Monday, 10 September 2012

Healthy Eating Inspiration.

I had a wonderful surprise yesterday and wanted to share it here for you. As most of you know I have been on a healthier choices mission, Not a Diet because that word just lines me up to fail.

I decided to make healthier choices in my foods and my husband Chris would join me in this. Like many out there I struggle with the what foods should I eat and what meals that are quick when you have been to work all day. I didn’t just want to eat salads.

Well all of this was well and good and I even tried to get active, no not going for jogs, gentle exercise on the Wii, all was fine and dandy and just my cutting fat content, leaner meat, low fat where possible, not buying biscuits stop going to the supermarket on a whim for chocolate or crisps each night but allowing them as a treat. The weight started to come off.

Of course it showed on Chris big time, it just dropped off him, my meds meant it took much longer but it was coming off. 1 1/2 stones worth.

Then my back took a turn for the worse, couldn’t exercise as such but Chris would take me for little walks and I could hold onto his hand and use him as my stick (love that man). So I stuck I felt totally fed up, I know the weight drop had stopped, I kept on with the eating healthier as doing it didn’t actually bother me. I watched Chris shrink before my eyes and I was so happy for him if not a tincy bit jealous that his was visually amazing comparing to mine.

So I stepped on the scales reluctantly knowing in my heart that I hadn’t lost and may well of gained. Well all I can say is that yesterday was a beautiful day and the sun shone on me as to my amazement I had lost another 10lb.

So the story here is don’t give in, just because you don’t feel that you are getting anyway does not mean that you aren’t.

If you would like me to list what we are eating I will, just let me know.

Jak Signature


Mad Mary said...

That is fantastic news Jak, i am so pleased for you. I have managed to loose a stone and a half over about a year but have now been stuck at that for about 6 months, i just can't seem to get it on the move again. I can't do much exercise so yes i would be interested to see your list. I am a very fussy eater but it wouldn't harm me to look.

Well done to the both of you xx

Mary xxx

Wendy L said...

Really well done and I am envious, I would love to know what you are eating. I dont snack between meals but I cant get rid of the extra weight I have put on over 5 years since packing in smoking. And I dont want to diet, just change the way I eat. xxxx

Maryann Laursen said...

BIIIIIIIIIG CONGRATULATION to both of you Jak, that is so well done, and so true, people just have to stick to it, and it will show eventually.
I´m sooo happy for you, as I know this is something you really wanted, and it´s sooo awesome, when things is turning into succes, as this has.
Well done and good luck in reaching all your goals hun.

Zosi said...

Jak that is wonderful - I am very pleased for you. I would love to know what you are eating so please let me have the list.

My e-mail address is

Very well done. I am on a lot of medication since my cancer 3 years ago and that is round about the time when I started having problems keeping the weight off.

Keep up the good work.

Linda Simpson said...

Congratulations Jak I am absolutely delighted for you. I bet you feel 10 feet tall with that weight loss. I totally agree with you about never giving in as you never know. Don't forget though even if you haven't lost the weight you may have lost the inches which is another good thing too.

Once again well done and have a wonderful week.

Linda xxx

Jo Rice said...

Hi Jak, Big Well Done to you and Chris, I do agree that the way to control weight is to eat in moderation, as healthy as possible , and stop when full..... So many people think they have to finish everything , even when they are full......
I bet you feel great ( except for your back pain- sorry..) well, you look great..... So keep it up..... Hugs. x x

Wilma Knottenbelt said...

Congratulations, Jak. Thanks for sharing that with us. It really encouraged me as I just needed a nudge in the right direction. Keep it up.

Janette said...

Well done Jak,,,,,I NEED THAT

Hamrow said...

Well done Jak. You deserve our congratulations. When you are not well it is easy to give up and just relax but you have done so well. I would be interested in your list please. When I saw you on TV recently, the weight loss was very noticeable.

Eve xxx

Unknown said...

Hi Jak, I noticed your weight loss when you were on create and craft, I did send in an e-mail but it never got read out, it was entitled "WOW" I went on to talk about your products but I really wanted to let you know that you looked fantastic and the weight loss you presented us with was amazing, so although you perhaps never noticed I certainly did.
Well done Jak and Yes I would also like to see your food plan.

Thank you

Pat said...

PLEASE, please do list what you are eating! I see that I am not the only one wanting to know too.
And WELL DONE to you and Chris.

Lesley (Middlesbrough) said...

Congratulations on your weightloss, it won't be long before you are as skinny as a racing snake! take it easy with your back and look after yourself.

KraftyKoolKat said...

How fabulous for you Jak, I am really pleased. I am afraid I have put on loads since moving house last October. Keep up the good work sweetie.


Sue's Crafty Corner said...

Congratulations Jak, on finding something that works for you. When hubby and I go on a health kick he always drops the weight without even trying, while I struggle along way behind. I would love to know what your answer was.

Sue x

christine pethers said...

