the chance to win it. ;)
I love to use Copics, somehow my hand always grab them ;)

Hugs from Slovenija, Martina (moi)

Spyder said...

ohoo I thought I'd done this!! I've already added your candy on my side bar! Thank you for the chance to win! My fav way to colour is with my Promaker pens and also my Copics if I haven't got the right colour!

KraftyKoolKat said...

Thank you for this super chance to win this fantastic candy. I use my new found friends Promarkers. Before that I use to use Twinkling H20's and Cosmic Shimmers. I still use them on occassions. Cathy xxxx

Marilyn said...

I would love to win this... what great blog candy. My favourite colouring medium is my Copic markers. I received a set of 72 for Christmas & then a month later bought the B set. I like them a lot!

Anonymous said...

Hi there Jak,coming from the North East and being a miners daughter I can associate with all these wonderful characters you have created Thankyou for keeping our heritage alive Great work to all

maiahs_momma said...

I would have to say my favorite coloring medium are Touch Markers, they are like Copic markers but a whole lot cheaper :). Thank you so much for this chance to win some goodies :).

Inky Hugs,

Laurie in MN said...

This was my first attempt of using Mr. Linky and I didn't do something right. I did mention your blog on my blog although I just started the blog.

I enjoy using Tombow and Copic markers.

I would have fun using the stamps for cards for my brother-in-law and my Dad. My brother-in-law likes getting what he calls "manly" homemade cards.

Thank you.

Jan M said...

First time I have linked to my blog so hope it works :o)
Thanks for the chance to win this canday Jak - its amazing !!
At the moment I am learning to use promarkers on stamped images but at heart I am a water colour girl as I love the soft look of using this medium. You can also bling them up by using mica or perfect pearls etc.

Jolanda said...

Hi Jake,
First thank you very much for the oportunity to win this fab candy.
It's the hardest to do to make men's cards so with these great stamps it will be a little easer I gues. ;-)
My favorite to colour my images/stamps are copics.Now I know how to blend with the copics it's real fun for me.
Have e great day....Hugs Jolanda

Anonymous said...

Hoi Jacky,

Wat een gave candy, ik kleur mijn stempels in met Copic Ciao Markers, maar ga het binnenkort ook eens proberen met Distress ink.

Groetjes Monique

shibuble said...

I have just ventured into stamping and colouring. Invested in some KOI watercolours which I find so easy to use with the Koi waterbrush and use COPICS for the skin tones.

Oooooooo .... I JUST LOVE THESE!!! They say so much about flippin' men, ay. Love all the ranges. Never fail to bring a smile to your face. Even a bigger one to those who have a wicked sense of humour - me, me, me!! I am willing myself to win these. What a fabulous surprise that would be!!

Sissi said...

Great candy! Thank youu! I use water colouring pencils.
I posted on my blog:

Hugs from Italy!

Glittertastic said...

What gorgeous blog candy!

I started off using watercolour pencils but since Santa (my other half) bought me some sets of Pro-markers for christmas I have been totally hooked. I love the way they don't leave nasty colouring in ridges!


Moshie said...

OMG! These are some of the best man stamps I have seen!!! When coloring stamps I use three different things to complete my image. I first do a light coat of pearl chalks. Then I kind of shade and outline with colored pencils and then blend and finishing touches and shading with copic markers. I would love to try the pro markers someday. Thank you so much for the opportunity to win such a fabulous candy!!!

Beth B said...

I love to use SU watercolor crayons to color my images. Thanks for a chance to win!!!
Beth Beaty
bethbeaty at earthlink dot net

Bev said...

Flippen awesome stamps. I have never seen anything like these. I usually use colored pencils to color my stamped images and a little chalk for a smooth finish.

Thanks for the chance to win these fabo stamps. Hugs

Anonymous said...

I am not great at colouring in with pencils or paints but have discovered promarkers which I seem to be able to use & shadow with easily so I have fallen in love with them as they are so easy to use. I think these stamps are fab.

Loz said...

