Saturday, 26 June 2010

Promarker Blog Candy

Whoop, Whoop, I have Stamping sets 1 & 2 Promarkers to give away curtesy of Letraset.
I have added images of my favourite colour duo's to my Promarker Knowhow Page, two shades that blend very well together so pop over there and write them down if you need colour matching ideas.

To be in for a chance of winning both stamping sets shown above, leave me a comment tell me which 2 colours you like to blend with.
I will close the blog candy Saturday 3rd July and pick a winner at 10pm


TR said...

Raw Siena / Chestnut

:) TR

Loz said...

Wow! ♥Markers♥!! I cannot answer your question because I have NO markers... at all! I colour everything with my chalks, so I do a lot of blending, pink and yellow makes my skin tones etc. But the world of markers to not something I'm yet familiar with... mayber July 3rd will change all that! Thanks ♥

Lorraine said...

wow Jak you just give away the best stuff erm i hope its ok but i really have not long been blending and learning to shade and i find i like the results of black and the cool greys for dark hair or cinnamon and tan for brown having more troubles for blonds at the mo would love these sets what a prize fingers are crossed thankyou hunni xx

JLJ Designs said...

I have only a couple of Promarkers and not enough to blend with (very different colors). I think my favorite color is grass green. I'd love to win these markers.


Carol said...

Awww WOW Jak!! What generous candy you always offer, thank you. I think I would have to go with Peach and soft peach or chestnut and cocoa eeekkk not sure. I just luv my promarkers lol! Lotsa luv xxxx

iReneM said...

If I had any, I would go with your choice of the pinks
But I also love the blues and the greens too :-)

judith smurthwaite said...

I don't have any of these Jak would love them but not enough pennies in the jar to get any so fingers and toes crossed that if i win i become a promarker gang member lol...... thanks for the opportunity xxx judith

Tammy said...

I am sorry I can't answer that as I do not own these promarkers. I don't believe they sell them in the United States at least not in my craft stores. Thanks for the chance though....

Sylvie said...

I like Soft green/ tea green together.

terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Well, it's my birthday on July 3 so I'd love to win this on my birthday! I love blending greens but like another, I don't have any promarkers so I can give specifics. I'll let you know after I win!!

Unknown said...

O wow what an awesome candy... I'm all the time using promarkers as I only use them for my colouring!!! I hadn't realised you had a Promarker Knowhow so I just popped over and am so glad I did. Loved the one of the blender especially as I have that one and don't really know how to use it, so now I'll be trying your technique :) My fave two colours that I like to blend are the ivory and blush for the skin, adding also the dusky pink too. thanks xxx

Marisa said...

I only have 1 set of 12 markers so can't really blend any but would love to have enough to blend skin tones and hair colours. Thanks so much for the chance to win this great candy!

Jenny V. said...

Hi Jak! I always wanted to try promarkers, but already have some copics. I love blending any brown color especially for the hair part. I hope I win, cross my fingers.

Tara said...

I love the Slate and Caramel. They look like my MAC eye shadows. I love all the colors.

Thank you!


Carole RB said...

Hi Jak
I can't answer because I don't have any Promarkers. If I win it will be a great time to try them (and adopt them). Thanks for giving us a chance to win those two sets. I'll cross my fingers... and toes.
Have a nice sunday!

Lornamay said...

Soft peach and ivory for sking toning would be my choice. I loved how you did this in the tutorial.

Lexi said...

ohh this is wonderful :D My fave 2 colours to blend with would have to beeeee & poppy orrr i've found of late i rather like pumkin and red! (odd huh lol) its great for fire :D
Off to sneak a peek at knowhow page :D

Thanks again hunni

Hugs Lexi xxx

Jose said...

How wonderful! I dont have any promarkers and have never seen anyone using them, but I hear so much about them on blogs, I just use felt pens or watercolouring pencils but would love the chance to have some, so just hoping I am the lucky one.
Huggs Jose

Jean said...

