Monday 16 July 2012

Jacks Noisy Birthday

He’s three years old today and as I told you yesterday we bought him a noisy fire engine with sirens and a water hose.

Our other Daughter Natalie went one better, Lauren Jacks Mam is planning sweet revenge so watch this space.

Anyway it is Jacks Day and he is thrilled with Auntie Natalie's Birthday Present.

jack drums.


And the proof in the pudding is him playing, I think we may have the new Rodger Taylor in the making.

Jak Signature


lindah11 said...

AWH bless his little heart
hugs linda xxx

Lesley (Middlesbrough) said...

He looks like he's having a brilliant time.

June Nelson said...

Aw hes so cute, Hapy birthday Jack xxx

heidy said...

Oh he's so adorable Jak!
Congratulations with the little Rodger Taylor!
XXX Heidy

Sue said...

Oh Jak he looks so pleased with his gift.
Hugs Sue

Lisa Jane said...

Looks like he is having a fabulous time... my daughter has a full size kit.... ex husbands revenge lol!
Lisa x

Colleen said...

How Adorable....the little drummer boy.
Sure does look likes he's having a great oh time

Dawn said...

Too cute! Hope he doesn't noise you all up too much!
dawn xx

sallysbitz2 said...

Oh No !!! Lol

The question is .... where is the drum kit gonna stay, at Nan's or Mum's Lol

hugs sally x

Tammy said...

Bless his heart, he really can drum!

Wendy L said...

I did mention drums in my comment and he did get some. You are all in for a lovely noisy few weeks me thinks. But if he goes on to make a fraction of the money Roger Taylor has made you will be OK. xxxx

Trish said...

Has anyone bought ear-plugs???? He sure is having a ball!!

Wilma Knottenbelt said...

How sweet. I cannot believe he is getting so big. I can see he is going to have a lot of fun with those drums.

Nena's Crafts said...

Great Jak what a gorgeous little boy Happy Birthday x

hollis58 said...

He looks brill!! and like he had a lot of fun - its the sort of pressie I bought my nephew when he was small and my sister cursed me for it lol x

Sandra H said...

Oh he's such a cutie!!:)x

Daisychain said...

Never mind the drums - I want to see the fire engine! Happy birthday Jack! Hugs Christine x

Lori m said...

He's so cute, a natural on the drums and I'd love to see the fire engine with Jack sitting on it and the sirens blazing.

Congrats to the Winners, thank you again for the fun week.

Hugs, Lori m

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

How Cute! I've been told "no more noisy thngs" are to accompany my granddaughter home after a visit to my house!

Donna said...

How precious! I had a drummer in the family. All three of my kids were musical: one drummer, one flutist and one sax player. You just get used to the noise (at least it's like noise at the beginning). LOL! Happy Birthday to Jack!

Elizabeth said...

Happy Birthday Jack !! Hope you have years of enjoyment from your drums. You might think of not using them much so they will last a loooooong time...

Kirsty said...

Hi What a wonderful Birthday ! one to treasure ! did you have a shot !! Looks like super fun ;0)

Mary Roberson said...

Sounds like the perfect gifts for a young lad. Glad to see he's enjoying them! Adorable little man;)

terrie said...

he is so handsome and too cute him playing the drums...thanks for sharing this with us

Lynne said...

Sooo.. cute.Thanks for sharing. hugs. Lynne from OZ

Jean said...

Where has three years gone? He's just gorgeous Jak. One of my grandsons is a drummer, now has a kit with 23 components and is studying music at college. We've spent some very noisy nights supporting him at his gigs so hope Natalie knows what she may have started - and can run faster than Lauren!!

Janette said...

Awwww, this is awsome, you tell Jack he alr4eady has a fan he had a wonderful day.xx

AnneRD said...

Happy Birthay Jack.

ursula said...

Uh oh, sounds like a lot of noise to me, oh dear, but you could have a musician in the making here !!! Can you believe it 3 already, they grow like mushrooms.....luv Ursula XX

Mad Mary said...

Brilliant and if he's going to be a wee Roger Taylor then he's got a fan in me. I love Queen.

Mary x