Sunday, 2 September 2012

News–Lots Going On

I know you think I’ve dropped off the face of the world but honest I’m still alive though not kicking so much ha ha!

I’ve lots to update you about.

Monday – Blog Hop Day for Just Inklined so I'll have a card made so be sure to visit.

Tuesday – Day of prep and travel.

Wednesday – I’m at Create and Craft TV with new La Pashe products

Thursday – Spotlight Tutorial for Ribbon Carousel definitely worth popping by.

Friday – Neon Markers giveaway and a preview post on Letraset Blog.

Saturday – Crumbling in a heap to try to re-sort my back out.

Sunday – Day of rest.

I’ve got 4 hospital appointments this month so far. 6th I have to go back for bloods (on-going problem), 18th  I see both Rheumatologist and the Dermatologist that should be fun as appointments are one after the other, 26th I have to go to get measured up for walking sticks.

Jak Signature


Bernadine said...

Looks like a very busy week ahead ... take good care of yourself Jak ... and I'll keep you in my prayers ... hugs

Louise said...

Busy lady! I'll be setting Sky+ for Wednesday, can't wait! good luck with your appointments x

Lori m said...

Tossing hugs to you Jak, feel better and I'll be sure to pop back to see your beautiful card and visit the blog hop.

Hugs, Lori m

Janette said...

Lets hope they can help you out with all the attention...finally....xx

Linda Simpson said...

A busy week ahead Jak but I hope you get some rest in between. Have a great week.

Linda xxx

Karen Drew said...

I'm exhausted just reading your post.

Make sure you get chance to rest your back!
Karen xx

Wilma Knottenbelt said...

Try and get as much rest as possible in between. Will keep you in my prayers. Hugs.

Liz said...

Heck honey you don't do things by half do you!! Here's hoping they can give you some help.
war5m hugs

hollis58 said...

Take care of yourself Jak and can't wait to see the new goodies x

Lesley (Middlesbrough) said...

Look after yourself, we're all sending you our very best wishes. x

caroline said...

looks like you have a busy week try not to over do it to much

caroline x

Jo Rice said...

All sounds good on tha craft front Jak...will be watching you on C&C, make sure you find time to rest though....hugs. X

Rooty said...

Youre going to be very busy you make time to rest up a bit, i will be watching you on create and craft, and im pleased they are going to help you at the hospital.
lots of

June Nelson said...

You have a busy week girl, dont burn your self out as it so easy to do you know, just you take care of your precious self big huggies June xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sandra H said...

Your a busy lady take care xx

Jan said...

Hi Jak,

Good news at last, the doctors should be able to help. Don't do too much next week, make sure that you have plenty of rest and feet up with a good brew every so often. Looking forward to your new card and also the giveaways on Friday. I never win anything but you have to keep trying. Again look after yourself, don't do too much.

Love and Hugs
Jeannette xx

Mad Mary said...

You are going to be very busy indeed Jak, just look after yourself and don't push yourself too much.

Hopefully all your appointments will be good ones and that you will get more help/medication to relieve some of the pain you are in.

I'll be watching you C&C on Wed.

Mary xx

Ita said...

Jak Jak I thought you were supposed to be resting??? please slow down and take a bit of time for yourself