Friday, 29 August 2008

Matching Card & Gifts

I loved working on these projects, it's really nice to give matching card and gifts all products used are from Papertrey Ink

I carried on the theme to gifts A clear topped tin and a frosted tie top bag.

Click on the images for a closer look.


Anonymous said...

Love it Jak great idea
Luv Nena x

Linda said...

Love them. Can I have the cookie, hehe.

Suzanne said...

STUNNING - just love your style

Anonymous said...

Jak what a lovely idea the poppies are quite beautiful.

Lorraine x

Debs said...

Beautiful, cant have cookies though lol

Anonymous said...

A beautiful Trio Jak great idea too

Chrissie said...

Wow Jak these are just fabulous! I love them. Why is it that none of my friends craft so I never get anything like this?

Jenn said...

Great projects, Jak! They look perfect!

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful Jak! Those cookies look de-lish, too.

Beryl K said...

Great idea Jak, your work is always fantastic
Beryl x

Shirley said...

Great matching and a beautiful card, Jak~!

Alison said...

Stunning work.

Lavender Rose said...

Wonderful!!!!! Gorgeous card and the matching gifts are fab.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak

ur stuff is just too good. looks amazing.

keep it up!