I dont have any promarkers but would love to try them...I use mostly triat markers. Thanks for offering this great prize

eva said...

Unfortunately, we in Estonia is not in the sale of such markers.
Thanks for the chance

Boo said...

Love blending with my cool greys to be honest - just so interesting watching how they can suddenly come alive and gain so much depth. Basically any two of the cool greys is what I'd recommend. Fantastic giveaway - just feels great to be in with a chance. Thank you so much. :D

kathleen said...

I'm like you with the pinks,blues and greens but i like to experiment with other colours as well.

Kathleen x

Scrappymax said...

I suppose the colours I blend most together are Blush and Ivory for my skin tones.
Thanks for the chance of winning.
Max x

Cyprus Anne said...

Jak what amazing blog candy. At present I don't have any Promarkers but I am looking into getting some soon. It is my brithday on 2nd July and I think I am going to ask my family to get me some. At present I use watercolour pencils and Marvy Watercolour pens but the selection of shades is minimal compared with Promarkers. Thank you for the chance to win some.


Dragonlady said...

Hi Jak

What a fabulous giveaway. I haven't been using Promarkers for very long but I like to blend the yellows together.

Fingers crossed. Hugs Ali x

Tired Mom said...

I'm very new to promarkers but have just done a baby boys card and got lovely effects with powder blue and denim blue. X

Pjay said...

Hi Jak,

Recently discovered your blog and became a follower love your projects! My FAV' promarkers to blend with are pastel yellow and gold for blonde hair, but I'm still practising and its all trial and error, great prize thanks for the chance!

Pjay xxx

Amanda said...

Hi Jak,

The two colours I blend the most often are Almond and Blush.

Almond makes a perfect skin colour and blush is great for rosy cheeks and adding a slightly darker skin shade.

Thanks for the chance of winning some fab candy!


Kaz said...

Thanks for the chance to win, well as i dont have many promarkers its hard to say but I use the almond and rosy pink to colour faces .....these tend to blend really well xx

Kaz said...

Thanks for the chance to win, well as i dont have many promarkers its hard to say but I use the almond and rosy pink to colour faces .....these tend to blend really well xx

Anne said...

Ooooh Jak, thanks so much for the chance to take part as I don't own any promarkers at all. Unfortunately, because of that I'm afraid I can't answer your question. Hugs xx

Debbie said...

Hi Jak.
More delicious blog candy. I love the Denim blue and Duck egg as blue is my favourite colour and they are so useful for colouring allsorts of things, trousers, sky, flowers and other. Mind you it was a tough decision as the colour range is brill. Debbie M.

mrsk06 said...

Hi Jak Thank you for the lovely giveaway mine has to be caramel and cocoa x

Anonymous said...

Like most who have commented before me I don't have any promarkers. I usually colour with prismapencils but would love the opportunity to try promarkers. Thank you for the opportunity. Love Wendy P x

Linda said...

What a fab prize. As I don't have any promakers can't say which are my favourites, but would love to win them to get the chance of trying out the combinations.

My'scardcorner said...

WOW Jak what a great giveaway :0) I dont have any promarkers but if I did Id like to experiment with the different blue tones.:0)
Myrax said...

Hi.I love to use Pastel Pink and Blush together for a lovely soft shade.I tend to use these for skin tones.I am finding your Promarker know-how page very handy.Elisa.x

sugarplum said...

Fabulous blog candy Thanks for the chance of winning. I have lots of colour combinations that I love but one that I discovered unexpectedly is orange and pumpkin which gives lovely shading effects I dont normally "do" orange but adore this colour combo especially when teamed with cool aqua/pastel blue as a contrast

Sarah said...

Beautiful candy Jak, thank you for the chance to win. I like Duck Egg Blue with Denim Blue xxx

CráftyClógs said...

Hi Jak love your email everyday, like a penpal . I have 3 promarkers and dont know enough about blending but I love the ones I have and it would be wonderful to win the prize thanks again from Galway

Suzi Mac said...

