Thursday, 4 April 2013

Create and Craft Today

La Pashe Ltd

They're back in stock
and back on the box!

The Wrinklies

Back on Create & Craft

Thursday 4th April at 12pm and 6pm

So tune in and join me.

 Sky 671 | Freeview 36 | Freesat 813 or

watch live from your PC here

I have some fabulous demo’s prepared for you.

Huge Value CD & Die-Cut Decoupage



Jak Signature


doreenj said...

Must record the show as I'm out with friends today; can see a lot of my friends on this CD!!!!

Doreen x

Maryann Laursen said...

I was soo lucky to get it the first time and I simply LOVE it, and it´s certainly worth to go for, if any of you still have any doubts. It´s absolutely outstanding and soo funny too. I will also watch the shows today to get even more great ideas for these beauties, that´s for sure.

Dawn said...

WooHoo! Have fun Jak! Hope I can tune in & catch some of the shows!
Dawn xx

Linda Simpson said...

Have fun and will be watching :)

Linda xxx

Victoria said...

Just ordered the wrinklies cd rom set and had to have the best of la pashe too! Great prices and fab demos, looking forward to getting mine and having a play.

Jo Rice said...

Hi Jak, brilliant shows and I have to say you look fab today....a brilliant advert for cycling....hugs, Jo. X

Mad Mary said...

Watched and recorded both fab shows Jak. Love the top you had on too.

Mary xx