Thats brilliant Jak.
As you know my mobility isn't great and meds dont help at all so I would love to know not just what you are eating but what youve stopped eating as well (not the obvious stuff) .
I know this is going to create more work for you and I'm sorry - but you did offer :)
love Chris

angiec said...

well done jak im really proud of you.i too am on meds and in the last 2 yrs have put on 3 stone in weight,if i try to diet i actually eat more i think its the word diet that does it.i really am fed up of feeling fat now and my clothes are tight yet again but i refuse this time to buy a bigger size.
so yes please jak i would love you to list what you have been eating

Karen brass said...

Hi Jak
That's amazing, Jak, very well done! I, myself have a bad back, and can't exercise so I'm finding it really hard to lose weight at the moment. So I'm in awe of you! It just shows if you want something badly enough you can find a way of it working for you. I was thinking of going to the shop to buy some chocolate (I comfort eat), but after reading your blog, I'm not going to. You've inspired me. I will keep on going. I know that you're very busy, but
I would love it if you could post some of the foods you have been eating, to give me some more ideas. Thank you, Jak. Take care and good luck.
Love from Karen brass xx
P.S. well done to your husband x

Anonymous said...

Oh well done you 2.
I find it very hard so I would love to have your list please.
Thank you
Love Marilyn

lw said...

i could tell you had lost weight in fact a lot of weight when i saw you on c and c the other day best wishes lynn from yorks

Jan said...

Well done Jak and hubby!.. could definitely tell you have lost weight when you were on tv last week - you're looking great !... please let me have the list too?.. I am doing the same as you, healthy eating, and trying to up the exercise - not easy when you have a bad back as you well know, and I stopped smoking almopst 3 years ago too, so its been a double whammy on the weight gain. But.. I have lost best part of a stone so far - but more tips are always welcome. Many thanks.. Jan x

christi said...

way to hang in there. whether you lose or not it's better for you. congrats!

Andi B said...

Delighted for you Jak and I hope your back improves soon

Andrea xx

Lynne said...

Way to go Jak. Good on you and your hubby. Yes, there is a message there. Just get your back sorted and you will be on track again. Hugs Lynne from OZ

My'scardcorner said...

Good for you Jak keep it up.

3362Jan said...

Hi Jak. I think you are doing really well. With every thing else on your plate. Sorry!! Keep going. Jan.

ursula said...

Well done Jak, you are doing amazing..... hope to see some pics soon.... luv Ursula XX

Lori m said...

Congrats Jak, my husband looses so quick also, while I've been doing the almost seven year battle of the bulge.

I quit smoking almost 7 years ago and the weight piled on so it's a constant battle. I'm trying to walk my doggies a wee bit now in hopes to drop some poundage.

You look Fabulous, kudos to you for all your hard work and determination.

Hugs, Lori m

craftynanny said...

Well done Jak! I am hoping that the scales will say that I have lost 7lb before I go away next Tuesday!! :-) Lea xx

Wendy Jackson said...

Well done Jak.....keep doing whatever it is that is working...x

Dona said...

Congratulations!!! You Rock Lady, keep up the good work. Now for a wee question, are your Create and Craft shows available to watch online. And again, way to go!!

Dona said...

Congratulations!!! You Rock Lady, keep up the good work. Now for a wee question, are your Create and Craft shows available to watch online. And again, way to go!!

Anonymous said...

That's wonderful news Jak, congratulations! I agree with you about that 4 letter word 'DIET' it strikes terror in the hearts of most. Your approach is the only way to go and ones taste buds actually change after a while - after a little training! The important thing to keep in mind is that you've NOT had your last piece of Pavlova or glass of Southern Comfort etc but you are creating a healthier body and happier you. CONGRATULATIONS again.

Mary Mac

sallysbitz2 said...

Well done to you Jak. I must tell you that men DO loose weight QUICKER than women. I do not know why, but it's true x

keep up the good work luv x

hugs sally x

Unknown said...

Congrats on losing those darn fats Jak! I myself I'm taking some medications but I can't commit myself to stop on those darn snacks....I do hope one day, I will and I have to get back on my wii soon...

Lisa Jane said...

well done you .. i saw you on C&C at the weekend and thought you had lost weight .. you look good
Lisa x

Anonymous said...

Well done!! Yes please tell us ALL what you are eating on your healthy eating plan. Mabex

tombecca said...

Congratulations on your successful weight reduction. I am just starting out on my healthier eating and i would welcome healthy eating advice tips etc. Thanks

Mary Roberson said...

Congrats to you both! Glad you didn't give up and got a pleasant surprize. Yes, would like to see your new menu choices-thanks for the offer to share that with us.

Lesley said...

I think you have both done a wonderful job, it isn't easy is it, if you would share your secrets I would be very grateful. In the last 3 years because of illness and lack of exercise I have put on 4 stone, HELP!!! Well done to both of you, and thank you.

Sadia said...

you are really inspire me while i was so much fat few month ago due to much fat eating but i have reduce my weight and i am happy because i am daily doing walk and jogging and i have 10 kb weight reduce. Aripiprazole