Saturday, 25 January 2014

Jack Update

A few of you had mentioned that you hadn’t seen Jack for a little while, well I can tell you he is a very busy lad these days, schooling is keeping him out of mischief and he loves it.

We picked him up from School last Friday and he was thrilled to see us, it was the first time we had collected him from school so it was lovely.

On Tuesday evening I left work and went straight to collect him as his Mam had to go to work so he was having his Tea with us and then we were to take him home and put him to bed and wait for his Mam coming home.

We were having a roast pork dinner and we sat around the dinner table that he prepared with placemats and knives, forks and condiments (he loves little jobs) and we chattered away, we spoke about dinosaurs which he is very knowledgeable about and then went on to chatting about tusks and how Rhino horns are made from the same substance as hair.

Once the table was cleared and dishes done he played catchy around the table with Granda until Granda went dizzy ha ha!

The Chris had to go to the station “I know” he’s supposed to be retired but things crop up and he had to go along, of course Jack went with him and as the lads were doing their training Jack stepped in as Chief and gave them their orders.


Isn’t he just adorable?

Jak Signature


hollis58 said...

He's so adorable Jak - I could squidge him x

Mad Mary said...

Thanks for the wee update on Jak, i agree he's so adorable. A gorgeous wee man. Fab scrapbook page once more.

Mary xx

Sue from Oregon said...

Yes, makes a Gwamma proud...such a darling page. I was just thinking today that I need to scrap some of my recent memories of my boys too! Thanks for the inspiration!

jem (jane elizabeth middleton) said...

lovely update. My uncle was a fire man , we loved to visit the station as children but I was always to scared to go down the pole . My uncle was in a really bad fire at a warehouse , they breathed in some terrible chemicals , he died in his early 50's , he was a lovely brave man , all firemen are hero's .

Dawn said...

I love this photo & the way you have scrapped it! Great to see the wee man again! He's growing up fast!
Dawn xx

Maryann Laursen said...

Oh yes, he sure is adorable Jak, and your LO of him is too. I hope, I can learn something from you now about scrapping boys, as I´m finally having my first grandson here in May after we´ve had 7 girls now over the last 19 years, so think, it´s about time, we get a boy too, but boy I´m a bit worried, if I can find out to make anything for a boy now, as all I can think is girly, and I feel completely empty for boys ha ha.
Have a wonderful sunday Jak.

Wendy L said...

So cute. Great page. Xxx

Linda Simpson said...

Fabulous layout Jak, he sure is a cutie and growing so quick too.

Hugs Linda xxx

Wilma Knottenbelt said...

He is adorable and your update about him just touched my heart. Grandchildren are so special and my two live in the UK, while I live in SA. I am sure you enjoy every moment with him.

Cheryl W. said...

Jack is such a gorgeous boy, and it's always fun to hear about him and see photos. Wonderful layout!

Sandra H said...

Oh this is so adorable you must be so proud xx

Sandra H said...

Oh this is so adorable you must be so proud xx

heidy said...

Look at him he's so adorable Jak!!
XXX Heidy

Andrea said...

what a great page and thanks for sharing your update he is so cute and looks ace in that outfit !
Andrea x

Tammy said...

Sounds like a wonderful time had by all! Such a treat to step into his granddad's shoes and be the chief!

My'scardcorner said...

He surely is Jak enjoy.