Monday 6 May 2013

Just Inklined to Hop–Something for the Boys

It’s the first Monday in the month so that can only mean one thing, Blog Hop day for Just Inklined.

I’ve used Cheers Chalkboard for my image easy peasy card for Fathers Day

Cheers Chalkboard1


Coloured with Copic markers then cut out and added to the card with foam pads

Cheers Chalkboard2

Teamed with K & Co papers and a picot edged ribbon, a button and twine.

Cheers Chalkboard3

The order of the hop is as follows remember to leave comments on all of the blogs as we always have spot prizes from the comments left.

Dawn, Tammy, Tangii, Lori, Joyce, Gaynor, Jak (ME)

Jak Signature

Sunday 5 May 2013

Jack out and about.

Jack just loves to be out in the fresh air, his Mam had been in work meetings today and as soon as she got home they went out on an adventure.

First scooting to the Park, just look at him go.

Two of Us-028

Then to the place I love best, the seaside. he came home with a trinket of treasures from the beach.

Two of Us-029

Jak Signature

Saturday 4 May 2013

Suitable attire.

I have really struggled with a whacking cough and sore throat but today I had to be up out of bed bright and early, both Chris and my nephew Craig joined the cycle to work scheme and their new bikes were ready to collect, I dropped them off to pick them up and they rode them back home. This is a brilliant way to start cycling as it makes it affordable to get a decent bike without breaking the bank, Ask your employer if they do the scheme.

I then came home showered and got ready to start shopping for clothing suitable for the funeral on Thursday. Chris will be wearing full ceremonial Fire Brigade uniform so leggings for me just wouldn’t cut the mustard. I settled on a long black Skirt and a shrug and I have a nice cream top to go with them. Shoes are always a problem for me, the number one thing has to me comfort as I have psoriatic arthritis and pain in my feet are a biggie.

I’ll have to pray for decent weather as I could only get open toed sandals', little pump shoes just wasn't happening.

So the skirt


The shrug front

shrug front

The shrug backshrug back



I also had my hair highlighted as I had a bit too much salt and pepper going on, not sure if I’m keen on it, a bit too much blonde going on but Chris likes it so I’ll keep it for a while until I see if it grows on me.

I was hoping to get out on my bike this weekend but my head cold and cough don’t need further help so I’ll take each day as it comes.

Jak Signature

Friday 3 May 2013

Daddy’s need cuddles too!

I think this has been proved over and over this week, just because men are meant to be strong it doesn’t mean they don't need a cuddle too.
This image Softly Sleep by Just Inklined says it all.
Softly Sleep1Jak Heath
Perfect for Fathers Day or a Daddy’s Birthday.
Softly Sleep2Jak Heath
Coloured with Copic Markers and teamed with Kaiser Kraft papers.
Jak Signature

Thursday 2 May 2013

Busy Bee, Busy, Busy Bee

Baby Fairy Bee b  by Mo’s Digital Pencil, just as cute as a button.

baby fairy bee b1

Coloured with Copic Markers and chalk pencils and teamed with Nitwit papers.

baby fairy bee b2

you could just pick this cutie up for snuggles no?

Button from Wholeport filled with Flower soft for the yellow centre.

baby fairy bee b3

I’m loading with a head cold, my voice is but a squeak to Chris’s relief. I’ve had a throat like razor blades but I think the worst is over now.

Jak Signature