Hi Jak, Great tip on blending would never have thought of blue's & greens to blend. I'm still learning but I do like blending Antique pink with cocktail pink for my feminine vintage images. Thanks for the chance of winning.
Suzi x

Jolanda said...

Since your last candy with markers I have now 4 colours (red,blue,green and pink)and 1 blender. And The 1 I have blend with is Sky Blue. So I hope to get more colours. And how knows I can blend with more colours then the 4 I got. But I think it doesn't matter with colour you's all beautiful!!!
Hugs Jolanda

Jess's Crafty Things said...

h wow Jak delicious candy - would love to be in with a chance to win - have none of these markers yet as use OMS pencil technique, watwercolour pencil or twinkling h2o's but would love to be able to use them - my fave colours are olive green and pear green
thank you for offering us the candy

Penni said...

Hi Jak

Super candy, and you Promarker Know How pages are fab.

My favourite colours to blend are Ivory and Blush which I use for skin tones.

Thanks for the chance to win.


Stamps and Paper said...

I dont have any promakers so would like to have to to try.....
thank you for giving us a chance to win such a super product.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jak

I haven't got any pro markers yet.....these sets are actually at the top of my wish list. Would love the chance to have a play with them as would love to try something other than my watercolors!

Thanks for the chance, Emma

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Jak, what a lovely offer for blog candy. I use a lot of the Vanilla and Sandstone for hair, Blush and Putty for skin but I think my favourite blend has to be Orchid and Purple - you'd never guess I liked purple would you. Best wishes, Kym xxx

Dazie said...

This is very generous of you!

My favs to blend with would have to be oatmeal and blush I tend to use that a lot for skin tones although I love to have a go at blending anything really until I find which one looks the best.

Thanks for the chance to win! And for the blending tips!

Sheila - Ginger said...

OOOOO what wonderful blog candy Jak, like some of the comments I've only got a few but will keep my eye on your Promarker tips and Learna s much as I can how to use them. Many thanks again Jak.

Love Sheila xx

Mad Mary said...

I do have some Promarkers but not used them a lot. Main reason is i don't think i am good at matching colours so your tutorial which shows which colours go well together is a fantastic help for me. Must say i love the greens and pinks you have blended together.
Thank you once more for a chance to win these lovely items.

From Craftyjak


Isabelle P. said...

ProMarker green is beautiful

Nicola said...

Hi Jak, i like using Apricot & Terracotta, especially good for trees or wood!

rinat said...

I cannot answer your question because I have NO markers... at all.Thank you once more for a chance to win

Emma said...

I love blending pinks and purples but don't have any promarkers so I don't know the shades! Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize!

Josephine said...

Hi, Jak. My favourite blending colours are a threesome - so you can take either the paler or the darker two to make a pair. They're oatmeal, honeycomb and burnt orange. Excellent for reddish hair and lots of other things too!

Janice said...

Thanks for the chance to win such wonderful candy Jak. I love mixing purple & orchid at the moment.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge of Promarkers with us. Jan R x

From Craftyjak

JAN said...

Hi I only have a small 6 set of promarkers but love to use the ivory to blend out any colour it really works quite well until i can afford more colours..i know hobbycraft had a big sale but i dont have one near me i was gutted..ty for the chance hugs janet


Wow, what a great gift! I would love to win as we don't have these here in Brasil- so far I know-. Would like to blem the yellows and red.


Wow, what a great gift! I would love to win as we don't have these here in Brasil- so far I know-. Would like to blem the yellows and red.

Maryann Laursen said...

Hi Jak, Like most of the others here, I don´t have any markers at all. I only have a small pack of Prisma pencils, but I like to blend the peach and the pink for skintones with them, as thatá all I have to color with, so boy would I love to win this set, but with my luck, it most likely wount happen LOL. But thanks for the chance anyway.
have a great day and thanks for a wonderful site here and all your tutorials.
Biiig hugs Maryann

Karen Drew said...

