Tuesday 27 January 2009

Giving up

Don't worry it's not card making, it's smoking.

Now before you all tell me off and give me the you can do it speech I have to tell you that it terrifies me even the thought of giving up makes me watery eyed.

I took the first step today and visited the doctors and they are going to give me the tablets to help me, I've weighed up the pros and cons and I feel that they would be the right choice of help.

What I didn't realise is that for the first 8 - 12 days whilst taking the tablets I still have to smoke.

The main reason for packing in is my health, I've had so many colds over the last few months that has left me with a hacking cough that just won't go, then after loosing Dad my smoking increased dramatically.

I should get my tablets by Friday so I'll let you know how I get on with them.


coldwaters2 said...

Hi Jak I would like to wish you good luck. I have great respect for people who decide to take this action.

All the best
Lorraine x

Anonymous said...

Jak, you have made the first move ...... good luck and I REALLY really hope you are successful

Jan M

For the life of me said...

jak, good luck its just over 1 yr for me and altho i have put weight on i do feel so much better and i alwasy suffered terribly with tonsilitus since giving up i havent had it once. It will get better i promise. xxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Oh Jak hun good luck, I really wish you well. I am trying to get up the courage for another attempt at giving up myself. Like you my smoking increased dramatically after I lost my mum and has stayed there. We are all behind you with this. Sending you as many positive vibes as I can muster.
Sue x

P.S. You frightened the life out of me with the title of your post on JS, naughty girl, I thought you were giving up card making for a moment, nearly spluttered my cuppa over the laptop, ha ha!

Eunice said...

You have my wholehearted support, no, I am not going to tell you that it is easy,it is not ,but I did it and I am so glad that I did, I will be sending good vibes all the way

Pam said...

Jak....you CAN do it!!! Seven years ago (will be Feb. 18th) I decided to quit and just laid them down! I had 3 and 1/2 packs left out of a carton and I put them in the freezer..did NOT throw them out til a few yrs. later. The first couple of wks. were tough, but I made it...no pills, gum, etc...just pure persaverance! My health has been much better up until this Fall when I contracted some kind of virus that affects the throat on two different occasions, but I'm better now! By the way, at the time I quit I had been smoking for about 40 yrs. and I don't miss them at all! You could not pay me to smoke again!!!

Good Luck and I have faith in you!


Anonymous said...

jak, my hubby did it after 35 years of smoking. he didn;t tell anyone he was even thinking of it. he was just fed up of the hacking cough every morning. That was 10 years ago. There are times he still says " I could do with a fag now", but he's never once gone back to it ". It wasn't easy for him for the first few weeks/months, but he persevered and I'm still so proud of him for doing it. Think it must be one of the most difficult thing to do. I'm sure we'll give you all the all help and support you need. Great decision and WELL DONE for making it. Trace x

Sandra Wright. said...

Well Jak,you should be very proud as you have taken the first step. It's been over 3yrs since I gave it up and I've never regretted it.
Good Luck.

Hugs Sandie x

Anonymous said...

As a smoker I know how you feel..can't do it myself but wish you all the best. You go girl!!!

joolsedesigns said...

Jak I have also gave up the fags I did it November but had previously sep 07 but had a slight relaps July to Nov last year am back on the straight and narrow so to speak but all I can tell you the longer your off them the better it gets and also the coughs and colds dont seem a s bad

Keep it up Joolse

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Jak. You are definately doing the right thing. Just think of all the spare cash you'll have to spend on stash!!

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Jak, I can't comprehend the decision you've had to make and what you are going to have to go through as I have never smoked in my life. All I can say is that I am very proud of anyone that stops smoking and I am with you all the way Jak. Kym xxx

wintersparkle said...

jak i have never smoked but im sure its a very hard thing to give up good luck with it we are all behind you xx

Anonymous said...

Jak I just knew when I read the title it was the ciggies you were given up. apart from your health think of the little grandbaby coming, and I know you wouldn't but you don't want to smoke around them. I tried it as a teenager, but can't say it did anything for me, and used to have the occasional one when drinking, the last one I had (years ago now) made me feel so sick I couldn't do it anymore.
Stick with it you will feel so much better and think of all the extra money you will have to spend on the baby. Good luck

Suzanne said...

I wish you well in your new challenge - take it one step at a time and you`ll get there i`m sure

AliMayes said...

I know you don't want me to tell you that you can do it but you can! I gave up about 20 years ago and it was one of the best things I ever did. It sounds as if you're going to be on the same pills as my nephew and they're working for him so good luck!
Ali xx

Anonymous said...

Good luck Jak the fact that you want to do it will help although it wont be easy. Roll on Friday:0)

Lavender Rose said...

Good luck Jak, hope you get all the support you need to kick the habit. I have never smoked myself but OH gave up a 60 a day habit years ago after being constantly ill with one chest infection after another. It's not easy but YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

Anne said...

Oh Jak you scared me to death - thought it was card making you meant! Good luck with quitting and keep us updated. lol xx

Anonymous said...

Well done you....and you know how happy that decision makes me. Great for your health but also...
when baby arrives, no stopping cuddles to pop outside.

