Wednesday 7 January 2009

Baby Card

This special baby card is the most beautiful card in the world. Just ask any grand parent and they will tell you that it's true.
Lauren went for her first scan on Tuesday afternoon and came straight over to show me the scanned image.
Baby Anderson is 12 weeks and 1 day out of 40 weeks keeping warm by my Daughter Lauren. This is Laurens first baby and she just can't wait.
During the scan they noticed that Lauren has got a double Uterus.
If you click on the large scanned image you can even see the baby's eyes.


Anonymous said...


How sweet. God bless your daughter and her baby. Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy, and quick delivery at 40 weeks.


Kevin Renz said...

That is so cool. I'm so glad that you can share all this with your daughter! That is so special.

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Jak, after your sad time it's nice to see some goods times coming. Hope all goes well for Lauren and that you will soon be holding your new grand-child. Kym

Anonymous said...

Jak such special moments, especially your first grandchild. Good luck to baby Anderson

Bev said...

oh thats lovley. I bet the grandparents are just as excited.
I hope lauren has a healthy pregnancy.

Lynn said...

How wonderful it is to see the baby so clearly. Good job it wasn't too clear.
Thank you for sharing a special moment.

iReneM said...

Ahhh, how lovely!!
I think it marvellous that you can actually see your new g/child before you can kiss and cuddle it.
Warm wishes to you all

Anonymous said...

HOw lovely it is now adays to see baby before it arrives a real thrill for you all thanks for sharing it. Hope Lauren and baby continue to thrive.

Unknown said...

A wonderful and very special sight Jak. Good luck to you all


Anonymous said...

As you say, the most beautiful image in the world for you, may this baby bring you all much joy. Congratulations to Lauren and partner.

Louise Emma said...

How fantastic Jak.... best wishes to Lauren and baby Anderson, I hope they both thrive x Out of the rain comes a rainbow xx

Beryl K said...

Beautiful Jak, it's a magical moment when you see a baby scan like this one. But, it is even more magical when the baby happens to be your first granchild. Thank you so much for sharing your magical moment
Beryl x

PeeJay said...

Beautiful picture Jak and one to really treasure. I've got copies of the scans of all of my 5 grandchildren. They're amazing.

Rosietoes said...

That is a beautiful scan Jak. I can only say I treasure my daughter's two scans and have them safely scrapbooked. Every blessing to you and your daughter. I trust that everything will go according to plan and she will have a safe and healthy pregnancy. :)

Unknown said...

Oh Wonderful!!! how gorgeous!! God bless you all Jak - what a precious little person - many thanks for sharing!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! - thank you for sharing such a precious time with us. Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy.
Marion x

Anonymous said...

Wow Jak....thank you for sharing your pride and joy with us....

Hugs to you all
Sylvia R xxx

ursula Uphof said...

Jak thanks for sharing, treasure this picture and best wishes to your daughter for a healthy pregnancy.

Foxycrafts said...

Oh Jak. What a wonderful, wonderful picture and card. My, how things have changed! When I went for my scans (back when Adam was a lad! ;o) )there was a big notice on the wall stating to not ask the radiographer any questions about the baby, as they would not be answered!

Thank goodness that times have moved on. Love and best wishes to your daughter for a healthy and enjoyable pregnancy.

Love Joan :o)

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Lovely news and a lovely picture!
Wishing you all lots of luck.

Anonymous said...

Jak that is just so special and thanks for sharing it with us.
I hope everything continues to go well for Lauren and baby
Bet you cant wait for the birth, there is just nothing quite like being a nana.

Norma x

Anonymous said...

Marvellous picture Jak,it will be so worth the wait,my grandchildren are all gorgeous,miracles of nature as we all were once .!Pat x

Unknown said...

How lovely Jak, I also lost someone close to me in October my dear brother, A few weeks later we found out that I am to be a nannie for the first time, Its strangehow you can loose a close member of the family and soon after a new family member is on it way, It sure helps to easy the pain.
I have done a scrap page of my granchild to be if you would like to see

Anonymous said...

Oh Jak, isn't that scan wonderful and thank you so much for sharing it with us. This is such a personal thing and i feel blessed you could share it.


Anonymous said...

Wonderful picture Jak, and very clear. Really exciting for you all.

Anonymous said...

Oh how lovely. Thanks for sharing this little bit of joy. Of course you won't be a doting gran, will you? lol

Karen said...

CONGRATULATIONS Jak, can't wait to see the cards you make for your new grandchild.

Love Karen xxx

Lavender Rose said...

Thanks for sharing Jak, magical!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jak - i love that they put the scan in a little card -a great way to save it as well as see it. Prayers that everything turns out well - all happy and healthy.

Regan said...

thsi is just amazing...beautiful!

Anonymous said...

oh jak im so happy for you all being a grandma is even better than having your own as your not so stressed hope your daughter is keeping well thanks for sharing this precious time with us.
christine x christine fife.

Anonymous said...


One Creative Life said...

Congrats!! What great pic's of the baby. Praying for a happy healthy little bundle!

Craftingdiva said...

Thank you for sharing this wonderful time with each of us, you are truly an exceptional person. This child is really the light at the end of the tunnel, I know how proud I felt when I was presented with our first grandchild, mucky sweaty and covered in birth fluid, and that was only me, not really, but it was a good time.
I will pray for a sweet birth for both of them.
regards and many hugs XsueX