Monday, 3 September 2018


Ok hands up, who is afraid of colour?
It's a funny old thing isn't it, so many rules, Blue and green should never be seen unless there's something in between..... unless of course it's lime green and vivid blue then that rule gets thrown out of the window.
Colours can clash but then again some clashes look good.
So throw the rule book out and use the colours you like, rules are mean't to be broken so go with what works for you.
I started a mask with Powertex, stone art and texture balls.

I decided I wanted something with a bit of sparkle so started adding some metallic acrylic paints.

I loved the effect over all of the texture that I had added

I blended one colour into the other as I didn't want any harsh lines.

So this is where I broke the blue and green rule. I think it works.

I'm quite pleased with the result.

So how about you? does colour scare you?


Janette said...

I LOVE it Jak it looks fabulous, great work..xx

Unknown said...

Looks stunning love the texture and colours. Well done