Thursday, 12 August 2010

Old photographs found

A rare find, my brother Alan came across a website hosting many photograph from where we live and whilst browsing through the pictures he stumbled upon some of our family.
The first photograph below is from 1920 they were amateur boxes I've marked all of the photographs with an arrow so you can see who they are.
this one is a picture with my Granda in, he's my mams dad, we haven't got this picture so it was wonderful to find it. he was quite a sporty guy in his youth and in fact in his very late years he was still known to play snooker and billiards.

This is from the amateur operatic society below is a photograph with both my Dad and his sister Auntie Alice, another photograph that we had never seen.

Below is a picture of my Brother Russell staring in Oliver, we already had this photograph but i thought you might like to see it.

My Mam has been reminiscing and finding loads of her friends on the site of bygone years, isn't the Internet wonderful?

I do hope I haven't bored you all.


Mad Mary said...

What a great find Jak, a goosebump moment i think. Yes the internet is a wonderful place ( as long as you can get on -lol)

Mary x

Lorraine said...

this is fab Jak love the photos xx

ursula Uphof said...

Yes, great to be able to find such important old memories.

Wellnifty said...

Oh what a fantastic find, I love old photo's, how wonderful to find photo's you haven't got on the net.
Chris x

My'scardcorner said...

Great pics and how wonderful to find them especially for your mam.I must take a look at that site sometime.

angelique (anlou) said...

oh my that's an awesome find
the pictures are beatiful
love live the net
hugs angelique

Sheila - Ginger said...

That's amazing Jak and how wonderful gor your family that they were found....and 'NO' I don't find it boring just so interesting. Many thanks for sharing them with us.

Love Sheila xx

craftymum said...

What a fantastic find. It's lovely to look back at old family photos, especially if you have never seen them before
Love sarah x

Making Cards With Crafty Sue said...

Super to see all these pic's Jak and never boring,

My nephew found a pic of a very old house in Leeds that I once lived in when I was a young child and also on that same picture was one of my brothers and sister out in the garden...great to see and far from boring

thanks for taking us back in time for a while Jak and best wishes

Kimbo said...

Fabulous find Jak. Bet your Mam is thrilled

Christy/Tiddly Inks Digitals said...

That is a wonderful neat to see your family in a new way. :)

Irene said...

This is an awesome find Jak, how lovely to have photos like this.

Dawn said...

How wonderful to find thes photos!!! Bet you had a real trip down memory lane! x

Toni Tralala said...

These photos are so nice. If only I had photos like these of my ancestors. :)

There's just something about old photos that lure me in.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak, How lovely to find these photos. Can you give me the name of the web site please? Thanks - Ann

SueJ said...

Not bored at all I enjoy this type of thing. What a find, yes the internet is wonderful.

Cindy N. said...

I am so happy for you and your family. Those are great photos and wonderful memories. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful find, full of nostalgia for all the family, I'm sure. Thanks for sharing, Jak!