I am still learning but I like to use Apricot, Spice and Cinnamon for hair colours blended together. This is a fab blog candy. Thanks for the chance to win
Karen xx

Suecake said...

WOW What a lovely b log candy would love to be included. Love ivory and blossom for skin

Cheryl said...

I do not have any of these markers either. I love the work you have done with them and would be great to add them to my craft goodies.

Anonymous said...

Oh wouldn't it be lovely to be able to try and blend some colours. Like many of the other ladies, I do not have any promarkers so cannot share my favourites with you. Thanks Jak for organising such an exciting award.

Unknown said...

What a great blog candy! I would love to win some Promarkers - can't tell you 2 colours I like to blend because I don't own any :( - but do have a chance to win some :). Thanks for that chance xx

Anonymous said...

Meadow Green and Marsh Green blend very well together
Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank you so very much for the chance to win. I usually use Cinnamon and Henna for dark hair. Haven't quite got Fairy Wings right yet though. How do you get the gossamer look? Love Patsy

From CraftyJak

PatsyB said...

Since I don't have any of these markers, I can't really say what to blend. I do have Bic markers and I have a real problem trying to make anything white look blended. Would love to try and use something that is really intended for coloring images! Thanks for being so generous!

tree247 said...

Wow you are so generous. My fave combination is soft green and pastel green. I sometimes throw in a bit of mint green for the darker shadows.

Anonymous said...

I only have the skin tone ones i have used dusty pink and blush the most still learning some time the images come out looking as though they are having a hot flush or sat in the sun a bit too long but hey rome was not built in a day so I shall keep having a go... To win the coloured ones would be fantastic thanks for the chance sa
from Craftjak

lesleyleg said...

Hi Jak,
Well to be honest I have tried the promarkers and finding it really difficult to blend them together.I think my problem is the colours are not close enough..I've either really dark and then inbetween colours.I love the purples and pinks though and will keep trying to get a good result from them.
Thanks for the chance of wining your candy!!
lesley x

terrie said...

I just love blues...thanks for giving us a chance to win a set of these markers... said...

If I have to choose just two colours, then it has to be ivory and dusky pink. However, I love blending with the cool greys too.

Thanks for the chance to win. x

Hamrow said...

I have only a few promarkers but am sure that if I were lucky enough to win these I could very soon decide my favourites to blend. Thanks for giving me the chance to enter this and hopefully win - who knows I might then become nearly as good as you with promarkers - well one day possibly!!


tilly said...

what fntastic candy....... wow Jak.... I am building up my pro-markers but of the ones I do have, I like to blend the greens and the blues, thank for the cahance of winning
Tilly x

ursula said...

Hi Jak, Promarkers is not a color blend I am familiar with, but oh what a start this would be, your skin toning and hair coloring is fantastic in your coloring of stamps, so I guess this could be a favourite. Thanks for the chance.
Luv Ursula XX

sheila said...

hi jak..i have only just started collecting promarkers so havent got that many colours to blend but i luv how you blend the colours you have especially the dusky rose and baby pink..
thank you and fingers crossed.
luv sheila xxx

Jade Scarlett Art said...

There all so yummy but my faves are Lime Zest and Pear Green

Jade Scarlett said...

The post above connected to my not so used blog, so here we go again

Manasa said...

I love the crimson red and the lipstick red combination....

Claire said...

Duck egg and tea green are gorgeous together too. Thanks for the chance to win such fab candy
Claire xx

craftygran said...

I can't answer the question because I don't have any promarkers yet. I keep looking at them but don't know which packs to start with. Thanks for the chance to win a set

Tracy said...

I like to use apple and meadow green, thanks for a chance to win Jak, i'm slowly building my collection of promarkers up.
Happy crafting
Tracy x said...

I do not have the promarkers, but I like the shades of browns. Thanks so much for a chance to win.

kayc said...

