Saturday, 12 December 2009

Free Download - Build a Blossom

I bet you thought I'd deserted, well I have been very busy trying to get everything finished for La Pashe before breaking up for Christmas and also busy with the family.
I thought i'd give you something to play with that isn't Christmas so here it is.
You are free to use my sheets for personal use but please do not share, alter, claim them as your own or sell them, instead link back to my blog for people to download them.
They are copyright protected
Just click on the image and this will bring it to full size on your screen then save it to your computer.
The sheet will print to a normal size A4 sheet, once saved to your computer double click on the file then from the top menu on your computer click, file then print this will then print out the image


Dineke said...
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Dineke said...


Mad Mary said...

Thank you so much for another wonderful Frebbie Jak, you are a very kind and generous lady.

Mary x

My'scardcorner said...

Love these build a blossoms Jak and this is a lovely pink TFS.
Hope you have a Happy Christmas with your family and lots of cuddles for yur new grandson:0)

Tracey said...

Thankyou , you are very kind to share with us.

Christine said...

Tahnks Jak, you are so kind to share your images with us.
Christine xx

Margaret, said...

Thank you Jak for another lovely freebie , i enjoy doing them , Happy Christmas to you and all your family
Margaret, Scrappy cards

Helena (Gvendalen) said...


Nicola said...

Thankyou Jak!xx

Diamantin said...

Thank you.

Norma said...

Jak this is lovely,thanks so much again
for sharing them with us

Norma x

Shirley said...

Thank you very much Jak. Pretty shades.
Durham Lass

Anonymous said...

Thanks once again for your Generosity Jak ,this is a wonderful sheet ,It`s nice to see something other than Christmassy stuff ,once more .Hugs Cazxx

MA-MI said...

Thanks for all freebies you share with us. I used this one for a baby card you can see on my blog with a link to yours: