Monday, 30 March 2020

Needle Felting The Robin Fairy

Another Fairy for another special lady, This one is for Noreen Mckie although I'm unsure to when these fairies will be posted due to the current COVID-19 situation
I know how much Noreen likes Robins so I figured this one would be just right for her.

I have to say that I love the colour way on this one and loved making her hairstyle.

I wish I was brave enough for her hair colour myself but would fear that I would look like Mrs Slocombe


Unknown said...

Oh wow, Jak that is incredible! I so look forward to seeing her in the flesh/felt! Thank you so much. ❤️❤️❤️

Laurian said...

These are absolutely beautiful and I wish I had the skill to make them, I'm sure the lucky lady that will get this will treasure it - I know I would! xxx

Lizbe said...

Another lovely fairy do love the hair colour. Be well Jak x Liz

XxJULESxX said...

Just gorgeous Jak!