Jon Bratton said...

I'll drop off the Allan Carr...The Easy Way to give up smoking book during the reading of which you continue smoking. As a 60 per day smoker I finished reading the book on a Sunday night... went cold turkey on Monday morning and never had a problem. That was 8 years ago and, along with fathering your boss, it was the best thing I ever did
Mind you i didn't have to keep doing live TV

Cazz said...

No speeches from me as I have no idea what its like to have to give up - as I never started in the first place. But I do wish you good luck and just know you will do your best xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak, I am sure you can do it and wont give a speech lol!! Craigs mam was very heavy smoker and she started having what she thought was tunnel vision from migraines. She went to the doc who referred her to hospital and they found her main artery in her neck was clogged from smoking. She had to stop immediately and within 5 days was under local anaesthetic having this artery cleaned out! She has smoked since and used the patches and gum for a year after.
With your first Grandchild on the way too I am real proud of you cos we hated taking the kids to Marys because of the smoke.
You go for it
Love Caroline - Sunny Seaton

Anonymous said...


Lynn said...

I've been an ex-smoker for 2 and a half years now and I'm not going to tell you it was easy, because you know yourself that it is not.
Stay positive and remember why you are doing it.
Good luck Jak, we will all support you and keep you on the straight and narrow! lol

Joy said...

No speeches - just well done and good luck! You've gone public now and we're all behind you...

Nicci said...

i wish you the best of luck Jak, i gave up smoking too and i can honestly say i felt worse before i felt better, as it is clearing all the rubbish out your system , but stick with it as it is worth it in the end,.


Budge said...

Jak good luck on your deision to give up smoking. I wont say it is easy but it is well worth it.

Love from an ex smoker.

Sylv xx

Anonymous said...

Best decision you can make, I gave up after 40+ a day for many years. Tried it with patches, but they were a bu$$*r to light. So went on to the tablets and stopped within 3 weeks, never craved another cig since.


Anonymous said...

Jak, my husband smoked for 35 years and when my daughter found out she was pregant she said dad if you want to see the baby you will have to come to my house because I am not bring the baby where there is smoke. that was it he stopped smoking that day and has not had one since and that was 16 years ago. You can do it.

pinky said...

Well done Jak, just reward yourself with a wee pressie every week you go with the wicked weed!

ursula Uphof said...

Good luck Jak, I am sure you will have the perseverance to keep going.

PixieHouse Creations said...

Good luck Jak No like everyone is saying it is not easy!! but with willpower and the tablets i know you will do it
Wendy xx

Anonymous said...

Good luck jak,

I did it three years ago, the hardest thing i've ever done, but you can too, just take one day at a time. I didnt have help, just everytime i wanted one i had some gum. got through 1000s of packets of chewy.

which ever way you do it, be proud and think of all the extra cash you'll have to spend on crafting goodies, well thats my excuse anyway.

kind regards


Anonymous said...

Good luck Jak,you can do it and its good that you have decided for yourself.
I smoked all my life (well fron 17) till i was 44 and then gave up due to pressure from my hubby, i am not going to pretend it willbe easy cos its not, but am sure you will do it, not only for your health but for your new grandchild thats on its way

Norma x

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is good luck and that I hope you succeed.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak - this is day 12 for me! Started off with the champix and they were fine - really suppressed the appetite but done absolutely zero for the nicotine cravings - I reckoned I needed a double dose but smoking matters disagreed - not everyones the same are they!!
On the patches again - these are fine but going thru the cupoards like a piranah!! Cant win - can you!!
Good luck Jak - keep us updated!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Jak, but I am so pleased that you have come to this decision. Who knows, as with everything else you do - you may even inspire others to follow! Viv xx

Anonymous said...

Well done you have passed the first hurdle by seeing your Doctor, dont be suprised if you cough a lot more when you first stop having the cigarettes your lungs need to get rid of all that gunge but you will feel better in the long run and food will also taste better and your health will improve Its hard but it is worth it
Just think of all the goodies you will be able to buy!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Jak. I stopped 10 years ago next month due to having chronic bronchitis. Touch wood, I haven't had bronchitis since I stopped so it really is good for your health. Stick at it - and make more cards to occupy your mind! Keep us posted. Pat xx

Barbara said...

You've got my prayers and support! You've taken the first step and all it takes is one step after that, then one more step, and one more after that.... you get the idea. One step at a time! I quit 'cold turkey' 22 years ago and never looked back. Saved a ton of money, too!

Jacqui said...

Phew, had me worried for a minute. I thought if you give up card making what hope is there for the rest of us, well me anyway. Good luck in giving up smoking. We are all with you.
Jacqui xx

Baukje said...

Good luck Jak, and well done on your decision to give up.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on making a life saving decision. When I quit 25 years ago, the doctor said I added years to my life. I am now 72. I have never craved a ciggie since then, but oh every once in a while I will smell someone smoking and go "Oh that smells good" But I wouldn't put one in my mouth again. I just found out that smoking causes the wrinkles in you lips. Hmmm. Know that you have all of our support and agreement with your decision.
Shelby Dunning
Santa Paula, CA