I have just started using promarkers but my favourite at the moment is Pear Green and Lime Zest. I would love to win this prize so I could add to my collection. Thankyou. Kathleen x

XxJULESxX said...

Hi Jak Wow pro markers!!!!the worlds greatest invention!!!!lol!,i us ivory and blush blended a lot for skin so i guess thats my fav.Thanks for the chance!

Vicki C said...

Hi Jak

Thanks for the colour combos like most this is where I struggle. My fave has to be spice and burnt orange. Love mixing greens and blues though.

Vicki C

carol said...

hiya.. WOW what fab give aways,i like to use Almond and putty for the teddy bears, hugs carol

Jodi said...

Thank you for such a great opportunity to win Promarkers. I do not own any markers, but I certainly love the way they make your cards pop. I always look at your cards and tutorials....well and dream of being able to color with makers like that. Keep up the good work. Your cards are always a joy to look at and learn from as well.

Andrea C said...

I like coral and spice for hair. xxx great tips on the mixing colours x

Elaine Stark said...

I have some Promarkers but have only ever made the colours lighter with the blender pen. I shall need to have a go at this. Thanks for the tutorials. Elaine

Crafty_Kitten said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Niccy said...

:( I don't have any Promarkers either... I am just discovering the joys of 'colouring in' using different inks/chalks/pencils etc. I would love to win some blog candy - then I can have a go and see what everyone is raving about!!

KyJeJe said...

Hi Jak, I like blending reds and purples. Thank you for the chance to win the promarkers.

suezie said...

I guess I am like so many others who are drooling over your blog candy Jak - I don't have any pro-markers either. I've seen em' I'm just not so sure about using em' but I'd love to have a go so I hope I'm lucky!

sandie carter said...

I have not seen these markers before but have used others . I tend to blend pinks and purples/ I would Eb thrilled to win either one of these awesome sets. Thanks for the chance.

Anonymous said...

I am new to Promaker...and am thrilled at the opportunity to win your blog candy! Thanks

Anne said...

Hi Jak, thanks for the chance to win, I've only the one set of pro markers and to be honest haven't really tried blending with them.
I'll need to go check out your hints page.

Anne x

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing the tutorials on promarkers. I find them very intersting and informative. As yet I don't have any but hope to get some one day.
It is hard to choose which combination I like best but I will say the olive green/pear green. I also like the blues and mauves.
I love the apron card. That sure brings back memories of yesteryear.
Thanks again for the opportunity to win this blog candy

Sharon-The OKI StampQueen said...

I don't know---cause I've not only not heard of them---I've not tried them...but would LOVE the chance to! I've not used Copics, either!
Hope I win...!

Millie said...

I am partial to Autumn Colors, also I have Marvy Markers, but they streak and don't blend well. I was going to try Copics, alas on my income could not afford them. I have heard a lot about the Promarkers and would love some of them. I like the fact that you can do awesome shading with them

Daisychain said...

The ones I use for blending skin tones are ivory and blush, they are my most used pens. I would be in Promarker heaven if I managed to win any of these fantastic sets, thanks for the chance. Hugs Christine x

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I would dearly love to win these for me to try. I like to do the blue colors for shading and blending,etc.
Thank you for such another blog candy giveaway.

Tigger a(r)t work said...

I can't answer because I don't have any Promarkers. If I win it will be a great time to try them ;o)).
Thanks for giving us a chance to win those fantastic two sets. I'll cross my fingers and toes and from my man too *lol*.
Hugs Tiggerchen

Kathy B said...

What lovely blog candy! Thank you for the chance to win Letraset & Jak Heath!!!
My favourite colors to blend would be red and pinks. I also use alot of blues for denim and sky. I don't have any Promarkers...yet. lol :)
BIG Hugs!

Crafty_Kitten said...