Hi Jak, wow these look fun! My favourite colouring medium is Pebbles Chalks... main reason really being that I haven't been stamping for all that long, they were cheap... but now I am well and truly infatuated with them! So quick and easy!

Tiggy said...

Hi... you won't remember me but i remember you as you kindly gave me a demo at the recent stitches show in Feb using your pro markers.... i now have started my collection of them!!! No where near the amount you have though!!! Until i have mastered the techniques i am a whispers kind of girl, i love water colouring with them!

Look forward to following you!!

Tiggy x

ps forgive me if i don't quite understand all the blog speak - just getting used to blogging too!

Renkata said...

Hi Jak,
wow you are so kind.
You have beautiful blog full with inspirations.
Thanks for the oportunity to win this fab candy.

Renkata said...

ooops I did gorget to answer the question: I colour with Copic and Colour Soft pencils.

Janet said...

Hi Jak
I hope you are well. I love to stamp with versamark and chalk ove with metalic pigments. Especially good on dark card.

Michelle said...

Some more fantastic candy! I'd love to win this, i'd be sorted for men's cards forever!! I love to use Letraset Promarkers, which i've only recently come across, but i think they're great for colouring skin and hair especially.

thanks for the chance to take part, hope you're well!


Alison Dent said...

Hi Jak fantastic blog candy, I started with watercolour pencils, then used Marvy Le Plume and now I use Promarkers so I suppose my favourite must be ProMarkers.

sue said...

wow fantastic candy, would love to win them, I use watercolour pencils but have just bought some distress inks and some promarkers but need some practice

Ida said...

What a wonderful load of candy Jak.. I'm awestruck by how generous you are.
I used to use water colour pencils to colour my stamped images, but since finding the Letraset promarkers, I use nothing else.. Don't have many, but by using a hard surface I can mix colours to get most of what I actually need.
Ida x

Tindaloo said...

Awesome candy Jak! Thanks for the chance :) My fave medium is watercoloring! I use regular watercolor cubes & pencils, distress ink pads & leplume pens (on a plastic bag), and Twinkling H2O's. I also have chalks to add rosy cheeks sometimes :)

Smita said...

Thank you for the chance. I don't stamp too much (more so because I don't have many stamps), but I've recently learnt coloring with pencils and distilled turpentine. I also use lot of 3D glitter and gel pens.

Linking your candy to my blog.

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

how fab are these stamps, many thanks, fingers crossed. janex

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

should have added fav colour medium , promarkers. janex

Anonymous said...

I love these stamps, been an admirer of the 3D sheets for some time :D

Laurane said...

Hi Jak
What a fantastic blog candy - I love the 'Flippin' range.

My favourite colouring medium is copics but I also have a fondness for watercolour and H20s.

Thanks for the chance of winning.

Laurane x

PeeJay said...

So far and to date my fave medium is Prismacolors and Sansodor or Zest-it. Love the effects I can get but .... I've got Promarkers and need to find time to play with them as well!
Thanks for the chance of winning this brilliant candy ....

Kimbo said...

My favorite colouring medium is chalks. I love the soft effect this gives.

Thanks for the chance to win these fabulous stamps.
Kimbo x

Anonymous said...

I have never used any of the flippin collection, so this would be great to create with something new to me ! I just love my derwent colorsoft pencils !- I just never grew out of colouring - thank goodness !
Kate x

Joanne Gilch said...

Great candy give away. Great for the guy cards that are always so hard to do!
I use watercolor pencils with a blender pen for my coloring needs. I have bought some Prisma color pencils to use with OMS, but the box is still sealed.

Karen said...

Gosh Jak what wonderful blog candy. I'm definitely going to be keeping everything crossed!!!! lol

My favourite colouring method is ProMarkers but also love watercolouring and using pastels..... never enough time to experiment with them all though.

Jana said...

My fav medium are coloured penciles + waterbrush and Copics.

Thanx 4 the chance to win!!!!!!!!!!
I just adore this stamps, coz' I love making boy cards!


Echo said...

