Friday, 26 June 2009

Blog Candy - Give Away (NOW CLOSED)

So what can you win? THIS CANDY IS NOW CLOSED
1 Holly border Stamp
1 Flower border Stamp
Remember When... Christmas series 1 decoupage
Remember When... Christmas series 2 decoupage
8 reels of satin ribbon
1 box of pretty flowers
4 Prima snow flowers
1 box of buttons and punch craft blossoms
1 sheet of self adhesive flat backed pearls

Leave a comment telling me which one of the La Pashe Decoupage is your favourite and why you can see the full range here.

If you have a blog leave a link to mine on it for the chance of others to win.

You have until Sunday 28th June 2009 at 6pm to add your comment.

The draw for the winner will be announced on Monday 29th June 2009 at 6pm.

Be sure to leave a comment that you will know is yours as there could be several people that share the same name as yours.
Good Luck


Daisycat said...

Mine is the flippin teenagers and the one I like best is the bay city roller teenager as this is my era.

Anonymous said...

I love the Remember when series in sepia and the new teenagers best... hope to see more of the RW series in the future.
Keep up the good work Jak.. cant wait to see whats next... regards JS

Greta said...

I love the Flippin Women especially Flippin Mornings - looks a bit like me lol Gretaxx

Anonymous said...

i like th flipping men, as sometimes it is difficult to make a card for men, i love all yout cards Jak

Bernice said...

Hahaha, Have an Ice Day is my favourite because I have a picture of my son in the exact same pose. Ice cream all over his face, sitting on a little stool.

lisa said...

I like the flippin women best Jak, I know so many people they remind me of.


Anonymous said...

Its got to be the Bay City Roller Flippin Teenage sheet as I was there - tartan around the denim jacket, scarf round my wrist 24/7 (much to my Mum's annoyance!), tape player at full blast in the park with my friends grooving to the beat. OH, THOSE WERE THE DAYS!!! (BIG SIGH AND SMILE WHILE I REMINISE) Thanks Jak for bring back so many happy memories - keep up the good work

My'scardcorner said...

I Like the Flippin men have used most of them and they are so helpful for mens cards which I hate doing:0)

Lilacanglia said...

Mine would have to be the flippin teenagers, as the hippy chic, bay city rollers, teddy boy, o how I miss them days,
Thanks for the memories, and the chance to win the fantastic candy,
off to leave a link on my blog for you,
Have a super weekend,

Anonymous said...

I really like all the Flippin' series. But I have to say that the Flippin' Women exercise ones are my favs. They really make me smile.


noa .d. said...

My favorite is "remember when..." especially series 2 - so cute :)

thank you for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I love Flippin Puddles the best. Reminds me of my Christopher.

Cazzy said...

I think I like the remember when series best, takes me back to my childhood and before probably!

I also love that flippin man on the toilet!

I will put a link on my blog.

Thanks for offering candy Jak,

Cazzy xx

Maureen said...

My favourite has to be Flippin teenagers and this is because of my two eldest kids who were teenagers around this time brings back some very sweet memories

Jenny V. said...

I like the Flippin' Kids images they are so adorable esp.the Birthday Bear Hugs. It remind me of my son holding his teddy bear all the time. But now he's 6yrs old he no long carry it around. Memories....


Angela Mclean said...

The Remember When Christmas decoupage packs are my absolute favourites. I made the most gorgeous scenes for my cards last Christmas using the doors/ fire and tree scenes. This year, I'm going to use the toy shop and also the snowman.
Thanks Jak!
Angela. xxx

Tertia said...

I love the flippin series! I think they are flippin cool.

Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! I've linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".
I like Remember When Decoupage!
Thanks for a chance to win!


Tiya-B said...

I like most of them but my favorites are the 1 trains, 2 airplanes and then sepia remember when 3 and 4.
I like the trains because they are my step dad's favorite theme and i use trains for birthday..etc cards.
The sepia remember when are begging to be added to something..

tracy said...

My favourite has to be the flippin teenagers! you look at them and you think of someone you know immediately and they take me back to so many fond memories such fun!
tracy x

Milliesmarvels said...

