Thursday 8 September 2011

Just Inklined to Hop–Wacky Wheelz

blog hopWacky_Wheelz_beetle_jakheath2

I’m so excited about this blog hop today as Just Inklined are giving fanastic value for your money on the Wacky Wheelz sets and that is what we are show casing today.

The hop starts here with me and I’m show casing the Beetle Car.

This one is so versatile as is could be feminine or masculine the choice would be up to you.


I decided on a feminine card for just passing your test and i used the colour print on mine, I printed it out a couple of times and layered up the car for a 3d look.

All of this for just £3

  • 1 Coloured and 1 Outlined print of the car
  • 4 coloured "blue prints" (Blue, Sepia, Green, Grey)
  • 17 text sentiments
  • 10 embellishments in colour and outline


embelishments_water__49825_zoom     sentiments_water__77491_zoom

Dont forget to leave a comment on all of out blogs throughout the hop as each of us will be giving away a set of the Wacky Wheelz that we used for our cards.

next on the hop is Tammy and I just know she’ll have something amazing to show you all.

Jak Signature

Tuesday 6 September 2011

Ribbon Spool Solution

I posted my new shelves here the other week that I bought to try to solve my ribbon problem and I have to say that I’m thrilled with them. I also added that if any shop had some spare spools that I would give them a good home, well not one offer did I get but…. I did get lots of ideas on how to make my own. Then I got a phone call from my Mam telling me that her friend Mary had read about my spool problem and she came up with the most fabulous idea and here it is.


Who would have thought it, I took myself off to our local charity shop and asked if they had any old videos and they had a massive bag full that I could have because they don’t sell them but keep getting them donated, So I left them a donation then my lovely man (Chris) took them apart and this is the result.


Genius idea Mary thank you.

Don’t forget crafters, ask the owners permission before wrecking their video collection. he he he.

Jak Signature

Here come the girls! Jo

Another one of the Just Inklined  girls this one is Jo and she can be purchased here

Jo_here come the girls1

I coloured this one up with Promarkers and Flex Markers by Letraset and added some Bo Bunny papers a beaded ribbon and some beaded flowers.

Jo_here come the girls2

Another of Martin’s poems

Halloween poems for kids

Halloween Costumes

Halloween costumes don’t need to be scary,

Dress up as a wolf, hobbit, or even a fairy.

Mickey Mouse or a super cute bumblebee,

Maybe a mermaid, from the very deep sea.


Superman, Spiderman, or a soldier at war,

If you choose a monster, make sure you roar.

Girls may want to dress up as Cinderella,

Or maybe the old witch, they used to call Stella.


Whatever you choose make sure you have fun,

Stay close to your group, and try not to run.

The very young kids, you’ll need to take care,

But when you see adults, with your costume you’ll scare.

by Martin Dejnicki 2011

Jak Signature

Monday 5 September 2011

Daddy’s Girl

I have to say this is so like my youngest daughter, when she was little she even had blonde hair, although you’d never believe it looking at her today as somewhere in the circle of life she ended up with dark brown hair. She was the one in our house that got the Scalextric from Santa and not dolls prams.

Daddy’s girl by Mo’s Digital pencil

daddys girl1

Coloured with Spectrum Noirs by Crafters Companion

I kept the decoration to minimal because of the tomboy theme, Bo Bunny designer paper a pretty ribbon and charm and a couple of buttons.

daddys girl2

Another poem by Martin Dejnicki

Halloween poems for kids

Bobby and Boo

In Bobby’s closet, he had a friend named Boo,

Boo wasn’t a white ghost, he was bright blue,

On Halloween night, Bobby took Boo outside,

It was Boo’s night, so there’s no need to hide.


The kids asked Bobby, “Who is your friend?”

Boo’s a real ghost, not just pretend.

All the kids started to laugh and giggle,

Boo got mad, and began to wiggle.


All of a sudden, Boo was up in the air,

The children all froze, with fear they did stare.

Bobby asked them, “How do you feel?”

They ran away yelling - “Boo is Real!”

by Martin Dejnicki 2011

Jak Signature

Sunday 4 September 2011

Halloween Poems for kids

I have a little trick….. no sorry, it’s a treat for you all.

A very talented gentleman asked if he could write some Halloween poems for you all for your cards and boy are they good.

I’m going to post one after each of my cards over the next few days, here is the first

Cruel Switch

Once upon a time, there was an old witch,

Her magical broom had a cruel switch.

All the kids knew, haunted was her house,

Those that entered, never returned, not even a mouse.


One foggy night, Jill met Thea and Fred,

These very curious kids, snuck out of bed.

They knew the witch lived, up on that hill,

A quick glance of her house, gave them the chill.


They slowly approached, with plenty of fright,

Saw owls and bats, above them in flight.

In her front yard, they saw a few stones,

Next to these stones, scattered were bones.


Fred trembled in fear, gently he knocked,

The door opened itself, they were all shocked.

She smiled and laughed, the children she greeted,

Asked if they’re hungry, they were told to be seated.


She laughed once again, said her night is now rich,

Picked up her broom and pressed the cruel switch.

What happened next was much more than foul,

Turned Thea and Jill into bats, and Fred became an owl.

by Martin Dejnicki 2011

You can see more of Martins‘s poems at the link below

Halloween poems for kids