My most favourite medium to color with is copics. I have just a small choice few of them (been buying slowly- they are expensive) and because I only have a few I like to use my koh-i-noor pencils with the copics and I use them with mineral spirits to help blend. of course If I use the copics I always use those first then I incorporate the pencils in afterwards. This is my favourite way to color but I also like to use watercolor pencils and chalk and/or chalk pencils - it really just depends on my mood. Which is almost always a copic mood - lol
okay omw to my blog to post the lovely blog candy up for the winning.

Thanks so much,

Lorraine A said...

My fave colouring medium is copics but am working on my technique with distress inks too :-)

I love these flippin stamps and would love to own some ! :-)

Lols x x

Emma said...

Great blog candy & thanks for the chance to enter. I have just started colouring but my favourite medium to colour with are Copics. I would say that I will easily become addicted to them!

MicheyMoo said...

What a truly, truly generous amount of candy!! And I know I, and most of my crafty friends, struggle when it comes to "male" cards - so all these sets will definitely be appreciated!!

I love, love, love my Copics. I've added another 60 colours to my collection this week and can't wait to get home and try them out. xx

Kendra said...

Lately my favorite coloring medium is my watercolor crayons with a blender pen. However, I have borrowed some glitter pens, so that may be my next investment.

BrendaLea, the Prpldy said...

I would love to use Copics, but since I don't have any I use water color paints and my water brushes.
I posted on my blog and in Mr Linky.

prpldy (at) comcast dot net

Unknown said...

Wow, awesome candy!! Thanks for the chance to win. My favorite coloring medium is Copics. I just love these dang pens!! They just flow onto the paper and there are so many to choose from! Hugs, Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak

Thanks for the chance to win these fantastic stamps. I have started to use Promarkers and they are my favourite at the moment, but I love watercolouring as well.


rozzyb said...

What fabulous candy, thanks so much for the oppotunity to join in.
My favourite colouring medium is currently promarkers. i would use copics too, but I jsut can't afford both lots :)
Hugs rozzy xx

Kathleen S said...

These "flipping men" sets are so "FLIPPIN" CUTE!!!!! I love them all!! You don't see too many sets focus on men, so these are fabulous!! My hubbie and son seem to not be in love with flowers and butterflys on thier LOs! lol

stopps2scrap said...

I think these Flipping Men are so flippin' cute!!! My hubbie and son would like these better than flowers and butterflys on thier LOS!!

oops...forgot to let you know my favorite medium to color with...probably markers, but I do like watercolor pencils too! Oh, and I want to try chalks!

Unknown said...

My favorite medium is colored pencils, either water color or not. You can get the most effective use of the colors with pencils.

Kathy said...

My favorite coloring tool is colored pencils, either water color or regular. I think you get the most effective color range with pencils. Also like gel pen highlights.

Great stamps, where in the US might I purchase them.

Susan said...

WOWZA!! what a great giveaway!
I like to use prisma color pencils and either the blending pencil or a blending stump with odorless mineral spirits. I also like using MY SU markers, and my new Bic mark-its...eventually I hope to learn how yo use copic and own some.
I am now following, and I am linking.
thanks for the opportunity,

iReneM said...

My favourite colouring medium is copics but I do have also have 3 promarkers that I use with them when necessary.
A very generous giveaway, Jak :-)
Thanks for the chance to win this.

Kim Costello said...

WOW Jak!!!
Fabulous candy, I love to use as many different media as I can on my crafts... but I always go for my copic markers! I love their vibrant and muted colours they never fail to co-ordinate with current patterend papers either! Thanks again HuGs Kim :)

Linda said...

Thx for the chance to win these gorgeous stamps.
I use Derwent colouring pencils for my images.
Greetings from Holland,

Myzdamena said...

Flippin' Fabtastic candy! I can't keep up with all the Flippin' things you keep bringing out... lol..I have to get them all...

My fave medium would be promarkers .. I tried one once and cried lol.. not having those yet I use WHSmith watercolour pencils and some water on a paintbrush... it sort of works while I wait to win the lottery :)


G xxx

Ujjwal said...