Hi there, I love the Flippin Women crafter. Is just like my Friend and made up into a fab fun card for her birthday.

Jan R said...

Flippin' Women for me Jak, I can think of so many ladies that they are suitable for!

Thanks for including me in your draw.

KazW said...

Hi Jak
I love your whole range but my fave has to be the Flippin' Teenagers, I can think of people for every single sheet.

mitch1066 said...

my personal favourite is the flippin peace from the flippin men set.It can be so hard to find good images for mens cards,especially ones that they will actually appreciate!

marguerite said...

Dressed to Imp-press is my favorite. It reminds me of when I was a child and dressed up in my mothers clothes. What a wonderful memory you have given me.

Anonymous said...

My favs are the flippin men. We have a lot more chaps than lasses in our family and I can alway find an appropriate 'man' to fit the occasion.


Sharon said...

I love happy bath day it's great thanks posted on my blog at

bissecat said...

The flippin rocker is funny .I post link to my blog.

tommo said...

i really like the 'flippin football' as it reminds me of my father in law.he loves football and used to coach football when he was younger.i'll be using it on his birthday card this year

Debbie said...

Hi Jak, thanks for the opportunity. My favourite are the flippin men. I was asked to make a card for a friend whose Dad is terminally ill. She couldn't find a card for the situation because he isn't getting better. She told me a little about him and added he had a sense of humour. I made the man on a toilet card. He absolutely loved it and even more that many others commented on it while he's in the Hospice. This is why I love making cards for others. Link is added to my blog. Debbie M.

Merry said...

Oh, I love them all, so clever. I really like the 'Remember When Series 2'. So cute and detailed. I have posted a link on my blog...great candy. Thanks.

Allison Cope said...

They're all so neat but I'd have to say I like the "Trucks" one since my husband works at a coal mine that uses all that equipment! Very cool!

Shepherdess said...

I love the Flippin' Teenagers especially Flippin' Roller, it reminds me of carefree times when I was a teenager. All the La Pashe range is brilliant, they stir so many memories for so many people, all I can say is keep them coming Jak.
Helen (aka Shepherdess)

louisa said...

It's flippin diet for me - How come grapes count as one of your five a day but wine doesn't?. Keep up the good work!

Tracy said...

Hello Jak,
I really love the Remember When series as they remind me of the tales my Grandma and my Mam told me. And I think they also keep the past here for us to see and so it's not forgotten.
I've put a link to your candy on my blog. I'm a follower anyway as I like to see all your wonderful creations.
Happy crafting
Tracy x

sheffsue said...

How can we decide which is our favourite?...think it has to be the "Remember When.." though.
Love all the La Pashe actually.
Thank you Jak for the chance to win some great candy.

Sue x

Cheryl said...

I love the Remember when series. It really takes you back to the good old times. Reminds me of my grandparents. Everything was simple and less stressful. I love anything nostalgic. Cheryl Rose

Danielle said...

I've got to go with the Flippin' Kids series, especially the Flippin' Little Monkey! I have so many friends who have kids and appreciate the cuteness of those designs in general. The Flippin' Little Monkey reminds me of my sister, back in the days when we used to hang upside-down on the monkey bars - she's definitely getting a Little Monkey card for her birthday this year!

Unknown said...

I will have to go with the "Flippin' Men". I just get a kick out of the way the men are portrayed and I sometimes joke to my husband that this is how I see him in about 20 years.

Anonymous said...

Judee Hanigan (
I love the Crafting Sheet as it looks just like my work desk and the piece of paper on her bottom reminds me so much of me trying to find that one 3d piece which has gone missing.

Bev said...

Wow what lovely Candy.
Mine Fav has to be the flippin teenagers. Fav one is the teddy boy. Reminds me of my dad. And he would have loved it as a birthday card if he was still with us. Bay city rollers one is my next fav, And I will be making a card with that one for my Aunt as she was a BIG fan of them.

Danielle said...

I love the Remember When Series, probably because I Do remember when.

