Monday, 5 October 2009

Build a Blossom - Christmas

I thought it was about time I made a Christmas Build a Blossom, knowing how popular these have become I thought it may help you all toward an embellishment or even a centre piece for your Christmas cards.
Below is a sample of the blossoms made up.

You are free to use my sheets for personal use but please do not share or sell them instead link back to my blog for people to download them. They are copyright.
Just click on the image and this will bring it to full size on your screen then save it to your computer.
The sheet will print to a normal size A4 sheet, once saved to your computer double click on the file then from the top menu on your computer click, file then print this will then print out the image


♥ Lydia ♥ said...

Thanks Jak...these look wonderful xxx

Merry said...

Thanks so much for these lovely flowers....will have to find time to create on.

Marge said...

So pretty, Jak; thank you so much!!!

Mad Mary said...

These are gorgeous jak,so rich looking. I think i will make a few up and sit them down the middle of the Christmas Table this year instead of having a centre piece. Thank you so much Jak, you are a Star.

Mary xx

Anonymous said...

Thank you for another great freebie.
Caz R

Lisa Schipritt said...

Thank you so much...soooo pretty!!!!!

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

These are gorgeous Jak! Thank you so much.

pinky said...

I love using the leaves and flowers and these are just stunning too. Many thanks

manette xbox 360 said...

Flowers are looking so cute here. I really like their colors of leaves. I want to appreciate your art. Keep it up!

syy said...

Another fantastic design Jak



mckinkle said...

How lovely, thank you very much!
Keryn :D

Lynne said...

Thank you so much Jak. Your images are always beautiful and gratefully recieved.
Lynne xxx

My'scardcorner said...

These are fabulous Jak Thanks so much for sharing cant wait to use them:0)

Pam Swadling said...

Very pretty Jak. Thank you so much for sharing your lovely work with us.


Daisychain said...

Yippee! More blossoms! These are gorgeous, can't wait to have a go with them. Thanks very much Jak!

Hugs Christine x

Angela Mclean said...

thank you so much - the flowers are beautiful. Cannot wait to use...
Angela xxx.

Beryl said...

Thank you so much Jak. I can see them making a lovely focal point. The colouring looks so rich and the design is gorgeous.
Beryl xx

Unknown said...

Thanks Jacs, going to print them off and cut them out tonight, will post when I have a card on my blog, Thanks again for your wonderfull flowers

Sheila - Ginger said...

Only just seen your new 'build a blossom' Jak! It's beautiful...thank you so much ...again!

Love Sheila xx

Norma said...

Jak they are beautiful
thanks so much for sharing

Norma x

sue said...

these are lovely thanks jak, can't wait to use them

Millie said...

Jak, thanks a bunch for the C'mas Build a Blossom, I do love all the build a blossoms that you have done...
Hugs, Millie..

Angela Toucan said...

so pretty. thank you for sharing

sheffsue said...

Thank you Jak for another stunning work of art.

Sue x

Lynn said...

These are so pretty Jak, thank you so much for sharing.

Cazzy said...

Thanks Jak, I love these and hope the gold prints out how it looks, which is amazing!

Cazzy x