Thursday 1 August 2013

Preparing for next week at Create and Craft

Prep prep and more prep, that is the name of the game today.

My design team are amazing and have pulled out all stops to get me ready for the shows.

It is going to be packed with Christmas fun.


I hope you can join me, I have 6 shows over 2 days.


I hope that I have enough demos ready.





Maryann Laursen said...

I´m sooo looking forward tpo see your demo´s there JAk. They´re usually sooo fun and always generate such a good laugh, which is awesome, and I´m also looking forward to see, what you have in your sleeves for us there and see the great demos too.
And don´t worry, I´m sure, you´ll do just great with those you have prepped already.

Mad Mary said...

Ohhhhhhhh i can't wait to see this Jak, i love the Wrinklies so this is a must have!! I am sure all your demo's will be fantastic!!

Mary x

Joyce said...

Can't wait!!! xxx

XxJULESxX said...

Oh Great stuff Jak! i am looking forward to it!

JaniceinLincs said...

I'm really looking forward to seeing the demo's - you are always so clear when you describe what you are doing - so helpful. Love the Wrinklies, and can's wait to see this new set! Hope the kitchen will be almost done!

Jan xx

Unknown said...

hi I am sure the show will be great as always- hope it will be a good day for both of us. love mam xx