My second favorite is the Flippin Women range and finally the Flippin Kids.

The men are wonderful but I can't reall use them here in Canada. They are a little too British for me... lol

The teens are wonderful,I can't wait to use them.

georgina said...

i love flippin peace best as it reminds me of my dad who used to retire to the "library" to read his paper in peace,brings other memories along with it,luv georginaxx

carole hind said...

carole hind
I like transport the trains make me remember back when my son was little he is 23 now. he loved thomas the tank engine. then when he was about 17 he had a weeks holiday off work and decide he would go and visit my mam. she lives near retford. he would get the train.he set off on the train from chester le street was suposed to get off and change trains at durham but never. anyway train came to a stop I dont know where neither did he. no one left on train dead end. was told he would have to get off there. he said i am going to retford no you will have to get a train to darlington then catch another train to doncaster then that will take you to redford. well it went on and on his first train he got was 4pm he landed in lincoln at 11.30pm my auntie lived there at the time so she picked him up. he never got to my mams till the next day. so every year for his birthday he gets cards with trains on from all the family. he now lives in scotland and gets trains all the time to come home on visits. You can see all the designs because you designed them and sell them keep up the good work jak hope you are well. from carole xx

Baukje said...

I have to say flippin' teenagers has to be my favourite, there is one there for every era.

Anne said...

Hi Jak I love the Flippen Mud Lark,it reminds me of when my brother was little and ate a worm Ughh

Cyprus Anne

Germaine Ferrao -Lenn said...

I like the Flippin"Women, all of them... and I do like your artwork! TFS and having this great blog candy! Hugs always!

syy said...

I love the 'Remember when' series which make me feel quite nostalgic and bring back many fond memories.
The pit head scene - I used to stay with my auntie and often played in the pit yard (not allowed). Also the train scene - my father was an engine driver and originally drove steam trains - he used to take me to the loco to see these – the boys in my school class were quite envious.

Sylvia (syy)

Anonymous said...

Oh Jak it is soooo hard to choose a favourite!! They all have great themes and are just so suitable for all occasions. I think I probably use the flippin women the most - all the characters look just like my mates, lol, and I have been able to make some great cards that have been really appreciated and 'wow'd' over. The blog candy looks awesome!


Andycrafter said...

This is difficult as I love them all and to choose just 1 makes it a challenge but I think my favourite is Contemplations, man on toilet, closley followed by the Have a Ball. lovely give away.

Mags said...

A difficult choice as I like them all. I think the Remember When series is my favourite, probably because I am a bit "vintage" myself!

I hadn't seen the transport decoupage before - can see that being a favourite too as all the men in the family are either train or car enthusiasts!


Mad Mary said...

Oh Jak, you are such a generous lady. I love most of the ranges but the Flippin Women are my personal favourites. I have made a few cards for workmates with these sheets and they have loved their cards.

Mary xx

Kraftyaunt said...

They are all my favorites:-> But the Flippin' Women especially spoke to me!! Thanks for such a great giveaway..

Julie Smith said...

The Flippin' Women series is my absolute fave - if I had to choose one overall it would be the gardening as I love the bunny pinching the carrot. Another would be the diet one as that just sums up so many ladies I know, me included! Thanks for the opportunity to win some fab candy. I have posted a link on my blog

Anonymous said...

Flippin' Women for sure! And thank you very much for this generous giveaway!
Eileen in NYC

Anonymous said...

I loved Flippin Craftin and love all of the Flippin Women. There are some pretty neat ones. Will be looking at all of them.
Linda Peterson

Sue said...

Hi Jak, my favourite is 'The Flippin Men' range,i especially like the man on the beer barrell.It reminds me of hubby :)

Have left a link for your candy on my sidebar:)


AngMac said...

My favorite has to be the Remember When series 6 - everytime I look at those sheets I picture my grandma - she used to chat over the wall - cook us fab dinners - and her sideboard was her pride & joy!!! Oh what memories!!
Angie Mac x

Starr said...

