Friday, 22 August 2008

Remember When... by La Pashe

It's that time again when I am going to give you a sneek preview into what will be released for Remember When... by La Pashe.
I'm giving nothing away I'm going to let you decide what it is, but what I will say is the art work on this just blew me away.
Check back here on 25th August and I will reveal all.

This new set will be on Create & craft Sky Chanel 671 on Bank Holiday Monday at 5pm

For more sneek peeks pop over to Toni and Karen's blogs


Beryl K said...

Wow Jak, they looks stupendous, I think I can probably guess the topic somehow lol, will try and remember to watch
Beryl x

Anonymous said...

Oh how lovely to see a christmas collection. Cant wait to watch Jak, Good Luck with it xxxx luv Cathy01

Suzanne said...

Wow that looks very interesting - all the best for the show - i`ll be watching

Wellnifty said...

Christmas ones, great, can't wait to see them, good luck on the show

Chris x

Anonymous said...

From what can be seen Jak, these look great!
Look forward to seeing you again on the tv, good luck with the show.

Greta said...

Brilliant! Might give me the motivation to make a start on my Christmas cards x

Anonymous said...

Wow Cant Wait To see them
On Tv

And Good Luck For Monday Jak

Love Kath x x

eilo said...

lovely christmas by La Pashe will be wathing out for them on Monday