Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Total Wipe Out

Wow I was knocked totally off my feet with a Flu bug. Aches and pains, shivering then a temperature, sore throat, off balance, a headache that had me blind and face numbness. I felt totally wiped out. I always pick up bugs because of a low immune system, and colds are quite dangerous for me, work colleague's bring in the bugs instead of staying at home then I go down with the super bug. It’s a vicious circle that just keeps giving (to me).

So no crafting, no computer, just bed, sleep and meds.

Today was my first full day out of bed, still off balance husband had to drive me to a hospital appointment but this afternoon I sat and made a card (yay)

Goodness by Mo’s Digital Pencil 


I used kraft card and used my Prisma pencils to colour the image, it has been so long since I played with them that it took some getting used to again but I’m pleased that I did persist.


Jak Signature


Dawn said...

Oh dear Jak! I hope you feel much better soon! I hate when people spread bugs about like that!
I love your card & the colouring is fantastic as always! Big get well hugs!
Dawn xx

Joyce said...

Oh dear Jak ... do take care .. hope you feel better soon! Awful when people spread their germs around. 'Immune Support' is a really good supplement to take, especially when all the bugs are around. Take care xxx

Candy said...

Jak - I hope you are better and will stay that way. Sounds like you had a terrible time!
Wonderful card - always love pencil on craft :o)
Hugs, Candy

Cheryl W. said...

So glad you're on the mend! My coloring isn't nearly that good, even when I'm healthy as a horse! Love your card.

Tammy said...

You sure can't tell from your adorable card that you've been sick! Hope you are on the mend and will be your sweet self soon!

Cathy said...

what an adorable image!

Sue from Oregon said...


Nedlnut said...

Feel better soon!
Pam (nedlnut)

Mad Mary said...

I too have a low immune system Jak so i try to stay away from anyone with colds/flu etc. I hope that's you over the worst of it now and on the road to recovery. Your card is fabulous as always.
Big hugs

Mary x

Maryann Laursen said...

I´m sooo sorry to hear that Jak, and I sure hope, you´ll soon be back on your feet again. I can hear and see here, that we´re more of those with a very low immunesystem, and I´ve also just been through that mill. I´m one of those, who noone will touch unless I´ve got some preparing penicillin beforehand. I had to have a tooth pulled out a few days ago, and even that cost me 4 days before on penicillin, before they´ll even touch it and then keep on for 4 more days after, just to make sure, I don´t catch anything, so believe me, I know only too well, how it is, and I really feel for you. Sure hope you´re good on the mend now.

ursula said...

Beautiful card, made whilst not feeling well, well it is brilliant... I do so pray that you will be 'on top of the world' again soon Jak, not good feeling like that day after day....luv Ursula xx

Sandra H said...

Oh wow simply gorgeous is this with lots of lovely detail added hope your feeling better soon x

My'scardcorner said...

CARD IS SO SWEET Jak loving the bow hope you are feeling better today.

Deonna B said...

The flu has been something else this year. I am still coughing from it and it's been 2 weeks. I hope that recover quickly. Your card is gorgeous!