As soon as I saw this little beauty complete with instructions and a template on Nichole Heady's blog I new it would be a project in the making for me.
My youngest Daughter Natalie is still at home with us and although she is 17 she still likes to have an advent calendar although she hides it out of sight not to look soft.
The house is a perfect alternative to hiding the advent Calendar what could be nicer than 25 of these little houses hanging from the Christmas tree & each one filled with a favorite chocolate and the doors numbered from 1 to 25.

As you can see I only glued down one side of the roof as I figured a Thornton's Chocolate would fit into the house just nicely.
1 down only another 24 to make.
Oh Jak, how cute is this? What a brilliant idea to use it instead of an advent calender too!
I do hope you start to feel better very soon.
Brilliant idea Jak. Hope you're feeling a bit better now.
Jak another stunning piece of art from you.
Hope you are starting to feel a bit better.
Fabulous Advent Calender Jak.....also sending you hugs xxxx
This is fantastic and a huge thank you for sharing the link. Now how many Thorntons chocs could you fit in one little house?
Jak, what a cute idea! I love how yours turned out. I'm sure your daughter will love it, too!
Oh Jak, I downloaded this template and instructions from Nichole's blog, too; but I'm not as quick as you - haven't even thought of making it up yet. Your's is fantastic.
What a fantastic idea, brilliant
Beryl x
Fabulous Advent Calender Jak.
Love Kath x x x
That is an adorable little house! And what a clever idea for an advent calendar!
~ Pam ;)
Fabulous Jak, it is so cute.
Thanks for the link, I might have a go too, although I doubt it will be as nice as yours.
This is really pretty Jak and a really nice idea xxx
Hope you are feeling better today xxx
Jak its just so cute, my grandaughter Emma is your Natalie's age and she still loves her advent calenders.
Think she would love this
Norma x
This is so cute Jak. I think both versions are gorgeous but the white looks so much more Christmassy. I don't think I would manage 25 but even a couple as tree ornaments would be lovely.
Lovely idea Jak and it is so cute.
Do hope you feel better real soon.
What a great idea Jak, something so different from the usual advents. Well done.
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