Monday, 19 March 2012

Show Dates & Blog Candy Winner


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Create and Craft TV Dates for your Diary  Sky 671 | Freeview 36 | Freesat 813

Thursday 22nd March

11am and 2 pm hope to see you there….

I can see you all love your embellishments for your crafting, loads and loads of you entered for it.

The winner is

126. Eileen Coles

Well done Eileen, if you can send me an email with the heading Blog Candy I will get your prize posted out to you, my email is on my side bar.

Jak Signature


Anonymous said...

Congrats Eileen!

Kathyk said...

Well done to you Eileen, you lucky thing - enjoy your prize


Angela D said...

Well done Eileen

Becky Dunham said...

Congrats to Eileen! I am green with envy :)

Linda said...

Congratulations Eileen, am

caroline said...

well done Eileen, happy crafting.

caroline x

Joyce said...

Well done Eileen ...Enjoy!

Lorianna said...

Have FUN!

terrie said...

Congrats Eileen for being the winner...enjoy

Colleen said...

Congratulations Eilleen on being the big winner

doreen L said...

Lucky you Eileen.
A question for Jak. I am from Australia and was wondering if your blog candy is only for UK residence? When ever I enter my name a red x. appears after my name. What does that mean?

Trish said...

Well done Eileen

Jak Heath said...

Doreen my candy is for anyone to enter no matter what corner of the world you come from, the red cross is there only you can see it and it's means you can change your mind and delete the entry if you wanted to.

Christine Harrop said...

Congratulations Eileen. I'm sure you'll make some fabulous stuff with your candy.

Thanks for answering the question about the red cross - I have wondered about it myself.

Jo Rice said...

Well Done, Eileen, Enjoy the candy.
Jo.R. xx

Mad Mary said...

I'll be recording shows this time, i am never usually out but have two appointments on Thus and the times of them means i miss both shows :-(.. I'll catch up on them at the weekend though :-)

well done Eileen.

Mary xx

Mary Roberson said...

Eileen, you are going to have so much fun with the blog candy~enjoy!

ursula said...

You're gonna have fun Eileen, congrats.....Ursula XX

Linda said...

Congrats Eileen. Enjoy playing