Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Toastie Crochet Slippers

I said I would show you as soon as I got them finished and here they are, I made them over two nights.

My Mam spends most of her time on her bed as this is where she is most comfortable, on Christmas Day she mentioned that she could do with some bed slippers to keep her toes toastie and I figured that I should do something about it.


I hope she'll like them.




Maryann Laursen said...

They looks sooo nice, warm and cosy Jak, and I know, she´s gonna love them

Jo Rice said...

Morning Jak, wow those bed slippers are just brilliant....I do hate to have cold feet...I am sure that your Mum will love them.
Thanks for all your inspiration over the past twelve months and I am looking forward to lots more in 2015...
Have a very happy New Year....hugs...Jo. xxx

Mad Mary said...

She'll love them Jak, they are fantastic and look so cozy. Love the colours you have used.

Mary xxxx

Dawn said...

If your mam doesn't like them Jak, I don't think you'd have any probems getting someone to take them off your hands! They ook reay cosy!
Dawn xx

Elizabeth said...

She will love them because they are perfect and her lovely daughter made them for her. Hugs to you both.

Sandra H said...

Wow they look brilliant l reckon they will be pretty warm too!

XxJULESxX said...

Hi Jak, well done the slippers are so lovely!! oh and Happy New Year!! x

Linda Simpson said...

These look fabulous and I am sure your mam will appreciate them. I would like to wish you a Happy New Year and hope it is a very good year!
Linda xxx

terrie said...

Your house slippers turned out very nice...your mother will love them...
Happy New Year to you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak

They're Bootiful really bootiful & your mam won't wonna take them off !!

Love the colours & if you have a spare few moments I'm a size 5.....

Wishing you & your family & very Happy New Year & Thank you so much for all your hard work & crafty inspiration throughout 2014 & look to much more in 2015..

Crafty Hugs
Haze xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak

They're Bootiful really bootiful & your mam won't wonna take them off !!

Love the colours & if you have a spare few moments I'm a size 5.....

Wishing you & your family & very Happy New Year & Thank you so much for all your hard work & crafty inspiration throughout 2014 & look to much more in 2015..

Crafty Hugs
Haze xx

Nicole Bretherick said...

Oh wow Jak!! I love these, I need to hunt the pattern down and give them a go ! Xx