I am new to Promarkers, I bought my first set a few weeks ago at the Aintree Racecourse Craft Show. I got the spring set as I love the pastel colours in the set, I also treated myself to a blender pen. I haven't used them for any serious colouring yet but played about trying to get a nice blend with the colours. I would so much love to win the blog candy. xx Lynn xx (from Craftyjak)

Maureen said...

I only have a small amount of promarkers but I love blending with the different shades of grey. I would love to win these to build up my collection. Thanks for giving me the chance to enter the draw.

marilynmurphy said...

I enjoy blending with mulberry and plum. Thanks for the chance of winning the candy.



syy said...

Pastel blue and pastel green - although there are a lot more I
love especially the skin tones.

Sylvia (syy)

Meg Owen said...

Thank you very much for the chance to win some super Promarkers Jak. I have jsut been using Aqua and meadow green to give scenery effect.

Mari said...

I dont have any markers, but I like blending of a brown and celadon colours.
Thanks for the opportunity to win this markers.
Hello from Russia ^^

Sonja's Doings said...

Powder and Denim blue would be what I pick first.
Thanks for the chance to win the promarkers.
/Sonja xx

Dawn said...

HI Jak,
What a great blog candy. Thanks to both you and Letraset. Unfortunately, I can't comment on which Promarkers I prefer to blend as I have none at the moment, but they're next on the ever growing list. However, I'd have to say that red and orange would blend beautifully - especially for flowers.

Dawn C xx

Danielle said...

I don't have any Letraset markers yet, though I would love to have some! The amethyst and lavender colours come closest to the markers that I have at home and like to blend. I really like the monochromatic blending effects.

Lynn said...

Wow, thank-you Jac for the chance to win some pro's, I don't have any so cannot answer your question.

Anonymous said...

I am new to coloing with marker and stamping I just love it, I Thank You.


val090 said...

My sets of promarkers arrived this morning as it happens and I have been having a little play. Cardinal Red and Magenta blend nicely together.

Gibmiss said...

Hi Jak
I like ivory and Blush for skin tone
Sylvie xxx

Mariek said...

took me a while to get used to the markers, but checkout the fab help on blogs like yours really helped me get the best out of them and now is my favouite form of colouring my images. Love using Blossom and rose pink together.

Elaine said...

Love blending the mustard, primrose and sandstone to colour hair. From the superb instructions that you gave me.
Thanks Elaine

Anonymous said...

Hi Jaks
I don't have a lot of pro markers but I like blending Cobalt Blue and Arctic Blue for colouring all my denim jeans and such but I also like Amethyst and Orchid just because I love the colours.

Jean B

trish said...

Hi Jacque,
I love using my promarkers and trying to blend different colours together. I try blending blush with vanilla and pastel pink on the cheeks.
Thanks for the chance of winning this great candy.

fusiafscrapping said...

How I would love to win some Promarkers... I color with pencils...
but I like blues and browns.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jak, what fab, generous candy. I'm trying to grips with this stamping/colouring lark and am quite enjoying it. I have a few Promarkers- just love these little guys, they make colouring so easy. At the moment i use my shades in threes - caramel, cocoa and umber; antique pink, cocktail pink and baby pink; marsh green, olive green and Moss.

Fingers crossed

Alice (beemer)

n j said...

i dnt hav any promarkers yet coz they're not available in my country.

the colors i wud like to mix this season are turquoise blue and bright pink.. these are very hot and happening colors and make things look lovely indeed.


Rose said...

Wow! I have never used nor seen a promarker before. I would usually make do with colour pencils and magic pens. It would be a treat to own one though!

Claudia said...

MMM lime green and orange which remind me of summers spent in Mexico eating those fruit flavor ice creams!! Makes me want to go back in time. I've never used this markers before they must be a real treat. thanks for the lovely work you display and for allowing us to see your beautiful grandson grow.

Helen said...

Crikey!!!! What a prize......too generous. I have been trying to buy these here (Perth) and haven't had any luck so can't answer your question. I've been using watercolour pencils which really aren't giving me the results I want. Love your website - you inspire me! Helen

Julye said...

