Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Make your own Chocolate Place Setting–Santa's Sleigh

I stumbled upon this idea tutorial for a Christmas Sleigh gift and thought it would make the most fabulous place settings for the Christmas dinner table.

Well who doesn’t love chocolate? Not many that's for sure.


The tutorial video can now be viewed on either my YouTube page here https://youtu.be/7QrUrqJPmPM 

or on a more recent page of my blog here http://www.jakheath.com/2020/12/make-your-own-chocolate-santa-sleigh.html 

The idea for the place setting only came when I gave my daughter a peek at what I was making for Jack and she cried “I want one too Mam” so what was once to be only two or three soon became eight that I needed.

I ran out of bits for my place setting so I still have 1 left to complete but I was itching to show you all.


Aren’t they sweet? (pardon the pun) I even found some little chocolate Santa’s to drive the sleigh.


As you can see we have candy canes, KitKat, miniature Cadbury chocolate, Kinder bars, chocolate coins and in the adult ones Dime Bars. I tied it all together with ribbon from Ribbon Carousel 


Come on get out those glue guns and set to work on a treat to remember at the Christmas dinner table.

Click here for the link to the tutorial for them

Jak Signature


Tammy said...

Absolutely fantastic! What a terrific idea and something everyone will enjoy! Great crafting!

Colleen said...

Oh, how cute and what a very clever idea for place settings or even to put on a gift package.
Great craft project.

Loz said...

these are very cool Jak :) thanks heaps for the link!

sue said...

These are fab Jak, thanks for sharing the idea, I think I shall make some myself. x

terrie said...

I remember when I did these candy sleigh a few years back...
They make wonderful little gifts..
Thanks for sharing...

Mary Roberson said...

Hi Jak,

Thanks for showing these. I had seen them before and forgot about them. I think these are even more fun with Santa driving the sleigh.

Winton Rose Paper Creations said...

Cool Cool Cool. The children will love these. Thanks Jak.

Lorraine said...

I pop in to "ooh and arh" over your posts everyday but this time I really have to tell you how great they are in person (well nearly in person). What a wonderful idea you are very inspiring. Thanks for sharing.

Laurian said...

These are wonderful Jak! THere's only DH and me for Christmas this year so I will make us some to go with the other goodies for our table, we're both a couple of kids at heart!
Thanks for sharing.


Caroline said...

I love these the are gorgeous. Caroline xxx

Dawn said...

Jak, these are fab! Thanks for sharing! I might just have to have a go!
Dawn xx

Maryann Laursen said...

WOUW what a wonderful idea,these are awesome Jak. I´m definitely going to give these a try too. I´m very sure the girls will just love them for christmas too.

Debbie L said...

Such a brilliant idea, thank you sooo much for sharing Jak, and thanks Dawn for showing me the way over here ((hugs)) Can't wait to get to the sweet shop now lol xx Wishing you, yours and all your followers a very Merry Christmas :D

Linda Simpson said...

Fabulous idea and I am sure will be a big hit on Christmas day.

Linda xxx

Mad Mary said...

What a fantastic idea Jak, i love this.

Mary xx

sallysbitz2 said...

Awww, this is just brilliant Jak. I will definately keep this in mind for next year x

hugs sally x

Kelly Lloyd said...

This is an amazing idea Jak, they look fantastic..

Hugs Kelly

Daisychain said...

Thanks for showing us this Jak. I was looking for something novel to put on the table and these are ideal. Hugs Christine x

lyn clark said...

what a fantastic idea Jak they look great x

Lisa Jane said...

oh these are fabulous .. i am tempted but no children coming Christmas day and i don't think my mothers teeth can cope with the candy canes lol
Lisa x

Unknown said...

Hi Jak,how strange I had never seen these before until two weeks ago when I visited the Christmas Dickensian Fair at Lightwater Valley( near Ripon)they were selling them for three pounds each and the didn't have as much on them,they are great idea I am going to make them with the kids at school next week.Great minds !Take Care Jacqueline.S

Kate Hadfield said...

Oooh, these are FABULOUS! I love the chocolate Santa's driving the sleigh!

Lori m said...

These are darling, what a lovely table setting they will make. Yummy too!

Hugs, Lori m

littlebee said...

Brilliant Jak.... straight out to the shops for goodies to make these with my granddaughter. Had such fun when she came home making up 8 so far... 2 for her teachers at school (she's 7) and some for on the Christmas dinner table for my daughters and their children. Thanks for the inspiration. Sue x

Unknown said...

Oh wow now these are just totally fabulous!! I think I might have a go at these! :))
Lizy x

Dona said...

These are fabulous!!

Viv said...

These look fabulous Jak, I did a simpler version with some candy canes and name tags. I must make a note to do these when our baby grandsons are older they will love them.Tfs :) Viv xx

Budge said...

Love the sleighs Jak.
Thank you Jak for the link these are great treats for the grandies.

Elizabeth said...

Love these Jak and will Bookmark your post to fix for Christmas. All five of the children will love them. They could be a great holder for money gifts too.

CupidsBow said...

Love love love!! Will be making these this year instead of the usual selection pack!

CupidsBow said...

Love love love!! Will be making these this year instead of the usual selection pack!

CupidsBow said...

Love these! Will be making them instead of buying the usual selection boxes!

MissHoney said...

What candies did you use? They aren't the mini Hershey bars typically used. I like the Chocolate Santa sleigh better.