My favorite are the Remember When series 6 because of the variety and the memories of my childhood that it brings back. Starr

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

Hi Jak, my favourite is The Transport Decoupage - it is love my son. Thanks for the opportunity to win some fab candy. I've a link on my sidebar.

Carole RB said...

Hi Jak
I had a hard time to choose just one decoupage sheet. In each category there's something really interesting. But since I have to choose only one it would be: "Lovely Bubbly!". Because it's a set wich I could make a card for most of my friends, it wouldn't be too specific.

Thanks a lot for a chance to win!

Anonymous said...

My favorite is Remember When Series 1 Xmas(Chriatmas) because those were my Christmas memories!
Sorry no blog but I'll tell friends about your tasty treats!
Hugs from Michigan,

andria said...

Hi there Jak, My ultimate favorites would have to be the teenager n kids series as I can really relate to all of them with my children and grand kids, love them heaps and thoroughly enjoy making the cards with them, and thank you so much for giving me the chance to add to my small collection of craft items with your beautiful blog candy the Christmas series looks awesome...take care and have a wonderful week huge huggles and from andria

auscrafts said...

My favourite has to be Remember When Decoupage no particular image they've all come in handy for my scrapbooks
I use them mainly for heritge Scrapbooking as well as cards

Rose said...

I love the 'Remember When" series. It's nostalgic. Oh how it brings back memories.

Anne said...

Love the Flippin Women best and also the Remember When (Sepia). The Flippin Women are very suitable to those of us of a certain age! Thanks for the chance to win your great candy. I've linked you to my sidebar xx

Jan M said...

I just love the flippin women range as so many could be me (or my friends !!) Flippin diet is THE one tho lol Keep up the good work Jak - the series is great
Jan M xx

Anonymous said...

I just love the Remember When
Christmas Series 1 and 2

I love the old time Christmas scene
How everything was having fun and window shopping

thanks for a great give away
sincerely, terrie

Rachel B said...

I am lovin the Transport Decoupage with the Trains images. My son is a train fanatic and this is something I could use for a scrapbook page for my little conductor!
Rachel B

Anonymous said...

My favorite is the Flippin Man sitting on the toilet because every time my mom asked my dad to do something he always said he was going to the library to read the newspaper and as soon as he was finished he would do what ever my mom ask him to do

Tracy said...

I love the flipping Bare decopauge, it is just so cute! I just love babies with bare bottoms, love all the rolls! Thanks for this chance to win.

Karen said...

The Flippin' Men are my fav's. I think they suit any man in any family.
Thank you for your generosity. Wish me luck !

my link is here.


Love Karen Preston x

Francesca said...

hi Jak

Great candy, my favourite is the flippin kids ,they all remind me of different kids i know, so everytime i look at the sheets i end up smiling

thanks for the chance to win
i have put a link on my blog

Francesca x

Nannieflash said...

Hi Jak, my own personal favourite range in the La Pashe Decoupage range is the Flippin Women, I love them all but this one is definately my favourite. Im now of to leave a post one my blogspot Many thanks for the chance to win such gorgeous blogcandy. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

Anne said...

Fabby candy Jak, thanks for the chance to win
I'll leave a link on my candy bar for you
Anne x

janet said...

I love the flippin women and have just made the Bingo Lady for my mum's 89th birhday (on 24th june).
She was so thrilled with it, that she took it to bingo and it was passed all around the hall.
My mum lives in Sydney, Australia, so it must be one of the best travelled flippin women images!!!
Thanks for the inspiration and help jak, Janet (janetannc)

Janet said...

My absolute favourite is the Horse Riding decoupage in Flippin Women - the sight of that huge backside either side of the horse makes me laugh a lot. I should say I am a horserider and have seen this sight at many a show!

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Jak, what lovely blog candy you have on offer. I have used many of your sheets but I think my favourite has to be one of the Flippin Women – the lady eating her salad with a gorgeous cream cake behind her back!!!.

I’d certainly like to be in with a chance of winning your blog candy so here is the link to my blog advertising your blog candy

Best wishes

Kym aka Pintsizeholly on Joanna Sheen’s Forumxxx

Lesley Harridence said...