Hi Jak, fab prize. I blend lots of colours together such as henna and walnut, burgundy and shale or crimson,cool aqua and duck egg blue, oatmeal and apricot, leaf green and bright green to name but a few it really depends on what I'm colouring.

Loraine said...

Hi Jak, thanks for the chance to win the Promarkers blog candy, and thanks too for your tutorials which give people like me much needed help and inspiration.
I love to blend with Plum and Amethyst, I love to colour in dresses with these colours, whether on cutsie little girls or fashionable divas, and also flowers - love all shades of purple and lilac though.
Thanks again, love your blog.

Loraine x

Bee and Dee said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
caroline said...

wow what a prize, i'm afraid i cannot answer your question either as as don,t have any pro markers but would love the opportunity to win som so i could learn to use them.
fingers crossed.

Hazel said...

Hi Jak I love to blend the lilacs with the aqua's you can get some gorgeous colours. So very kind of you to offer this fantastic candy..

I am still learning to use the blender but am getting there.


Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Hi fav two colours are burgundy & walnut they look yummy but don't get much call for them really lol
Ps. don't need to be entered in draw hun cus I am a lucky girl & have them all but thought I would let you know which are my fav twoxxx good luck to everyone else
shell xx

Creativek(shraddha) said...

Hi Jak..First,I have been a regular visitor of your site..and I would get lost in your creations.I dont own markers of any sort..we don't get them in India at all.I love all pastel shades..I love blending pink and violet with my soft pastels to fill in all sorts of flowers!

Budge said...

Jak a fab prize. I like to blend the skin tones. Also love the lilacs.Thank you for chance to win some Promarkers.

Nicole Brenna said...

I love my promarkers so much. I use Ivory a lot to blend. It is just so light and perfect for blending. I also use all 5 cool grey markers a lot. they are great for highlighting

Scrappy Scatty said...

Lovely tips
I love using sunflower and lemon

נ ע מ ו ל said...

This is a very nice candy,and I do not own these promarkers (yet). Naama:)

Dragon Watcher said...

I don't have markers but I probably blend two colours of purple because that is my favorite coulor ;)


Anonymous said...

I blend blush and ivory for the best skin tone. Fab candy Jak
Barbara Phillips

Rosie said...

3rd July would have been my Mum's 94th birthday and as she loved sweet peas, I would love the reds/pinks/lilacs range of colours to make a picture in her memory. Thanks so much for the opportunity to win these, you are a very generous lady. Cheers Rosie

Nina said...

blush and dusky pink is my favoritt for skin tones.

flutterbys-n-faeries said...

i have only just found promarkers so only have a couple but i believe that they are of such quality that you could happily blend any two colour... i love your ideas and tips jak and often 'pop in' for a nose at what your are up to.... keep up the great work xxx Shona

Pauline said...

hi i am new to pro markers and only have a few at the moment but i love them, i find skin tones the hardest so Ivory and Blush for me, many thanks for giving us a chance to win such a lovely prize

Pauline x

Tanya said...

Awesome candy!!!! Promarkers -my dream!I have just one marker-tea green :(
Thanks for the chance to win this beauty! Realllllly want to be the lucky winner.
Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!
Welcome to my blog

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cowboydutrem said...

Hello! I have no idea of which markers I will like to blend since I don't have any marker yet. I am currently coloring with water color pencils (but not water coloring them so it's just like regular pencils with nicer colors). With my pencils I use to put a light shade first and then a darker one: for example sking pink then fuschia as I did on the flowers there.
I am considering promarkers for getting a more saturated color effect.

Gemma said...

What a fab comp!!

I'm new to promarkers but love blending Buttercup with Oatmeal and Rose Pink with Pastel Pink

Rosa Forino said...

non posso rispondere la domanda perchè non posseggo marcatori, spero che posso comunque partecipare al blog candy, ti ho inserito nella slidebar di
i am new follower
blog creative:

Anonymous said...

the skin tone colours...thank you for the chance of winning.


