Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Day 2

Today has been one of the ones you just happen to dread when trying to give up the weed.

Stressful is an understatement.

Everything that could have went wrong did go wrong.

I haven't made a card simply because I was so wound up I couldn't.

I've took to eating hard boiled lollypops and then biting the stick to bits afterwards.

Also watching television this is a novelty for me and it helps to take my mind off things.


Anonymous said...

You're doing well Jak! and eating lollies will help keep you occupied. It helps to sip water or take a short walk to keep your mind off it too. Good luck! I know you can do it!

Maz said...

Oh Jak, it does get better everyday you know. You need to keep busy so you dont think about the ciggies, cut out some stamped images or something that makes you concentrate. Keep going though it will be worth it and you are doing so well.

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Jak, as I've said before I can't comprehend what you are going through as I've never smoked. My nan used to say that "nothing worthwhile was easy" - I'm not sure if she made this up - but it is apt for you. Each day will be hard but it will gradually get better. You've got us all behind you. Kym xxx

Anonymous said...

keep at it the long term benefits are far greater than the stress at the think of all the extra pennies for crafting stuff and the little grand baby

PeeJay said...

Keep at it Jak! Remember, sit back, relax and breath really deeply a few times. That did wonders for me. Also - although you're permanently busy anyway - keep busy as the more you've got to do the less you're likely to think about it.
I know you can do it but, as has been said - "nothing worthwhile is easy" (and, no Kym, your Nan didn't make it up 'cos it's something my Mum always used to say as well - lol!!)

Anonymous said...

I have been at that stage too Jak many times so I know how you feel, but you are doing well, keep it up. I want to try to give up too, and am trying to get into the right frame of mind for another go. Wishing you all the luck in world as it's not easy, but as Kym said anything worthwhile isn't easy, and she is right.
Thinking positive thoughts for you, you can do it!

eilo said...

well done, your doing fine,you will succeed, just take it day by day

Scrapping Julie said...

i am routing for you!
it is HARD but you can do it!!!

Terry said...

You can do it! I know how hard something like this is. I'm trying to lose weight as I bake cookies for my kids to take to church tonight and as I take the cinnamon roles out of the oven for my husband for breakfast. Oh yeah, he weighs 125 soaking wet. Keep it up!

Beryl K said...

It'll get better Jak, hang on in there, you will so much beter when you've finally cracked it
Beryl x

Anonymous said...

Good for you Jak! You're doing great. Don't lose heart--it will get better and you will be so glad you did this!


Barbara said...

Hang in there, Jak! One day at a time... or one hour... or one minute! You are doing the right things to keep distracted.

Anonymous said...

well done they say one day at a time. dont smoke myself but have my own addictions..mainly calorie high!!just get crafting, as hopefully you dont smoke while doing that.???

well done on c& c on sunday, you were fab, really getting confident now and able to look into the camera and chat more.its nice to see the demos too.

Terrie said...

Keep going and just take it one day at a time, and keep thinking if I could last yesterday i can last today. This will be one of he hardest but most rewarding thing you do

Anonymous said...

Just keep at it Jak, it will get better quite quickly and 20 lollies are way cheaper than 20 cigarettes. Take Chris for a brisk walk round the coast road, that will lift your spirits.

Joey said...

Hi Jak, well done you,, I am always trying and keep telling myself this will be my year to kick the habit.

Lynn said...

Keep going Jak, you are nearly over the difficult bit now.
I used to cut up carrots and have them to hand in the fridge - used to smoke loads of them!
We are all behind you!

Pam said...

Hang in there Jak! Back when I quit seven yrs. ago, I would take drinking straws and cut them in pieces about the size of a cigarette and I would chew on them! Also did the suckers but had to watch my weight!
