Sunday, 29 March 2009

Build a Blossom - Frill mix 2

Another free download of the Build a Blossom Frill and a couple of backgrounds too.

You are free to use these for personal use but please do not share my designs instead link back to my blog for people to download them.They are copyright to me.

Click on the image to download the PDF sheet at full size.

Click on the image to download the PDF sheet at full size.

Click on the image to download the PDF sheet at full size.


pinky said...

Thanks a lot Jak, hope you had a lovely day with you Mum.

Lilacanglia said...

Thank you very much,
Just one question please,
Am I allowed to sell the cards that I make with these on,
I wont sell them as sheets, or pass them on, would just recommend your blog for people to get their own, Have flippin men and flippin women, and the remember when decoupages, love seeing you on create and craft,
Craftin hugs

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Jak, thank you for yet more yummy blossoms. As I've said I so love using these on my cards and will look forward to any future installments. Best wishes, Kym xxx

Anonymous said...

These are just exquisite, Jak, thank you so much. I do hope you enjoyed your chauffer-driven day out.

Alice (beemer)

Debs said...

Thanks Jak, they`re gorgeous.
I hope you had a lovely day

Cazz said...

The sheets are really lovely Jak. Hope you had a good day xxx

Daisychain said...

Thanks Jak, gorgeous sheets as ever. Just done another one, I changed the colour, wanted yellow but came out peach ha!ha!

Have a good day.
Hugs Christine x

Lynn said...

Thank you Jak, they are lovely! Hope you had a great day out.

mad mary said...

Thank you so much Jak, love this set too. I can't get the lemon dot's to download, but i did get the others. Hope you had a great day yesterday.


Mary x

PeeJay said...

Bootiful, Bootiful! I've saved 'em for use at some point in the future, probably when everyone else has forgotten about them - lol! - but in meantime (and I know exactly what you're going to do with it) if you want to pop over to PeeJay's Crafty Bits there's something for you ..... hehe!

Christine said...

Thanks Jak for more beautiful Free designs.
Christine xx

Karen Lindsay said...

I want to thank you for all the beautiful freebies you offer to the world. I am collecting them. They are just gorgeous!


Baukje said...

Thank you so much Jak, love these they are going to make a the perfect birthday card for my daughter.


Kathy W said...

Jak, thank you so much for sharing your art! I can't wait to create cards for my family with these. Flowers and paper are beautiful!

Jacqui said...

Thank you very much for the images and sheets. I appreciate your kindness.
Jacqui xx (Calexico)

Anonymous said...

these aregorgeous Jak thankyou for you kindness

Wellnifty said...

Thanks again Jak, they are lovely

Chris x

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much Jak for sharing your sheets with us all, they are fabulous!!

Mandie xx