TheKatsWhiskers said...

I would love love love to win!! My current faves are duck egg and cool aqua!

Krafty Kows said...

1st thanks for the chance. I cannot answer your questions as I have very few promakers and still in 'early stages' of learning. Jeanette

Carin McDonough said...

I couldn't tell you what colours I like to blend as I have only recently discovered Promarkers and am not lucky enough to own any yet! Thanks for the chance to win some! :)

Nikki said...

What a fantastic Giveaway I've added a link in my side bar
Colors I love to blend are Blue's with Yellows to make an intense green :)
thanks for the chance
hugs Nikki

Daisycat said...

Still learning Jak so have not got to grips with blending but would so love to win the promarker sets, does private tuition come with the sets LOL

Jackie said...

As I dont own any promarkers I cannot say... but going on your colours on the know how page, dusky rose and baby pink look like they could be a hot fav with me... xx

Angela said...

I love all that is light blue and green...let me try! :-)

mckinkle said...

What a fab candy Jak, very generous, as always!

Thanks for asking the question as I have learnt so many more shades to try together!

My favs are:
ivory - blush for skin
primrose - pastel yellow for blonde hair
denim blue - pastel blue for jeans
all the cool greys for blacks

Am off now to have a play at some other combo's!

Keryn x

Anna said...

Markers, yay!!! :DDD
I never had the opportunity to try them, but i love light greens :)
Thanks for the chance!

nocidicoccole (at) gmail (dot) com

Elsina said...

I don't have any promarkers yet, so can't tell you which i would use to blend. Would love to try them!

Julia Hawes said...

Hi Jak
Haven't got any promarkers yet as Hubby just didn't get the huge hint what I wanted for my birthday! I've looked on your promarker colours and love the look of Slate and Amethyst.
Thanks for the chance of winning some.
Julia H

pattyr said...

Hi Jak

What a wonderful prize you are giving us the chance to win!
I dont have any promarkers so cannot comment. I did buy some copic pens, but they made my colouring in look like a 5 years old, so gave up. Would love to try promarkers.

Angela said...

I have been having a blast seeing what effects I get with opposite colours and blending. Reds with blues or yellows, greens with yellows and blues etc.
Thanks for a great blog, have learned a lot from your promarker techniques blog.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak. Love all your works been admiring them for ages . Just got a two packs of markers. & trying stamping ( as i adore yours) would love to have the chance to add some more Fingers crossed x Seveann

Unknown said...

Wow, what a great giveaway! I just starting trying to use copic but would love to give something else a try. I love to use many mediums. Skin tones and pinks would be my favorite. Just found you website today and love your stuff. I am going to teach a basic cardmaking class and am going off you for inspiration. Love your Christmas card.

Katie L Oakley said...

Love ProMarkers but need more practise with the blending! :)

Bee and Dee said...

Removed previous comment as it was incorrect. Wonderful blog candy, the two colours I like to blend are satin and sandstone. Thanks again for the blog candy Bee

Sonja said...

I like blending grays together.

What a great giveaway

Sonja x

Jan M said...

ihave been discovering the delights of using the blender pen with any other colour oh and of course the greys ! Loving the effects the greys make - why didn;t I try this before :oD

alanisy79 said...

Spero di essere ancora in tempo per partecipare a questo candy.....
Non posso rispondere alla tua domanda perchè non possiedo nessun mi piacerebbe veramente tanto poterli provare!!
Quindi incrocio dita di mani e piedi!!!
Grazie Alessandra

hlcarroll said...

Wow, I would love the chance to win, but I can't answer your question! Because *whispers* I have never used markers! But hopefully all that will change soon! Hannah xx (

Anonymous said...

Can you please please tell me if Promarkers are used in the same way as Pantone?

I have a few pantone and want more, but it is too expensive.. So I want to get pro markers..

PLease help!
And is it all made in UK?