Wooowww!! What a candy !! SO generous of you !!

I normally use water colours to colour my images.
Although I also love Copics and Promarkers for their ease of use and range of colours. Alas...I dont own any of them yet !!

Krafty Kows said...

Hi Jak - How generous of you. I usually use whisper pens with a water brush but have recently invested in copic pens and promakers and still need lots of practise so sticking to the old faithfuls at the mo. Thanks for the chance. Jeanette

ribenaruby said...

What fabulous range of images you have, love these sets. Tried Copics but too expensive, now happily colouring with Koh-i-Noor pencils and odourless mineral spirit to blend. Thanks for offering yummy candy, will ofcourse link on my blog!

Ginny said...

I just use colored pencils right now, I don't even know the brand. I want to invest in some copics though!

dragonllew said...

Wow what fab candy my fav would have to be promarkers.

Ruthie said...

Hmmmm - depends what mood I am in - and whats taking my fancy! At the moment its promarkers - but often add in some sakura (wherever I can!) and also have some very fine fibretips (cant remember what brand) and I use them for small areas of detail - they also have quite bright colours!

Thanks for the chance to win!


Henriëtte said...

Hi Jak,

What a superbe stamps you give away. I always colour my stamps with Derwent coloursoft pencils. I would love to colour your give-away stamps too, but I have to win them first, so I've put your candy on my side-bar and hope that on march 31 (my birthday) I will win. Thanks for the chance.


Dragonlady said...

Hi Jak

What absolutely amazing candy. My favourite colouring medium at the moment are my watercolour pencils. I am currently practising with Promarkers. Thanks for the chance to win - link is on my sidebar.

Hugs Ali x

Stressed Stamper said...

Really fab candy - love these images really love them....Copics is the way to go for colouring....can't live without them for cards ...linked on my side bar along with fingers and toes crossed

Tammy said...

These are soooooooooooo amazing...I love the concept of them. I have ideas already in my head. I sure hope to win a set...thanks for the chance.
You did an awesome job on them!
posted you on my sidebar as well.

Marilyn Webb said...

My favorite coloring medium are copics. Love your blog candy give away, would be amazing to win. I have added it to my blog.
Thanks for the chance to win.

Boni Boutelle-Jones said...

OMYGOSH what fun!! I LOVE these images! They are perfect. My favorite coloring medium is colored pencils and OMS - I am recently new to Copics and they are running a tight second. Thank you so much for a chance to win this DELISH prize package and just in time for my birthday too....April 2nd

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty new in bloglandia and don't have many prosject out on my blog.

I've just started stamping, but I'm using triomarkers when I'm coloring them.
(almost the same as promarkers)

I wish you a great weekend.

hugs from Norway

Anne said...

What a amazing candy Jak! I love to color my images with Distress Ink.

Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Hugs, Anne (Norway)

Dippydoodle said...

WOW WOW WOW!!!! What fantastic Candy!!! I love flipping range decoupage - will be fantastic to do in stamps WOW!!! Thanks very much for the chance to win. My favourite colouring medium at the moment as got to be copics - love them although still needs lots of practice LOL. Thanks again xxx

Lynne in NI said...

Wow, fabulous candy! It's always so hard to make cards for blokes, but these are just perfect!
Thanks for the chance of winning!
BTW copics are my favourite medium, but I'm still very much at the Learner stage!

Nikki said...

Wow What a Treat these boys would be to color in :)
Fave Medium - Pencil Crayons and Gamsol (orderless Solvent) and I just bought a few Touch Markers(Graphic Novel Markers) in skin tones now I would love to get more eventually :)
thanks for the chance And I've linked you on my sidebar
hugs Nikki C

Sharon said...

Amazing candy.
My favorite colouring tool has to be my beloved Promarkers - up until I had them I really struggled to make stamped images look good coloured nicely - I just love them !!!!
Thanks again for the chance to win such a great prize.
Sharon xx

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