Thursday, 27 August 2009

A Big Thank You

A big thank you for all the wonderful comments made on my previous post, I have had the PUVA treatment before with good results so that is why I am so eager to have it again.

I have also been on Methotrexate for my arthritis and yes this drug did help but unfortunately I had to be took off it for health reasons, I feel like the light at the end of a tunnel knowing that my treatment will soon start.

On another note I had no idea so many of you out there suffered with psoriasis, nasty little devil that it is, also I empathise with those of you that hide away as I do the same, often apologise when handing money to shop assistants in case they think it is catching, often try to hide it away hoping that know one will notice it.

I hope you all have a scratch free night and some ease from the tightness it causes.


Merry said...

Jak, great to her that you have a date for your treatment. I hope all goes well. I just wanted to share an award with you here . This is for all the wonderful inspiring work you put on your blog. Thanks.

JACKIE said...

Hiya Jak, just want to say good luck with the puva treatment. I just had a look at the pics you posted and its so like what my mum used to be you are she was almost covered from head to foot, used every lotion and potion,mum is now on an infusion that she got through the arthritis clinic and its the 1st time in my life I have not seen mum with any patches even when she got the puva she had tiny bits here and there...cant remember what its called but she goes once a month and gets it done through a drip...the onset of arthritis was after she started a trial for a psoriasis treatment (injections in her tummy)...ouch but they made her really poorly...sorry for the long winded post but if theres anything I can ask my mum for you just give me a shout....good luck again when your treatment begins...hugs Jackie xx

Rose said...

For small patches of psoriasis, I use a cream called Pevisone or Econazine. Maybe you can ask your doctor about this cream. It sure helps with the itchiness and the patches do disappear.
I hope you recover fast. Take care.

ursula Uphof said...

Good luck with the treatment, hope it all goes well and you are soon back to normal.
Ursula xx

The Taming of the Glue said...

Really hoping the PUVA works. Used to be embarrased by the Psoriasis but not any more...knickers to the lot of them!!!

Ali Watson said...

Jak sending big hugs again. I thought you might also have PA too and totally with you on Methotrexate they had to take me off it too as my liver counts went sky high, nasty drug. Keep your chin up, and update us when you can.