Sunday, 25 January 2009

Hand Painted Card

Hand painted card then used a serenity stamp and some Nestibilities Long Rectangles and a bit of ribbon to finish.
I'll never be an artist but I do like to dabble with paint, this was painted with acrylic paint.

A closer view, as you can see I'm not Picasso but I do like to try.


Anonymous said...

If that's not artistic, I don't know what is! Your work is absolutely beautiful, have no doubt about it. You obviously enjoy it, which is the most important thing, but don't minimize your ability.

Anonymous said...

I agree!! you've done a beautiful with your painting. You would be great painting folk art!!

Barbara said...

Who needs Picaso when we have Jak!! This is beautiful! The colors and depth are very appealing and the eye is immediately drawn to the flowers first. In fact, I need to go back to the post to see the sentiment! I couldn't tell you what it says, I got so caught up in the flowers!

Jane's Blogs said...

Your painting is beautiful.

Jane xx (BJZoe on JS forum)

Maz said...

This card is gorgeous Jak, dont put yourself down. I have always wished I could paint but my efforts are limited to painting Thomas the Tankl engine on my grandsons bedroom wall, not exactly fine art and no where near as good as this.
You are an amazingly talented person and should be proud to say so

starcyl said...

It's a stunning card and you should be proud to show it, I wish I was as untalented with a brush as you seem to be.

Jenny x

Budge said...

Jak that is beautiful. Wish I was half as good as you.

sylv xx

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card Jak, your painting is fantastic. Well done you.

PeeJay said...

Is there no end to your talents Jak? I wonder where a certain 'anonymous' is now - lol!!
It's beautiful Jak.

Anonymous said...

Looks good to me Jak another string to your bow
well done

Jackie said...

Are you having a laugh?? This is fabulous Jak... Never be an artist my bottom !... Id like to "not be an artist"like this. Its brilliant.. no stopping you know... lol... love it.. a big well done on this one !! J x

Toni said...

Wow its fabulous Jak I love it so striking gorgeous
Toni x

the scrimper said...

Jak, i don't normaly comment but had to this time. Dont put yourself down, i think your card is wonderful and wish i had half of your talent
Luv Jennie
aka the scrimper JS Forum

Anonymous said...

Jak your talent is endless, just love the card ,very well done.
Pat x

Anonymous said...

Absolutely stunning Jak, it is so beautiful and the colours are gorgeous. I echo PeeJay's comment about 'anonymous' wonder what, if anything they could say about this, except it's fabulous!

Anonymous said...

You may be no artist but that is absolutely gorgeous. I love it. Wish I could paint like that.

Anonymous said...

Jak, that is absolutely gorgeous and you are joking when you say you'll never be an artist, i wish i could do all that you can do. I love it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jak,
This card is truly beautiful . Well done
I only wish I could paint!!
The colours are really great too.
Where does the saying come from?
You really are very gifted indeed.
Can't paint your brilliant really you are!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely stunning Jak - whereas my abilities are limited to painting the toilet ceiling - your talents are fantastic..... ok, I'm slowly going green with jealousy.


Karen J said...

Just exquisite Jak.
Karen xx

coldwaters2 said...

Hi Jak I just have to echo all the comments you have received the card is truly a 'work of art'. Its a fabulous creation and one day who knows I might be nearly as good as you (in my dreams lol)
Lorraine x

Anonymous said...

WOW WOW WOW!!!!! Incredible Jak, I love it and hope you do more of these.

syy said...

I agree with Lola - your are a true artist - your card presentations alone are artistic and as for this latest one well it's beautiful.

Lynn said...

I second and third what everyone else has said. If I had a fraction of your artistic talent I would be overjoyed!
The card is stunning Jak!

Scrapping Julie said...

holy mother of pearl!!! this is beyond fabulou jak!!!

Anonymous said...

Jak, it's beautiful. I think you are a very talented artist and painter! A beautiful card and work of art!


Christine said...

Simply Stunning Jak, I wish I could paint like you.
It truly is a Work of Art
Christine xx

Anonymous said...

Stunning Jak. Whatever next???

Anonymous said...

Well Id hate to see what you'd do if you were trying!!!!

Its gorgeous

Anonymous said...

Jak this is absolutely stunning,never be an artist you say, well i think you are there girl, fabulous

Norma x

Rita said...

I have never seen anything as beautiful as this on a card Jak. Absolutely Stunning. Hugs Rita xxxx

Anonymous said...

Truly a beautiful card. Where did you get the stamp?

Kirsten Alicia said...

Jak, this is really, really beautiful. Don't put yourself down, I wish I could paint a third as good as you can. Kirsten x.

Anonymous said...

one word..........................stunning!

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Jak, I wish my attempts at painting looked as good as this professional looking card. Don't put yourself down - it's beautiful and any of us would love to receive it!!!! Kym xxx

Lavender Rose said...

Oh Jak I think I'm speechless, stunning, fabulous, unique, gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!

Sheila - Ginger said...

Beautiful art and a beautiful card Jak!

Love Sheila xx

magic boxes said...

This is gorgeous Jak - is there any end to your talents? I don't think there is - stunning as always!!!

Thanks for all your inspiration.


Anonymous said...

Jak it's just plain GORGEOUS! Viv xx

Beryl K said...

How can you say that you are not an Artist Jak, that is absolutely gorgeous. Beautiful painting
Beryl x

Anonymous said...

i like this one jak crafty joan

Carol said...

if I were only 1/100th as talented as you.

Suzanne said...

Wow STUNNING card - not sure how I missed this but so glad I didn`t , amazing work
Thanks so much for sharing your talent and inspiring us all