Tuesday 1 December 2009

Gingerbread Man Winners

The winner of the Waltzing Mouse Gingerbread Stamps are...

Joan Cummings

Debs Ankin

Cally Ancell

Marge E Robertson

Ladies please contact me jakheath@gmail.com with your address details and I will have a set of the stamps sent out to you.

Congratulations and a big thank you for supporting me in my fundraising.


Mad Mary said...

Well done everyone. I am sure you will all be thrilled with your goodies.

Mary x

Debs said...

I cant wait to get my goodies, I haven`t won anything in a very long time and I just love these.
Thank you so much x

Cally said...

Wow how exciting! Thank you... haven't won anything like this before..xx

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, everyone!

Alice (beemer)