Sunday, 6 May 2012

He Stole my Heart

It has to be said, he definitely stole my heart, I would however of given him it gladly in the blink of an eye.

I simply adore this little man, we had him today and he was as good as gold, he helped water the garden with his little watering can and he just loves being out in the fresh air.

Two of Us-003

He chatters along asking hundreds of questions which all have to be answered. He also does make believe now which finds me watching and studying him as well as playing along, he jokes and giggles and is totally fun to be with.

Two of Us-004

He helps make the Yorkshire pudding for dinner, and then up to my craft studio and he did some stamping and made a die cut duck, he likes to get in there as I have a small step ladder so that i get reach to the top of the shelving.

I simply love him.

Jak Signature


Tammy said...

He is one adorable little guy and looks to me that he loves you just as much!

Penny said...

Don't you just cherish those special moments and having him to yourself, the simplest of pleasures are always the Best. The scrap pages are pretty special too.

Lisa Jane said...

oh what wonderful layouts .. you can just feel the love
Lisa x

Mad Mary said...

Isn't he just adorable and what fantastic pictures and scrapbook pages. So glad you had a great day with him he is such a happy wee man.

Mary xx

Colleen said...

They grow up so fast so do cherish those special moments.
How is that bump that he had gotten on his forehead. Hope it's healing

Lorianna said...

so adorable!!
He sounds like medicine for the soul!!

caroline said...

he is so adorable, some times think grandchildren were sent to help with bad times and share in the good times
caroline x

Anonymous said...

The pair of you would just melt a heart of stone - fabulous pictures Jak (which I know are cherished), Thank you for sharing the love!

Mary Mac

Linda said...

Great photos and layouts.

heidy said...

So adorable Jak.
looks like you stole his heart to!
XXX Heidy

Dawn said...

Great pics & great layouts Jak!
True love!
Dawn xx

Anonymous said...

He has got to that age when he enjoys doing things and it is a great age for you both, enjoy Jak whilst you can, they grow up so quickly....
Love ~ Lady Anne xx

Jennifer said...

What can one say but "totally gorgeous!"

Jennifer. x

Joyce said...

Absolutely adorable! You can just see the love between the two of you. Special days xx

My'scardcorner said...

Lovely pages Jak and yes it is lovely to share these moments with our grandchildren treasure them as time passes to quickly.

Cally said...

Beautiful picture Jak. What a gorgeous little boy. xx

sallysbitz2 said...

I bet you do Jak. It's lovely to watch them play, you learn sooo much about them. They grow so quickly & before you know it he will be treating you to lunch Lol

hugs sally x

Trish said...

Sooo gorgeous Jak, you can easily see the love is on both sides. I know exactly how you feel- my little Grandaughter, Katie is 14 months and my heart swells to almost bursting when I'm with her.
Trish x

hollis58 said...

Simply fab and full of love x