Friday, 19 May 2017

Hilda and Stan

I wanted to create something to signify the Working Class from Powertex fabric hardener, something a little tongue in cheek, actually I named this pair Elsie and Harry and then a friend asked if they were Hilda and Stan Ogden haha!

I loved making these charactures i knew what I wanted in my mind but putting that into practice can be challenging.

They started life as wooden spoons, I then made up some stone art clay and modelled their faces.

Making a jacket and trouser was the challenging part of this, the buttons on the jacket were made with the Powertex as it was drying on my rubber gloves I picked off a piece and rolled it into a ball and stuck it onto the dampened material.

Look she has her hair rollers in, roller made from the Stone Art clay and her hair is string wrapped around the roller, I think she may be going to the bingo as she has her lipstick and blusher on.


Did you notice he has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth? tut tut!

Just stepping out. A night on the town.



My'scardcorner said...
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My'scardcorner said...

Wow Jak this is brilliant can't believe started out as wooden spoons and yes Stan and Hilda spring to mind well done you love them

XxJULESxX said...

Oh Jak made me smile! just brilliant!

Maria said...

Hilda and Stan, Love them !! :-)

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