Sunday, 29 August 2010

Crazy offer

Jim and John (Just Inklined Artists) and myself have been working on getting an amazing offer for crafters.
and this weekend you can take full advantage of it.
Click the image below for details

To take advantage of this outrageous off Click here


♥ Lydia ♥ said...

They look fab Jak!! Might have to go shopping!! :0)

Sheila - Ginger said...

Hi Jak, have just bought mine...many thanks for such a fabulous offer.

Love Sheila xx

Suzi Mac said...

Wow! thanks for the link Jak, just off to have a peek.
Suzi x

Lorraine said...

oh what a gorgeous set xx

sheffsue said...

Fantastic product at a fantastic price....that's a lot of my Christmas cards sorted.
Thank you Jak.
Sue x

Millie said...

I love the offer Jak, how much is 5 pounds in USD?? or do you ship to America?? LOL.

Jak Heath said...

Millie you can check it over on the site, it shows you your currency