Jack is growing so fast, he's not happy sitting on knees now he needs to stand so to keep him happy a new toy had to be purchased and here he is.

On first glance you may think that Jack has had spaghetti for dinner but as he is teething he is contantly dribbling and sticking out his tongue so he has his mouth and cheeks chapped from the cold weather.
Look at that wee cutie. Our Jack has the same on his cheecks too I've been smearing him in vaseline works a treat too."Your Jack" has grown so much Jak, thanks for sharing.
Oh Jak he looks so happy in his new walker...thank you so much for sharing these wonderfu photos of Jack growing...there a delight to see.
Love Sheila xx
aahh bless - both my sons had a walker and whizzed round the place - watch your ankles !!!
Paula x x x
Doesn't he look happy in his new toy, too! He's so cute, Jak!
beautiful photo. Now the mischief starts. Elaine
What an adorable little guy he is and oh so happy.
Jak, you may want to try- Aquaphor Healing Ointment Baby. It works wonders and alittle goes along way. Will clear up in a matter of a hour or 2.
hehehe what a cheeky chappie xx jo xx
Ian't he so happy, what a gorgeous wee man he is. Hope his face clears up soon, looks so sore.
Mary xx
Oh my he is growing so fast.Vasaline works for our Owen too.
Looks like the same walker that I hire for my grandson (10 monthsold) when he comes to visit in spain. It's fantastic!
Ah so cute he looks very happy with his new toy, My Layla has the same problem with her face as she walks around licking her lips all of the timw xx
What a little cutie. I remember mine having one of these walkers & loving it.
P.S Made the soup today & its so tasty.
Can't believe how big Jack is now. It just seems like yesterday that he came into the world.
He really does look happy regardless of his score cheeks. Walkers have really changed since mine were small over 40 years ago. Much prettier and versatile. He's lovely
My how hes grown and he sure looks happy in that new toy .
My how hes grown and he sure looks happy in that new toy .
Aahh he's doing really well isn't he. Thanks so much for sharing such a wonderful photo.
Oh Jak what a happy little chap. Thanks for sharing your family with us. Hugs x
Aw, Jak, he's so cute!!
Alice (beemer)
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