Thursday 4 June 2020

Susie Character Doll needle Felting

This is a strange post as this needle felted doll was destined for the dust bin as she was a different character and I really didn’t like her.

Let me show you how she did look.

It was really annoying me so I picked her up ripped her hair off and started again.

I decided she needed to be platinum blonde and curly, I always wanted curly hair but I gather lots of people with curly hair want straight hair.

Her hair started off long but I decided to give her an up-do and tie it with a scarf.

I decided to place a sleeping bunny in her arms and those eagle eyed amongst you will have noticed that I also gave her darker jeans.

Her sneakers are pretty cool, they took a lot of working out but I’m happy with them.

So this is Maggie and her Daughter Susie, Susie stands at 18 inches tall.

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Wolf in clothing - Needle Felting

Not quite a wolf in sheeps clothing but bit by bit my needle felted wolf is getting to where I want it. As I write this you can't see my dining table for wool haha!

Now you may be forgiven to thinking he has a pair of shorts on but the weather has been glorious here.
No seriously when blended it will all work out.

He's a big project and I will try to do a size comparison later. Bit by bit he is coming together, lots of colours lots of blending and not going at this one 24/7, walking away from it and gradually getting the desired shape.

As you can see I need to sort out the line of colour next to his nose as it looks like a ridge at the moment but I will go back to that later.

Sunday 31 May 2020

is it a Wolf? Needle Felting

OK I've started a new project in needle felting, is it a hound? a wolf or a husky? Only time will tell

I have to admit, he doesn't look too fierce does he?

Each time I pass by him I pick up the needle felting needle and stab him a little more, bit by bit he will get there.

Saturday 16 May 2020

Needle Felt Wedding Penny Farthing

Its official a needle felt wedding.
Penny and Farthing met, locked tails and fell in love...

Don't they make a beautiful couple? he asked and she said "I do" Ooooo I just lov a happy ending. I believe they tie tails and not knots.

what happens next we will just have to wait and see x

Friday 15 May 2020

Needle Felt Mouse Mr Farthing

Meet Mr Farthing the needle felt mouse. He will be knocking on Penny Mouses door to arrange a date, I feel a courtship is upon us.

He's a dapper chap in his top hat and bow tie, I think Penny is going to love him.

I love the tubby tums of these mice.
The next step is to introduce him to Penny. Love is in the air....