Tuesday, 10 September 2013


It wasn’t until I got told off by my Mam on Sunday that I realised that I hadn’t gave you an update.

Time just seams to fly by doesn’t it?

So here is the little fella, our Jack on his first day at full time school.Two of Us-039

Things have changed so much since mine were little, Jacks Mam was allowed to stay for lunch one day which I think was wonderful, he even got a star award in his first week.

His Grandad said we need to hope that he will grow into that PE kit sharpish otherwise we may have our first taste of bullying on our hands.

Jak Signature


Dawn said...

Ho looks so grown up! Well done on the star Jack! x

Katelyn said...

I hope he enjoys school!

Nicole Bretherick said...

aww bless him! bet he melted your heart wearing his uniform :) xx

Elizabeth said...

Very handsome Jak..Is he in Kindergarten or First Grade? I'm sure you have a different name for class #.

Joyce said...

Oh gosh Jak ... what an absolute cutie!! I just love his little legs and his HUGE shoes!!! Delightful! xx

heidy said...

Oh he so cute Jak!!
XXX heidy

Tammy said...

Fabulous pictures, what a cutie!

Ann Marie Governale said...

Big boy! Oh Jak, he is so adorable.. Lucky you!!

Linda Simpson said...

Fabulous layout and gorgeous photo of Jack.
Linda xxx

caroline said...

He looks so cute, my granddaughter has just started as well
Caroline xx

Mad Mary said...

Awwwww isn't he so adorable. Clever wee man for getting a star in his first week. Hope he enjoys school.

Mary x

Maryann Laursen said...

WOW already in school, where does time fly??? He looks so small , but also sooo happy like he´s really exited about everything, he knows is comming his way now. ha ha ha
Beautiful creation here again Jak.

My'scardcorner said...

Oh how smart he looks but did he look like that when he came home lol cant believe he is at big school how time flies.

Unknown said...

Outstanding LO, and Jack is just adorable, xxx

Unknown said...

Thanks Jak the photos are lovely. He is great, love him to bits.
Mam xxx

Debbie said...

Wow - he looks so grown up.Beautiful pics.Hugs x

Mau xx said...

What adorable pics Jak, He is so cute.
I am sure he will be bigger and broader than Grandad in the blink of an eye! oh they grow so fast.
Huge Hugs Mau xx