Hi Jak
My favourite set is the Flippin Men, the one I love is "Flippin Peace" it takes me back to when I was a child when we used to have an outside toilet. My Dad used to take his newspaper and say "I'm going for some peace and quite", I never understood why he took his newspaper, and why he never brought any peace and quiet back? I know now,ha ha. Ahhh the beauty of childhood. Thanks for bringing back such happy memories.
Kind regards Lesley H

Anonymous said...

Has to be the Men's one - making men's cards is much harder then women's and children's.

Susan W

Barbara said...

the flippin woman particularly the bingo set... it brings a smile to my face b/c of the many people who it reminds me of. Thanks for the blog candy. hope you have a great weekend

Denise Kincaid said...

Mine is the Flippin WOmen, especially the Flippin Mornings. I guess I like it best because the older I get the more that set seems to match me first thing in the morning.

Tanya said...

Nice candy! Thanks for the chance to win. I`ve linked on my sidebar. U R welcome to my blog

My favorite series "Flippin teenagers" - very actualy now :)
and "Flippin' Yoga" - yoga it's my life...
Thanks and hugs...

Nikki said...

Hi These stamps are so Flippin' Kewl love the Flippin Men how perfect are these for the men in our lives Love them :)
I have posted your Candy
Here in my sidebar
Thanks You For the Chance
Huggs ♥ Nikki C ♥

Anonymous said...

My favourite at the moment, (this can change) is Flippin Women. I love the bubble bath one, it's so versatile.


Carole Shehata said...

Hi Jak Got to say my favourite is the sepia colliary from the remember when series 1. It depicts an old miner looking on and it says a thousand words about age taking away the ability to work and losing all that goes with it.
Our grandchildren won't really know what a colliary looks like in years to come

Unknown said...

i like the flipping twist decoupage the best, but i love all the teenager range as the suit everybody. i hadn't seen this range before and will definately look out for it in the future.

laure et pascal said...

thanks for this blog candy
i really like all the Flippin' series.
Here's my link :

Glittertastic said...

I love the Flippin' Men range. The traditional 'flat cap and whippets' styling of them is ideal for dads and grandads.

Carol said...

I love the Sepia images. I think the Sweet Shop is my favourite.
As a child I remember our local sweet shop was like this, but a bit dark and gloomy inside. When you entered a bell rang and an elderly lady with bright red hair appeared from her adjoining sitting room. I was always a bit scared of her, but I can't think why!
Carol Cyprus

Anonymous said...

Hi Jak

Mines the Remember When Series and transportation with the steam trains. I remember when I was little I was always having to go and watch them with dad when away on holiday in Wales and being bored. Now years later when my dad's no longer around, I am darwn to steam trains and they brings back loving,fond and happy memories of the times I spend with my dad in my childhood. You are an inspiration to us all.


Anonymous said...

I like all of them but I have in mind to do a card with the Gothic teenager....

Linda said...

So hard to pick a favourite as they are all fabulous. But if I had to pick one is the Remember When one with the man standing at the bar with the barmaid. Although the images aren't like me and OH, it brings back fond memories of how we met, me working behind the bar and him a customer.

Just off to put a link on the Palace Noticeboard.

Barbara said...

I like the Remeber When series becuase I am old fashioned at heart and these pictures remind me of how things used to be.


Cally said...

I love the flipping kids series. They remond me so much opf my boys when they were you.


Kimbo said...

My favorite is Flippin Women - something for everything there and I just love the Cuttlebug. KImbo x

Dianne said...

I came across your blog just in a nick of time. It is hard to choose a favorite - I like them all. I guess my favortie would be the flippin men - it is great for grandfathers and men.

I have linked you on my blog.

I am also giving away blog candy if anyone is interested.

My Paper Hugs

Sheena F said...

For me it would be Flippin' Mornings' from the Flippin' Women! I am so not a morning person!!

Thanks fro the chance to win Jak. Love your blog.

Sheena F

Denta said...

It is hard to choose a favorite but I liked the most "Have a Carefree Day" -it shows me...
thanks for this blog candy!!!