Saturday 15 May 2010

Checking - Mo Manning Image

Checking was a freebie given by Mo on her facebook page which she will be doing from time to time click here to join her.

I tried to keep everything matching with this.

Card, pink, blue and Kraft, ribbon, button, Martha Stewart border punch, a pretty flower, promarkers to colour and a bit of love to bring it all together.

Attention to detail...

A blue mulberry rose and some punch craft leaves.

Adding a ribbon tied in a bow through a button and showing the scalloped edge made used a Martha Stewart border punch.


Merry said...

This is so beautiful....terrific colours and embellishments.

My'scardcorner said...

Just lovley I can think of a few people who this wouldsuit. Love the blues.

Rosietoes said...

Great card and love the colouring.
Edna x

Poppet said...

Beautiful card Jak. The colours look amazing together. :-) xx

Suzanne said...

This is lovely. I love that image - makes me feel like I'm not the only nutcase hooked on blogging, lol
Suzanne x

Tracy said...

This is great Jak, the colours are fab too, and that image is so wonderful to give to bloggers.
happy crafting
Tracy x

Sian said...

Great card, and lovely colour combination. Love the image it's fab!

Sheila - Ginger said...

WOW fabulous card Jak and great image...I imagine so many of us do that first thing in the morning! Lol!

Love Sheila xx

tracy said...

i was soooo gutted i missed this image, its great and its a pleasure to see the fabulous ways it has been used. again you have created a great card
t xxx

Mad Mary said...

Absolutely gorgeous Jak, i've missed the freebie but i may just have to buy it. I love it. Your colouring is spot on.

Mary x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak,
I was one of the lucky people to get the image when it was free but haven't done anything with it yet.
Looks like I will have a great time doing a bit of copying as yours is absolutely stunning.
I do love the colours you have used.

Unknown said...

This image is just like me since i've had my two ops - spent most of time in my PJ's (more comfy than clothes)- only this lady is a bit more glamorous LOL... its like me blogging and crafrakking!!!

Paula x x x

lin_ka1 said...

As I saw most of us :))))))

Karen Mortensen said...

Wowsa, what a gorgeous card! First time I have visited your blog and it's just lovely. Love your banner, the image really does look like you :-)

Anonymous said...

Jak, this is fab. I haven't used digi stamps before and don't usually do character stamps either but you the images by Mo have inspired me. Can I ask though, what card you use. I have bought some of Mo's now but I have coated card stock and inject printer, did you laser print at all? I just have to say you are an inspiration.x Julia.x

Jackie said...

fab card.. love the CA way of doing the background of image... Ive yet to play with this image. Brill x

Hazel (Didos) said...

Love this card and the image is brill, wonder how many of us Crafty peeps check our emails before getting organised in the morning!!! LOL Thanks for the inspiration, Hazelxo

Diane Louise J said...

Great card... love the image xx

Gez Butterworth said...

WOW! What a great card & what a great blog! I've landed here via the giant blog hop & so glad I did! Your creations are amazing. I just love your image & wonder where it's from? Please forgive my ignorance.
I look forward to calling again. Happy crafting. Gez.xx

Gez Butterworth said...

I've found her!!! sorry, for sounding so dim. :)